Rare earth magnets

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by strewart, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I couldn't help notice in a topic recently magnets were discussed and a couple of people showed surprise at their use. Instead of adding more to that topic, I decided to make a new one here as a bit of a discussion about them, since they are very cool and can be extremely useful. I don't claim to be an expert, but I do have a bunch of them and read a lot about them when I was going to use them for my BFG fleet.

    They are basically a combination of neodymium iron and boron, which comes together to make some of the strongest non-electro magnets in the world. Their magnetic field is very strong, but also rather short so if you have a bunch of models standing next to each other they aren't going to interfere with each other and rip each others arms off in the middle of battle. :p

    I bought mine from amazing magnets, which was good and delivered quickly (also give a free sample pack, which is hours of entertainment). But there are many sites out there that sell them. You basically want very thin rods, so you can drill a small hole into a piece and glue the magnet in, then repeat on the other side so your model can be pulled apart or reposed at any time. I bought these particular ones (link contains a pic of the size next to a coin), which are about 1.6mm in diameter, which is the maximum you would want for most models.

    They can be used on any part of the model, but in most cases you will only want to do it where there are two options, to save you buying more models. Like magnetise hand weapon arms, and spear arms so you can switch between them. Another good use is magnetising the shields. I always have trouble where my shields fall off the model after the glue has dried. With magnets, they will just go back on.

    I have seen a moveable dreadnaught with rare earth magnets, which was pretty cool. My next use for them will be skink feet and stegadon howdah. I will be able to remove casualties and put the skinks in different places on the howdah for more variety. I will also magnetise a 20mm base, so if the stegadon dies I can simply take the character off and put him on a base to keep fighting.

    The most important things to remember is to make sure you put the magnets in the right way, so they attract instead of repel. Easiest way to do this is to do the first piece, then attach the magnet to it and push the pieces together (with the second hole drilled) then slide the first piece off. This has an added benefit of less handling of the second magnet, since they are so small they can be fiddly to handle. The next important point is make sure they are flush with the piece, you don't want them sticking out or the pieces won't go together very well.

    Finally (and this is more important for the larger ones) be careful putting them together. The fields are so strong they are liable to chip each other and break if you let them clash together too hard. In fact, the larger ones (sphere maybe 3-4" diameter) can break your hand if you have one on either side of oyur hand.

    Just a short little article on using magnets for warhammer, they can be very useful. If anyone else has used them, feel free to add anything I may have missed or tips.
    Bracnos, Captaniser and Seraphage like this.
  2. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    I personally use rare earth magnets on my models. My Tyranids are magnet hardcore so I can swap between shooty carnifexes, tyrants and warriors to melee ones.

    I use 1/16 and 1/8 magnets depending on what I am trying to hold. Purchasing a drillbit of each size you use is awesome as you can drill right into the plastic or pewter models.

    Watch out if you are using a powered drill the plastic models. Sometimes the bit will catch and it will almost instantly drill right through the model. Many a magnetized model has been GSed because of my eagerness.

    Last tip, If you have a thin item that you want to magnetize and do not have the space to insert a magnet. I will put a magnet in the thicker piece and then a small piece of sheet steel I purchased for the other side. Cut a tiny section off a thin sheet, flatten it and sand the edges so it fits the model and glue it on.
  3. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    My first army being dwarves, magnets make life a lot easier. With every dwarf unit being ranked up, it makes setup a breeze. If you have a metal carrying case (I use a tool box), you can stick business card magnets to the bottom of GW movement trays and they sit flush. This way your movement trays don't slide around inside your carrying case while you transport them.

    I also put magnets under each figure and thin metal in the trays so they all stand bolt upright, even on hills. Only problem is that sometimes the magnets are so powerful they pull free of the base. I might have to switch to a thinner metal or something.

    Rare earth magnets are the only way a dwarf BSB will remain upright during a stiff breeze, that thing is top heavy!
    Captaniser likes this.
  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I buy mine from Magcraft. They have the same size of rods (1/16'' x 1/16''), plus some really small disc magnets (1/8'' x 1/16'') that I think would be great for magnetizing movement trays and stuff like that. If the bases aren't the slotted variety, then the block magnets would probably work good as well, although the shape doesn't really matter that much imo.

    You really only need to have one magnet and one bit of magnettic metal. For example, if you were trying to magnetize a Skink Chief from a Stegadon so you could put it on a base when the Steggy dies, you'd really just have to put a magnet in the base, and then a bit of wire or something in the feet of the skink. The magnets are strong enough that it will hold with just that, and that way you're not mangling your poor Chief's feet.

    I have the same problem with almost every standard bearer, particularly Dark Elves Corsairs. The flag weighs more than the actual model, so it's a pain trying to get it to stand.
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  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    That is a great idea. I will put bits of paper clips in the skinks feet rather than magnets. Hopefully they will still hold, I may have to invest in some slightly more powerful magnets.

    Given that the hole doesn't need to be very deep at all, I just use a pin vice.. Even so, my thumb is right now bandaged as I maanged to go through a skink foot into my finger. :p An electric drill seems very overkill, and would indeed rip right through models quickly. I would want to do quite a few trials on spare sprue to get a feel for it before using it on a model. Unless oyu were doing arms, and went right through the model so you could use the same hole for both arms. ;)
  6. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    Try magnatizing 6 carnifexes in one day with all the weapon options. You will use a power drill. I am also partial to the previous release hive tyrants and they are just a block of metal so drilling is much easier.
    Captaniser likes this.
  7. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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  8. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    I picked up my first batch of magnets today, Neodymium (rare earth magnets) 6mmx1.5mm. I am hoping to use them on each of my models bases but also to build a customisable Stegadon.

    Does anyone have any information/photos/videos on this already being done? It would be nice to have a Stegadon that can have the following:

    Swap Steagadon heads to become an Ancient or normal.
    Swap giant bow and giant blow pipes.
    Swap engine of the gods back and front of howdah.
    Removable skinks.
    Removable skink priest that can be put on a base for a normal on foot priest.
    Removable skink chief that can be put on a base for a normal on foot chief.

    If its all possible or not... I am not sure, yet to get stuck in and see all the parts.
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Put the magnets in the largest of the two pieces you want detachable. For example, on the top of the howdah then use paperclips in the feet of the skinks. It will still hold but magnets are way too thick for skink feet.

    I'm not too sure the head will be interchangeable, but as far as I know that doesn't really matter. Either head can represent either varient, the bits that matter are on top.

    The bow is also a little tricky since it doesn't really have the best area it attaches to, it could work but Iwouldn't go that far.

    Finally, make sure you put the two pieces together dry first. Line up and mark exactly where you want the holes to go. Try very carefully to get the hole perpendicular to the flat surface (ie. as 90 degrees as possible) because if the magnets are at an angle they will attract the pieces at an angle as well. Complete one half (drill, glue in the magnet, leave for several hours or overnight to dry) before starting the other half as a final check for exactly where the second magnet/paperclip should go.

    Thats about all I can suggest. Also be very careful to make sure the magnets are aligned to attract not repel! After the first half is done and the second hole is drilled I put the second magnet on the first and use the first piece to shove it in the hole then slide the first piece sideways off it. That way you are sure it is the right way around.
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I have Sucessfully magnitized my steg for every configuration,
    so give a shout out if you have any questions or want to see pictures.

    But strewarts advise is right on track. :D
  11. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    I would love to see pictures and I think many other people here would also!

    What I would like to see most is close ups of where you have placed the magents for each part and of course what all the configurations look like in their complete magnetised glory.
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Here's some close-ups of the magnetized bits...
    Seraphage, Bracnos, tom ndege and 3 others like this.
  13. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Whoa... nice fire there! :meh:
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  14. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Awesome work!

    Thanks for sharing the photos, gives me a nice starting point to magnetising my own Stegs.
  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    "Whoa... nice fire there!

    Yea I converted the Skink with the empire Wizard accesories
    because That flaming skull is just awesome... :meh: :jawdrop:
  16. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    I want to see pictures! *raises hand*

    EDIT: NM, pictures already up. And AWESOME!

    Captaniser likes this.
  17. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Oops I guess I should have mentioned I had to Expand the Howda to fit in all the Skinks....
    you can see this in one of the first pictures... :rolleyes:

    Oh I forgot to ask does anyone have any questions ?
  18. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Has anyone magnetised their banners?

    I was trying to choose which Cold One Cavalry banner I liked the best and I couldn't pick one. In the end I decided to magnetise both banners to the top of the banner poll.

    Afterwards I thought this is a pretty cool idea. If your enemy captures your banner you can literally give them the banner! ... of course you could give them the whole model and replace the standard bearer with a normal trooper (assuming you manage to escape the pursuit) ... doesn't it just seem easier to give them the standard?
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I like. Pretty cool way to keep track of which banner is where as well. However, both armies would need to do that for every banner. Lots of effort.
  20. erians

    erians Active Member

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    I think magnitising banners could be a decent idea, but you risk loosing it when playing somewhere else or when traveling with your figures. You always risk this ofc but having loose flags carries a greater risk.

    If the sole reason for having a magnitised banners is so you can give them away when you break there are easier solutions. With pretty much every plastic box (skinks, saurus, coc) you get extra banners. Just buy some round WH40k bases or use some spare 20 or 25mm bases, stick the banner on it, to the base in whatever base scheme you have and tadaaa, perfect banner capturing marker (which you and your opponent can use). It looks better to have different banners so ask your friends and clubmates if they can spare some banners from other armies.
    Captaniser likes this.

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