I prempt this in a don't have and skin in this fight outside of open Gaslighting from GW. But of I remember correctly the old collective visions...
Bastiladon with solar engine doesn't seem that bad to me. Its no longer as good as double firing chaff clearing but it has the power to remove...
Came for the rumours, ended up reading a debate about Gender in a race that is birthed magically from pools and half the time are just memories...
So this update doesn't not represent the kroak in fluff and then fact that an 18 wound model can actually die (however low the chance) is the most...
Well the community website reveal today was dissapointing for Kroak, everyone else make me think they are going to be good. Kroaks- he's old and...
Really dissapointed in this warhammerfest and AOS 3 I haven't even managed to play AOS 2 yet.
Makes kroak sound like a chump. Seraphons entire mission is to stop chaos so the oldest and wisest one basically destroys a realm and gives chaos...
GW must have something against lizards even vamps are getting new AOS models and id argue there range is already pretty.
Like the skinks but that Saurus is the same pose as the bloodbowl ones... Overall im a bit underwhelmed which is a shame because the bar had been...
Its amazing how the points mentioning kroak is OP all quote a combination using multiple warscrolls balewind+guards and then try and compare him...
Why put politics into the Hobby, you say lefties are ignorant, look at the tactics employeed by the right and see where they came from. Luckily in...
All these teir comments. Turn up have a few pints with your buddies and play a fun story driven game, dont worry about all that tourney stuff....
To me they look in motion lunging foward to bite as well as hit, while i agree they would look funny if most other races the beastial nature of...
This is not mine randomly found it while searching lizardmen bloodbowl team but this shows GW really missed the ball with the lizards release, i...
Do people just not like having okay units and want them FAQd so the can complain. Why does the Basty need a FAQ, surely the people arguing...
Ive already changed my bases back to square to play fantasy with a few friends... Seraphon seem to be the SOB of AOS
No they do it on purpose to make you constantly have to update your collection or buy new armies. Its basic business, keep creating a need for...
I find contrast works well for lizards, Contrast base Dry brush base colour Highlight Its how i plan to crack out my base units, and then i can...
So played 2 games yesterday. Game 1 vs a mixed WOC and deamons list. Went how i expected. I was able to kill any flankers and keep his fateweaver...
After much messing around, im looking at the below, its worth noting a few house rules will be in effect including miscast only being on a double...