Heh, he means 172 of the small rulebook from the Island of Blood set, which is p. 500 in the big rule book you are looking in. The Spells and...
Huh, well waddya-know! Thanks, I missed that. I do wish that GW would learn from games like Warmachine and Magic the Gathering, and do a better...
Focus is a good suggestion, I may try it out, thanks :) For the record, I created a priority list of spells, so that no matter what I rolled, I...
Ya, I think I agree. I was playing with a scar vet before, but wanted to try out my priest on foot model I painted :p I will keep tweaking. Robin
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! I appreciate it. I will likely add to my Lizzies at some point, I will definitely update when I do. I...
Sorry... that was I typo, I meant I also like Lore of Light :) (I have edited the original post) Thanks for the tip on the mounted scar vet. I...
This list applies to the army I have just finished (you can view full pics here). I am still tweaking things, including which Lore I take (I have...
So this summer I started my first warhammer fantasy army, choosing Lizardmen. In all fairness, I did choose to do them before 8th was released,...