i agree with the hunted about the temple guard and the skink skirmishers part but what i don't undurstand is why your saurus warriors only have a...
Slann Mage-Priest Focus Of Mystery The Focused Rumination Soul Of Stone Cupped Hands Of The Old Ones BSB Skink Priest Level 2...
about the kroxigors : I'd say they are much more fragile cause you can't put them BEHIND skinks and then charge through them. atleast that is what...
skink should be in units of 10 because they are more easy to hide behing something and are mostly to sacrefice so they should be as cheap as...
Welcome, now for business saurus with spears are realy worth the extra cost and for the command it is realy personal preference. i always field...
maybe you don't like the idea but how about no magic... if he has tons of dispel dice why even bother take an oldblood that ( almost ) always...
no need to say sorry eagle i didn't say he needed to play magic he wanted to fight at range so i gave him the advice he asked for and ur right...
first of all if you just have the battalion you can't make big changes to this list but it looks good if you just started warhammer but what i...
looks nice if you play with a hell lot of skinks but im not sure about the skink chiefs magic weapon with his I he is going to strike first anyway...
looks pretty good epacially if your partner gets the magic defence you need but i would give the scar-vet a weapon even if it is just a spear...
well 1000 points magic heavy is very hard against orcs and goblins because they are very cheap when it comes to priests. so your probebly better...
uhh lol ranged with lizardman that is almost impossible ( or realy lame ) but you could go magic heavy if you want and futher it is hard to give...
oh with those rules i think you got a solid list and thanks for the link BTW.
no offense but could you please check your grammer more some mistakes isn't realy annoying but what you type is hard to read. but maybe it's just me.
its harder to help ya out if you type ''magic item'' instead of the items name and i see that your hero has no armour may i know why?
i guess that maybe your magic defense is a little low even with the diadem and scroll you have no chance against a heavy magic list and the...
for your list i advise ditching the sally and adding terradons and putting your chief on one it with a spear such a flying unit will probably...
i think you should get some more saurus so u can place 2 blocks of 20 and about the skinks 20 should be enough under 3000 ( if you don't put them...
take a look at the max amount of lords - heroes choices that can't be right
skink javelins do NOT get the same panelty's as the blowpipes ( not for moving an shooting nor long range )