Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad everyone seems to like the model. As for the "Sail", I had originally wanted to change it, but since this...
Glad you liked it. I did actually cut the tail off and made a curled tail with green stuff. I left the wood bare for two reasons. 1.) I liked...
Sorry about the thread necromancy, but, . . . . . I made a custom Oxayotl with a plastic Skink and some green stuff. [attach] [attach]
I'm still looking for all kinds of Stegadon Pics. Even WIP pics. I'm expecially interested in getting my hands on some pics of the Lord choices...
Looks like your Stegadon is coming along nicely! I'll keep an eye on it to see how it progresses. It sounds like the first issue of the ezine...
So, I'm almost done writing my article on Stegadons now. I was wondering, does anyone have pictures of their own Stegadons they would like to...
I buy all my paints, brushes, and other hobby supplies from my LGS. But the models are just too expencive to buy without looking for a discount...
Try this guy. I've done business with him a couple of times now and he has always been very helpful....
Since I plan to write a little article on the different Stegadon Builds, I figured I would approach the community to gain the insights of other...
It was an ebay seller. I spent a about 15minutes looking for the auction in my feedback, but it was old enough that the auction link no longer...
Here is the link to the runnings stores website: It dosnt have the toys pictured, but it...
$28 each? Ouch! I got my hands on three bundles not too long ago, each bundle had two Terradon Riders and one Tictacto for about $35. I'm...
Check my sig. There is a link to a "Tactics Database" that has a lot of useful stuff.
What kind of restrictions?
The stats are already in the book, I just need a model to represent him since GW dosnt currently make a model for him.
I agree with everyone above. They are cheap and a lot of opponents dont see them as much of a threat until its too late. Here are a couple of...
There is a lot of great things on the sprue. Every one has two extra Skinks (Extra Chiefs & Priests, the regular Skinks can be added to hunting...
I'm converting a regular skink to make mine. Here is how I'm going to do it:...
Yeah, they had a couple of fanatics, they even did a little damage (He got to release 2 of them, I think he had about 6-8 total). But once one...
I went up against an all Night Goblin army once at 2500pts My army consisted of 4 Stegadons (EotG, Warspear, Steg, & Ancient Steg), 3 Skink/Crox...