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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax drew his Pain and started to sharpen it, this would be a long journey.....

    In the meantime, Xlauax tried to patrol around and practice some scouting techniques, such as trying to blend in a little ways further up the trail and see if Quas could spot him. Xlauax figured that the Kroxigor would love the game and it also gave him roughly the perspective an enemy unawares would have. At first the Kroxigor found him with ease, but then some of the techniques started to flood back to Xlauax. After his torture, Xlauax hadn't really needed too much stealth, usually the darkness was enough. But once again Xlauax became a slave to his people, he struggled to rationalize it but something tugged him towards his kind despite all reason. Nonetheless, Xlauax would serve as a scout once again....atleast for now.......
    Lizerd, Nazqua, Tk'ya'pyk and 2 others like this.
  2. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    As Xlauax joined to the party of old fellows, Quas took part in a hide and seek game throwing small stones where he found or he thought he found Xlauax. The first one was pretty easy, but after the first stone hit into his chest, the chameleon skink got to his job more seriously. It was sometimes third or even fourth time after a familiar sound was heard, and it wasn't coming from another small lizardman that crouched to ease 'emself or a giant frog giving a disgruntled squawk.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As both Kroxigor and Chameleon practised and played the caravan continued forward, Often forcing the kroxigor to join back with them. Finding a chameleon skink was no easy feat, let alone finding one with such a short attention span.

    With Kuoteq’ecko called to the forefront, the priest found himself behind Uykar between several other skinks which led the graceful, yet lumbering Ahuatli behind… Even as it was however, such strength within lustria was not uncommon, There will always be a bigger beast…

    Initially, an atmosphere of commotion, excitement and urgency buzzed around the caravan of skinks, sauri and kroxigors despite the fact that the land on which they walked was burned and ashen, its tree’s punished, withered back to stumps by but a swipe from Chotec’s claw or a stray gaze from his all-seeing eye.

    This atmosphere, however, began to dwindle before becoming completely dissolved as the camp first became a dot, then merging in with the ruins and their entirety and finally disappearing behind the jungle which the caravan now began to trek through… Instead of this excitement, there was apprehension. Commotion turned to silence, Skinks to Sauri. Only now with the sight of home disappeared would they realise that they had truly set off into the unknown. Unknown it would be if not for both the OIdones insight but also the scouts which Xlauax was trying to become integrated with.


    It wasn't long before keen ears and even keener sense of smell from both Texcoco and Huancli detected not only movement, faint chitters, the lumbering of beast and kroxi but also determination. They had arrived.

    As if through some sense higher than that of the beasts and his fellow skinks Oamotl had left the clearing minutes ago, returning to Uykars side for the briefest of seconds before once again fading into the background, though in that time however short it was indeed Xlauax who would notice him, for he too held the eyes of a chameleon skink. Or well… one eye at least…

    Looking down Tezka could first sense, then hear Texcoco’s distraught… Perhaps the caravan had finally set out… The idea itself further backed up and confirmed upon receiving a simple yet affective handful of words from a nearby saurus who rushed to meet it.
  4. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Seeing Quas searching for Xlauax by throwing Stones at the Position where he thought he wuld be:This repeate itself long Time and Kuoteq´eko did almost recognise a tactic in how the Chamaeleon Skink hadden himself , but then again Xlauax had hidden totally different than expected from Kuoteq. As time went on the Skinks and Saurus of the Caravan became quiet ,because of the unknown that awaited them. Then the Landscape changed from a jade Flora to a Granit greyish Ruin of what was once here before . This big change frightened all of the caravan and esspecialy those who survived the Flames nearly or those who lost somebody in the burning Gaze of Chotec. After dozens of a grey black ruined Land they saw a color that shined above all others : The orange of a Fire.At first they were not suree if this was the Fire that scourged the Land but then they recognized that this Light came from one surten Point and there were shadows walking around it. That it was the Camp of the Saurus was then confirmed by the Scouts which led all of the Caravan to there then. In the dawn of Chotecs Fire they arrived there and the Skinks went to work on the provisoric shelters , The Kroxigors began to gather material for a campfire , The Saurus began Patrols around the Camp and The leading Personalities oversaw the actions of all this with Confidence and Proud. When the Light of Chotec was on Its lowest Place and all work had been complete many gathered around The great campfire.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Pulling out his pipe and packing a small amount of his remaining herb Xolek lights it in the cool air of the Seers tent, humidity of the jungle was not a friend to lighting his pipe.

    Going back outside he begins puffing and making smoke rings while thinking of where Izqux and his guardian would be. Looking around he asks the nearest skink, and then the next until he found someone who knew
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    For the time being, Tik was just along for the journey, so to speak. He waited until the caravan had caught up to where he sat with Tezka and Texcoco. When they drew near, he got to his feet and joined those walking. Perhaps it is time for me to find myself a Starpriest's staff, he mused as they journeyed.
  7. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka looked out, he was pleased to see the group on their way.
    Khemrian Slann, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka looked out, the carvan was here.

    Khemrian Slann, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    As Quas was approaching the beachhead settlement he felt the pleasant cooked meat smell with his nostrils. It lacked the usual scent of added spices, but was enough for him to march in this direction allowing both the Kroxigor and the Chameleon Skink to catch their breaths by abandoning the hide and seek play for that moment. Shortly enough the hulking crocodile figure stood lit by the fireplace watching Qrakul preparing his meal. A far too small meal for both of them, but Quas was already prepared. While the great fireplace was being constructed, the cook-master Kroxigor was readying the pre-reserved meat, rice and other ingredients, so that they could be turned into sustainable meals afterwards.
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The Saurus began Patrols around the Camp and The leading Personalities oversaw the actions of all this with Confidence and Proud. When the Light of Chotec was on Its lowest Place and all work had been complete many gathered around The great campfire

    It was Tik who sat quietly, watching as other figures mixed in with the newly arrived lizardmen… It was Tik who knew the extent of the journey and his own duties of both priesthood and now being a designated healer. Each individually holding crushing responsibility, having them both be placed upon him there was no doubt in the following days, weeks and months he would be watched closely by the Oldones and his Will tested.

    Suddenly the gloom around him was parted, parted like the tree’s which threatened to break and snap as the Ahuatli grumbled into the clearing. With a barrage of grunts, the creature proceeds to make a sudden stop. with its huge tail having shoved a small cluster of brushes out of the way in a storm of leaves and shattered wood they now steady themselves into a resting position.

    As handfuls of beast tamers clamber down and up Tik can only find his attention drawn toward the artefacts which they carried… Box’s of smaller plaques, rings, jewellery and above else… was… Was that a Coatl feather?

    Throughout previous hours the priest’s mind had attempted to occupy itself, dragging it away from the ‘What if’s’ and other such concerns of the journey ahead by dwelling on the priestly staff which he held… And now, as his attention had been guided toward those magical artefacts one did have to wonder if such a priest would be worthy of them… Perhaps they could be of use… Especially by one of those who had helped find them.

    Relived to see the caravan finally arriving Tezka could look out to see his brothers scrambling below, many ready to receive the cargo and aid in its defence throughout the journey. Texcoco’s nerve’s however were on edge, the tension only increasing as more and more skinks poured into the clearing followed shortly by the Ahuatli.

    Despite his size and strength here would be little a young carnosaur could do against a beast… Such was the reason why it responded with little more than a swing of the tail and a glare upon spotting Texcoco.


    Meanwhile, Kuoteq was instead humming in tune with the rest of the skinks who now rushed around performing trivial tasks or grabbing a few minutes of needed rest by a now crackling fire. A fire fed by a group of kroxigors who now carried smaller tree trunks towards it creating an ever stronger blaze. With no specific priestly duties to perform the skinks, among others, attention was angled toward the great ‘Quas’. Despite this smaller camp being so temporary, the kroxigor did indeed lug down bundles of cooking supplies, finding a suitable place to set up shop. They had barely begun the journey, yet the atmosphere of apprehension was steadily increasing… An atmosphere that could possibly be prevented by a preemptive hot meal…


    Face glowing, embers in the eyes Uykar spoke. His cloak became the smoke, his voice the flames crackle and his hands its dance. “Yes, It must be done before sunset, Head out now Oamotl, trace north be brief, We can't stay here for much longer before we will once again need to move.”

    In a flash before Xlauax really has a chance to interact with the other chameleon skink they fade away, sprinting into the jungle with a group of other skink scouts behind… Soon he feels a heavy gaze upon him, the kind one would get if they were alone within the jungle at night… the kind which both Uykar and his Huanchi’s Children held.

    With a hand action, the chief draws the chameleons eyes to his own before speaking. Slow yet savage and deep his voice booms in such a way that all those skinks around could most certainly hear it, causing many to indeed turn and stare with curiosity. Many eyes were upon him.

    “X-Xlauax. Is it your wish to help us scout? “

    “Xlauax Is it Uxmac’s command you follow?”

    “Xlauax is it Huanchi’s will you hail?”

    Feeling a slight nervous twitch in the left half of his face the chameleon can see Uykar gently lift up a hand previously placed within his cloak.

    “If so. Come forth. Allow their guidance for these tasks.”
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax froze for a few moments, he hesitated to answer. He looked to his Pain and Justice and thought for a few more seconds before stepping forward and saying "By my wish, Uxmac's command, and Huanchi's will, I will help you scout and pledge myself to this task.". Xlauax kneeled before Uykar to be appointed of his duty, he was once again at one with his kin.
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    It was a fairly quick job to heat the previously prepared food composed of spiced meat and rice, which was now ready to be given to the small crowd. A crowd with each individual holding their personal bowl, looking with anticipation until them become filled with a tasty, steaming contents they consumed almost immediately. Such demanding was the exodus for everyone. Both physically, and mentally.

    Quas, however, not feeling much of a hunger did not eat today. Skaven meat he indulged in the previous day was still taking a toll on his body. While giving him initial strength, the side effects were slowly visible. His movement sometimes erratic and no appetite whatsoever were the symptoms of a possible disease, or simply an effect of the lack of rest during these previous days.

    The towering Kroxigor's figure, after his tasks were done, could be now found sleeping. His backs laying on a first tree he could find. His limbs placed in a disordered manner. Only the irregular snoring was actually discerning him from the dead.
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Contemplating his 'staff' was kind of silly, Tik realized quickly. After all, his own staff was just a stick he'd carved from a tree branch. That feather, however. That held some promise. He wasn't sure why, and he didn't know what he would do with such a thing, but for some reason the priest kind of wanted that coatl feather. In the meantime though, he settled down to rest and wait for the caravan's inevitable movement come morning.
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Allowing Xlauax’s words to mingle with the echoes of his own Uykar’s hand drifts upwards before making contact with Xlauax’s face. In a fluid and fast motion the chief forces the chameleon's eyes closed before dragging a cold red pigment applied to each of his fingers downwards from his forehead to the chin.

    Flicking his hand to the side before withdrawing it Xlauax is left with sharp red streaks cutting down his face, almost as if his skin was bark raked by a jaguar’s claw.

    The short and fluid ceremony having been done many of the skinks around slowly disbanded. Many of which now rushed towards Quas attracted to the kroxigor’s giant form due to the thick streams of steaming scent which gushed around him.

    As a strange jungle breeze ran past Xlauax he could feel as the burning yet icy pigment cooled and hardened, cracking up and sinking into the minute recesses of his facial scales. As if sensing that the dye had cooled Uykar continued.

    “It is done. Xlauax, Oamotl awaits. Go with him, brother.”

    With yet another hand gesture the chief’s point slowly orients itself around a densely covered patch of jungle which circled the clearing. At first only swaying shadows and greenery… Seconds later a fully formed figure. At that moment a flood of more vibrant colour surges over the silhouette, turning it from a shadow, to an outline and then finally Oamotl himself.

    At this point the other skink's attention had long moved on from both chameleons resulting in Omatl doing little more than standing deadly still. No speech, No hand movement. Nothing. And that ‘Nothing’ was a language Xlauax could understand.


    Settling down Quas managed to shake away the ill thoughts of Skaven plague… just the thought of such a thing was enough to make him cough and splutter… although the chances are all together unlikely as kroxigor stomach acids are known to be incredibly strong. Both parasites, Disease would no doubt be burnt out and dissolved into a sludge of raw nutrients. Nutrients which now, in turn, fed many other skinks with each of Quas’s muscle movements.

    Bowls of grubs, Foraged goods and standard rations made the bulk of the meals. The flavour of many being bolstered by spices, sweet fruits or by some small bunches of the Aqu leaves which could be found around the clearing. Rather than having a singularly distinctive taste, Aqu leaves seem to rather amplify the punch of a meal. Their stinging barbs adding just enough tang and spike to each bite not to be painful.

    Lapsing into a short rest it immediately became unclear if the kroxigor knew that the caravan would indeed focus on moving within these twilight and night hours. Lest the sun be blamed for beating down upon them, its sheer radiance stopping all hope of travel… Though as a consequence as such the lizardmen would have to move when the jungle is at its most active. A statement now clearly evident by the jungle orchestra’s change in central performers partnered with the oncoming siege of swarms of mosquitoes and insects. This, however, was no issue… In fact, rather positive due to the fact many skinks could now catch the flying bugs with ease. Pests becoming a small snack requiring little more than a well-timed tongue flick.
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk and Sudsinabucket like this.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Pulling out his pipe and packing a small amount of his remaining herb Xolek lights it in the cool air of the Seers tent, humidity of the jungle was not a friend to lighting his pipe.

    Going back outside he begins puffing and making smoke rings while thinking of where Izqux and his guardian would be. Looking around he asks the nearest skink, and then the next until he found someone who knew

    Rattling out his pipe and pushing a cluster of herbs within Xolek makes good use of the tents' strange air quality and distinctive lack of humidity, the water having been replaced with an almost magical effect… One that felt slightly lacking ever since the incident with the scale. A scale he still had with him.

    Drawing in a deep, long breath Xolek feels his body lighten, mind flooded with a burst of sharp, yet soothing relief whilst his organs danced.

    Scanning the room one last time to no avail Xolek is forced to endure the atmosphere of outside, its heat and now the even louder jungle chorus. With a strange before Twilight glows splayed out across the horizon, it doesn't take long before Xolek locates nearby skinks.

    Whilst the jungle’s noises had ramped up, it seemed the camp did much the opposite. With the number of individuals having left a drop in sound was very much expected, this, however, seemed almost too quiet. Utilizing this newfound silence was an obnoxious series of hammering among other such noises, noises only the nearby skink artisans could be responsible for.

    Quickly approaching the smaller group of skinks who were all busying themselves performing some important or strange task. Some looked to be working on a collection of tools, others doing more specialised jobs such as carving up wood..It is only until Xolek actually asks do a handful of the skinks manage to notice him, getting pulled out of their individual zones and back into reality.

    Approaching closer the oracle can clearly see many are still engrossed widely within jobs, whilst a few do pay him some short attention, their faces ruddy and breath running low from exertion.

    To summarize, the interaction was rather fruitless, the skink artisans knowing very little of Izqux’s location other than the fact his hut is nearby… It seemed most of them wanted to get back to work, and less than half of Xoleks words even got to them. Clearly they would be of no help with his current situation.

    Although, Just as he begins to walk away in search of another group two more skinks arrive. Each one is even more overworked than even the artisans, their arms raw and red from performing their assigned task. A task that looked to be the carrying of logs.

    It takes longer than usual for Xolek to actually register the two skinks had overheard him and were now explaining that Izqux looked to have headed further up the path and into deeper jungle. That was all after telling many a skink around him to calmly disband…
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax froze for a moment before rushing to follow Oamotl. Perhaps he would regret this, but in the meantime, the thrill of scouting possessed him as he raced through the jungle.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  17. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    One could observe that the sleep of the mighty Kroxigor was disturbed by some unpleasant dreams. His body would sometimes shake and his hands would perform a swiping movement. A one that could hurt a non careful bystander.

    It was dark. The ground was as black as polished obsidian reflecting a dim, green light, the only source of telling that the Kroxigor was actually standing. And standing he was in cave, or a lair. It was difficult to tell from those coal black walls, irregular in shape and sharp as spears, as if they were warped by some grotesque magic.
    The light was revealing a sitting figure. Humanoid in shape, but its head were of a giant rat, two daemonic horns adorning this grim figure. It was snickering. For now.
    A giant Kroxigor looked below and observed he appeared to absorb the light. And that light was giving him a pain. A pain that slowly fueled his rage. A rage that turned his muscles to attack. But the figure was not there anymore. Only a laughter was heard while three swipes of green light marked the back of the crocodile figure, cutting into flesh like it was thin air, blood sizzling in the wounds and immediately clotting as if being burned.
    "You have much to learn, for now its is me who will cook your head"
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Finding out where the seer was or at least headed frustrated Xolek, he had plans... but looking around he knew not much was left here for him, although the presence of the skaven did make him uneasy to leave.

    Xolek thought along the way to find the seer he could find the herbs he seeked, but first he would retrieve Xiuhcoatl, the salamander could use some freedom from that enclosure he knew. She would be grateful, he hoped. He also hoped she would heed his commands still, but time would tell.

    Reaching the enclosure he peered in, she was sun bathing, looking around for the handler Xolek saw him and approached the skink...
    bOdziO Wolf, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Starting off strong Xlauax lept between branches with equal skill and excess, though as time dragged on he found himself falling behind. Oamotl having faded into the dusk ahead the chameleon skink was forced to push himself harder with every single one of his senses. Every bush was a Druchii ready to pounce, every log, thistle and thorn a blade or bolt… and the scouting party up ahead a priest.

    Reminded, remembering Xlauax can feel a fire in his veins. He had to keep up lest he be left here in the dark jungle once again. He had been given a reunion with his kin, a chance to fight alongside them and meet others who shared his loss.

    Forward now he darts between logs, roots and plants on a loosely carved out trail which began now began to incline upwards. Grass becoming rocks and trees becoming sky. It was now more than ever he was feeling one of the disadvantages of having one eye, forced to constantly glance beneath his feet as to not stumble whilst also keeping track of the blurs ahead.


    Seeing Xolek turn the corner with a brisk, somewhat frustrated pace the handler quickly gathers his senses and stands up straight before following. They did not need the oracle to explain the problem, for they already knew that whatever it was would lie within the rocky, somewhat charred makeshift pen standing before him.

    ‘Alright, Remember to take this slow. Always take it slow.’

    The handler ushers, clearing a croaky throat before reaching out towards a wooden gate frame, a net of blackened stones filling it in like insects caught in a web. Taking a deep breath the handler heaves the gate with his handling stick. Struggling, The handler pulls it back just enough before jabbing the handling stick into the soft, impressionable soil and sand inorder to prevent it from closing.

    Now stepping with a certain caution he calmly peers into the enclosure, presenting his open palms he allows his eyes to calmly and slowly find Xiuhcoatl with an expressionless, yet tense face. Gesturing toward Xolek-Zi the handler clears wide from both oracle and salamander, watching the interaction from afar.

    Both having an uninterrupted gaze of each other the salamander who was previously making the most out of these twilight hours by basking on a rock which still steamed from the midday heat trapped inside it suddenly flicks upwards. Meanwhile Xolek feels a strange, almost pulsing sensation in both his chest and head… One would assume it was a heartbeat, yet this felt different.. Serpentine even? They were watching behind dark clouds and a limitless sky, They were watching through him.

    Within a surprising amount of time Xiuhcoatl bounds towards the oracle having clearly shaken off any lethargy. Instinctively caused to flinch back Xolek prepares to shove the creature away or dive, he is however greeted with a cloud of dust as the beast halts before him. Before those that watch.

    Her skin a glossy, flaming orange caked in mud Xiuhcoatl slowly closes animalistic burning eyes. a slight sense of apprehension painted behind her expression, the fact she could snap at any minute was not out of the question, not at all, not yet.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the Salamander infront of him Xolek begins to speak calmly and gently, "You seem to have grown even in the hours I have been gone...or do my eyes decieve me?" Xiuhcoatl turns her head a crooked way, as if questioning the Oracle and then licks her lips and blinks, "Perhaps not then" he laughs a bit to himself.

    Slowly reaching out a hand to touch her Xolek can feel the apprehension behind her gaze, and even within himself...but he had trust, if even that trust could be broken he knew it was a give and take, and trust could not be gained without taking risks... Xolek had plans to take her out into the jungle, there he would need her trust, where the wilds could consume them both.
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf and Nazqua like this.

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