a unit of pure krox would operate similar to my OnG rivertrolls(except then have a scaly skin save instead of regen), which is to hammer the...
if he wants a skink army then the battalion box wont be a good choice, it only has 12 skinks. the saurus and CoC wont be in his army list and the...
it comes with 20 saurus warriors, 12 skinks and the rest were correct. the CoC arent any good, temple guard arent great right now unless you get...
spears are only good if you want to accept the charge(extra rank of supporting attacks) but HW and Shield will give you the 6+ parry save. 1....
more saurus or another steg(bow or pipes) IMO
i would say a slann, 2 boxes of saurus and a box of TG(intsead of the battalion) and a steg or 2. that'll give you 2 big saurus blocks, a slann...
OK should move up 1 or 2. i've seen OK armies that have placed pretty higher(top 5) in tourneys, granted ogres cost alot of points a piece and...
i was considering in a high enough point game using 3 stegs, one with either a priest w/ EoTG or a Chief w/ war spear, and the other 2 with giant...
animosity now has only a 1:36 of causing a unit to deal the str3 hits to a friendly unit, everything generally got cheaper across the board except...
Re: 1000 Points, Lizardmen Versus High Elves [Update, 2/12/2011] its nice to see an all skink army stand up to HE like that. im thinking of...
I've been thinking of making an all skink army similar to the NG themed O&G army i have(many due to so many people picking them up cause of the...
camo skinks are definitly more effective, especially since you'll have them deployed 12" away from your opponent. my only concern would be if...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...( More Terrain ) nicely done as always
i've been playing catch up with the past few editions...i believe i stopped playing at 6th edition :rolleyes:
looks alot better, keep the mus and sb on the 2 units of 20 saurus, they should do pretty well. those 5x4 blocks should tear through skaven no...
your slann should dominate your magic phase and you could use the skink priest for los if i remember correctly, most people take lore of life or...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...( Temple Guard Comand ) the main question is what you used for the basing on the terrain, it has a very...
having half of your points in 3 models is pretty risky, especially considering that the TG unit is fairly low compared to what most people will...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...( Temple Guard Comand ) WOW....i just read the entire blog and that is my one word to sum it up...wow....
so they were basically there to balance everything out, which brings me to my original point in a more philosophical point of view. once they...