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AoS Azyr Comp and Summoning

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Killer Angel, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    In the rules and clarifications of Azyr Composition system, it says:
    "Summoning – unless specified by the spell, summoning only allows the summoning entity to bring on other units, not heroes or monsters"

    What do they mean?
    Of course in the spell it's always specified that you can.
    For example EotG counts as hero and monster, and it says "Slann Wizards know the Summon Engine of the Gods spell".

    So what?
    Any help will be appreciated, tnx
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    you can't summon a Slann or Kroak, that's how I interpret that.

    Or it's worded wrong and the rules mean you can only summon Units and no monster or hero keywords.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The way I see it, it's certainly worded wrong, I only have to understand what part is wrong.
    If you simply cannot summon warcrolls with the keywords "hero" or "monster", then the part "unless specified by the spell" makes no sense.

    My hypotesis, is that their intention, was to stop summon-chain, ala "X summons Y, then Y summons Z, then Z summons...", but then the phrase should have been worded "summoning only allows the summoned entity to bring on other units, not heroes or monsters", so there's still an error.

    Another hypotesis, is that you cannot summon heroes or monsters at all... unless specified in the warscroll of the unit that do the summon (for example: Engine of the Gods). But also in this case, it's worded badly, because it's not the spell that specifies the exception.
  4. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I see it as not being able to chain-summon too, the alternatives just don't make sense.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Problem solved. I asked directly to the designer of Azyr Comp, and here's the answer:

    "Slaan can summon heroes because they have specific spells that say they can summon heroes. They can also summon monsters and warmachines because those are very specific spells that allow that.
    Things like chaos lords can bring in reinforcements (summon) but it does not say what. That rule is to keep things like chaos lords from bringing in other chaos lords and blood thirsters in as reinforcements.
    So the rule is for items that can summon anything at all, this restricts that

    At this point, I'm almost sure taht EotG cannot bring in heroes or monsters... :(
    (because Azyr rules specify also that:
    "any ability that a model has to bring forth models that a player does not have to buy counts as summoning; its not limited to just summoning spells ")
    Slanputin likes this.

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