Looks interesting. I would drop the temple guard. Probably won't be able to keep up with the slann anyway. Beef up the warriors. Maybe give some...
New FAQ says no. The crew fire the weapon.
You have a slann, so I would say temple guard should be the next unit. Need to fill out core. What point level are you looking to play at? A...
Nice list. I have created similar lists. I think you need to get some magic weapons on the characters. Ethereal is a thing and you have nothing...
Necromancy is for curse of years. Hope to reduce toughness for the saurus blocks.
Here is a 2000 point list concentrating on magic missiles. Have 5 bound MM spells plus what the wizards end up with. The slann can pick another...
I actually have run big buses of cold one riders. Have like 9-13 plus 2 to 3 characters. They seem to do really well for me. Maybe a bit pricey,...
Because it isn't the same rule. If the LM book said "Supporting attacks benefit from PF" then it would override the BRB. And really, the army...
I believe it falls under the exception of having no choice over which spells the mage knows. In this case, the regular wizard can roll his four...
To revise my previous post, though it is true that two slann can't have loremaster in high magic, one could and the other have just 4 spells. So...
Two slann can't both have focus of mystery as each discipline is once per army. Otherwise, very nice.
I used to run the unit with the gleaming pendant. Made failing a stupidity test very rare.
That was the game. And your memory is awesome seeing as you actually remember the hat I was wearing. I wouldn't have been able to come up with...
2010 Size matters tournament. LM vs LM.
I will be there for my 5th time. And if I recall correctly, the first game I ever played at Adepticon was vs. LizardJeff.
I have started going back and playing my wood elf army. Not nearly competitive, but it is more fun.
Once the last handler is dead, the remaining beast unit must take a leadership test. If passes, continue as normal. If failed roll on the monster...
Any unit of 3 or more, I don't bother with the extra handlers. Rarely do I eat that many. A unit of 2 I might buy one or two extra, depending on...
Not really new. That is how it has worked since the new edition came out. It is unique and hard to grasp to start with. Heck, half the time I...
Handler placement is irrelevant. You can place them 12 inches to the right if you like. There is no correct place to put them. They are just wound...