Hey all, since there seems to be a little confusion on how to post up pictures, I thought I'd make this brief little tutorial. You will need, of course, a picture. This one seems about right. The next step is to upload your picture onto an image hosting site. I use photobucket, but there are many others. You'll see this as it's uploading: And then you'll be redirected to this screen. Once you're all done here, oh look! There's our image! Most forums support BBCode, but not here on Lustria-Online, so here's where it gets tricky. Instead of using the code, you have to first select the code in the 'Direct Link' box. [attach]36[/attach] Then copy and paste it here. [attach]37[/attach] Then hit this button. [attach]38[/attach] And voila! You have an image! [attach]39[/attach][/b]
nice tut, sticky the thread by choosing 'change to sticky' in the quick mod drop down tools just below the thread
Thats what I would have thought as well, but I looked in the mod options when I first read the thread and it isn't there. Are we enabled to be able to sticky posts? @asrodrig, every time I scroll down the thread I see the image of the forum and think I have reached the bottom.