Seed of rebirth is useless on a slann, as regen and ward do not stack in 8th. plaque of dominion is VERY expensive for 1500 pts. The enemy is...
First off-yes you do need 25%. As per the rules, Core needs to be at least 25% of the army. Currently, yours is not. That said, you still have...
I disagree-seeing the pts of a unit is helpful, as with all those upgrades, its hard to judge it just looking at the unit size. Being able to see...
Nope, can't ever add any weapons effects together in general, especially not magic ones. So because of that, I would reconsider the sword of...
Its your discretion really. There is no requirement to make them removable, but if you want to, the 2 possible ways I would do it are as follows:...
Yeah, ASF = I11 In either list, it will probably do you better to convert some of those skirmishers to ranks skinks, and then put the krox in...
First off-take the giant blade over tzunki. 5 pts less, and you get +3 S, which means the only thing that gets armor saves is 1+, being modified...
All of GWs fantasy bases are done with graveyard earth rims. Myself, I have only ever done black, but haven't done any fantasy armies either......
Really like the vivid colors you used for the blue and orange. Very cool. Also didn't realize the point of the holes till it was pointed out....
You can only throw 6 dice from the power pool at a spell. Things that generate dice after you've picked up the dice you are using can go over...
Your wording isn't clear, but if you meant to imply that the lvl 1 skink makes it go off on a 2+, that is incorrect. The enemy rolls against his...
You would need a full back rank, or at least more than 2, to protect the slann. It works that if the back rank is uneven, you count every exposed,...
Buy just the Island of Blood rulebook online. I bet you can find it on ebay going for 15-20 USD. Or if you have friends or people in your gaming...
Right off the bat, your chameleons are not priced correctly. They should be 78 with the stalker, though I wouldn't bother with the stalker as you...
Somewhat nitpicking as its only 5 pts, but can gleaming pennant work on a model with the BSB? I though you could never reroll a reroll?
Not to mention it seems to me having a champ in the TG lets him step up and protect the slann from challengers, and thus keep his LD for the unit...
Actually, you can only have 2 duplicates in Rare, 3 duplicates in Special. So 2x2 for the sallies. I'm not sure how you got a horned one on your...
Ah right...still, with S10, not gonna be hard to wound. Actually the way I described it, would have resulted in more chances to roll 1's and save...
So let me see if I got this correct. Cannonball bounces and hits stegadon w/ character riding: stegadon takes d6 s10 hits, the 4 skink crew take...
Is the scar vet gonna be riding with the cold one cav? If so, why spend the pts on the horned-one. Its benefits are-+1M, I and no stupidity. +1M...