Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) thesecondman - I completely agree with you about Huanchi's - the unit already has issues with...
Hey Strewart - I've also had good luck with the Vallejo inks as replacement for GW's inks, although I echo your comments about thickness - they do...
Vallejo Games line is specifically designed to mimic GW paints - you can find charts online that tell you what VG color equates to which GW color,...
WheelR - if you mean the skaven pelts that the scarvet is sitting on, they come from the metal mounted coldblood mini. Slannfrog - what did you...
Re: How to Handle Cheese (Updated: July 1st, '09) The point about being able to laugh at your setbacks is a good one, but I'd even take it a bit...
The bark is a fantastic idea for rocks - the texture really gives you a great rock-like appearance when its drybrushed. Congrats on a great idea...
Try the C'tan Support Group:
Fer is right, there are no bases in the Steg kit, but assuming you have some spare bases kicking around (and really who doesn't?) it shouldn't be...
Unless I'm mistaken the Sotek priest is one hell of a conversion. Standard skink plastic body, empire wizard serpent staff, and I'm guessing some...
Not to mention the enchanted shield in your first list - lose it and spend the points somewhere else. I don't have any useful ideas other than...
These are by "Shas'El Tael", he's a moderator on and a veritable legend among Tau players for his insane conversions and...
Thanks for clearing that up. Its a great mini, but 30 pounds sterling is a bit steep...
Too bad he's going to be redone. I see this guy and immediately think of a conversion mounting the BSB on a stegadon....
Not quite. That's what I thought at first too, but the standard isn't the same - it looks much cooler than the old one. Here is a link to a...
Yeah that's the one. I should have just put a picture in the OP instead of creating confusion. o_O Sorry. Good catch on the spikes being...
Thank you for the reply Craken. I meant a different standard bearer. (The guy with the big stone one is amazing and its too bad he won't be...
Hi folks, I am new to collecting Lizardmen, and am reading through the various discussions on this board to get a sense of how to proceed. On...