8th Ed. Steg's Armylists

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by StealthKnightSteg, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Link to my Blog: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/stegs-lacertilia-of-kukulcan-building-and-painting-blog.14667/
    Link to my Battle Reports: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/stegs-battle-reports-last-update-2014-01-06.14666/

    Link to my Empire Blog: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=32604
    Link to my Empire Army Lists: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=33114
    Link to my Empire Battle Reports: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=33259

    So a long time Empire player I wanted to get into another army and this one isn't used much in my area nor at the Eurobash (Empire forum meeting) so I would bring something new (and having some models already helped)

    With the list below the only thing I have to consider buying is:
    Skink Priest, 1 more Krox and the Rippers (and maybe some command for the saurus warriors)
    I have a temple guard champion which can sub the coldone scar vet for a scar vet on foot, but that is it.
    Saurus and skinks I have are from the old starter set (so I have more skinks to fill up)
    The reason I took both options for the skink units is that I wanted to look what option I like better.

    So any idea's on fitting or other units without blowing up my wallet indoing so?

    +++ New Roster (1000pts) +++
    +++ 1000pt Lizardmen 8th Ed AB and 8th Ed BRB Roster (Standard)) +++


    Lizardmen 8th Ed AB and 8th Ed BRB (Standard) Selections:

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    * Cold One
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Dragonhelm

    * Skink Priest
    Lore of Heavens, Wizard Level 2

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion, Musician, 25x Saurus Warrior, Standard Bearer

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Blowpipe

    + Special +

    * Kroxigor
    Champion, 3x Kroxigor

    * Ripperdactyl Riders
    Champion, 3x Ripperdactyl Rider

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net) (editted to conform to formatting rules)
  2. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Re: New Lizardmen player (wannabe) 1k to start with

    From the rules thread in here:
    So I thought that keeping the points for the sections was alright (which was in my memory the only points I left in)

    Anyhow, either the list is good to start with or anyone with ideas hasn't seen it yet? :)
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: New Lizardmen player (wannabe) 1k to start with

    List seems solid. I'm not a fan of blowpipe Skink Skirmishers but one of javelins and one of blowpipes seems reasonable.

    While it's not a big problem if you have two or more unit entries in each category, one could easily reverse engineer points from an entry like this.

    Rare 300 points

    3 Hypotheticaldon

    Thus, you would know that Hypotheticaldon's cost 100 points a piece.

    So it's generally best not to include category points either.

    I think the rule is silly, but GW is VISCIOUS defending their intellectual property, even when doing so drives their fanbase away from the game.
  4. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Re: New Lizardmen player (wannabe) 1k to start with

    great! then I'll be focussing on getting this thing complete then and do some practise battles with them to see how it goes and build up from there to 2500 - 3000 points with in a year. I hope that it will be viable so I can bring this second force to the Eurobash next year (hopefully not messing up my painting schedule for my Empire...)

    And I know what you mean about the points in the sections (though I have atleast 2 entries per section) and I'll keep all points out next time! (funny though that Empire forum is not so strict on this)
  5. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Re: New Lizardmen player (wannabe) 1k to start with

    So keeping my above list to start with and having it complete (rippers on order should be in soon) I was looking forward on expanding the force up to 2,5k with everything I already have.

    Thus how is this looking?

    +++ Lizardmen 2,5k goal (2500pts) +++
    +++ 2500pt Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0. Roster (Standard)) +++

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    * Battle Standard Bearer
    AB - Skavenpelt Banner
    * Disciplines of the Old Ones
    Becalming Cogitation, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Transcendent Healing
    * Magic Items
    AB - Cube of Darkness

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    * Cold One
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Dragonhelm, BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard

    * Skink Priest
    Lore of Beasts, Wizard Level 1
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Dispel Scroll

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion, Musician, 25x Saurus Warrior, Standard Bearer

    * Skink Cohort
    Champion, 3x Kroxigor, Musician, 24x Skink, Standard Bearer

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    + Special +

    * Ripperdactyl Riders
    Champion, 3x Ripperdactyl Rider

    * Temple Guard
    Musician, 24x Temple Guard
    * Champion
    BRB - Sword of Might
    * Standard Bearer
    BRB - Razor Standard

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    5x Crew, Engine of the Gods
    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns

    * Salamander Hunting Pack
    Extra Handler, 3x Handlers, Salamander

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
  6. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Re: New LM player 1k to start with expanding to 2,5k

    No comments, so it's a good list? :)

    I'm sure someone has some comments to be made! :meh:
  7. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    I adjusted my 2,5k list a bit with some stuff I have been reading up on, with still including all the models I have (saving costs on buying stuff)

    +++ Lizardmen 2,5k goal (2498pts) +++
    +++ 2500pt Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0. Roster (Standard)) +++

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of All (WD), Wizard Level 4
    ** Battle Standard Bearer
    AB - Skavenpelt Banner
    ** Disciplines of the Old Ones
    Becalming Cogitation (*), Harmonic Convergence (*), Transcendent Healing (*), Wandering Deliberations (*)
    ** Magic Items
    AB - Cube of Darkness

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    ** Cold One
    ** Magic Items
    BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Dragonhelm, BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard

    * Skink Priest
    Lore of Beasts, Wizard Level 1
    ** Magic Items
    BRB - Dispel Scroll, BRB - Dragonbane Gem

    + Core +

    * 25 Saurus Warriors

    * 24 Skink Cohort
    FC, 3x Kroxigor

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers
    Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers
    Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    + Special +

    * 3 Ripperdactyl Riders

    * 26 Temple Guard
    ** Champion
    BRB - Sword of Might
    ** Standard Bearer
    BRB - Razor Standard

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Engine of the Gods, Sharpened Horns (*)

    * Salamander Hunting Pack
    Extra Handler

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

    So how is this?
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The list is solid. I have never tried giving a TG bunker the Razord Standard AND Skavenpelt Banner. That's a lot of firepower in magical banners. 26 is a good number of Temple Guard normally, but to make sure you can have the bodies to make constant use of your AP and extra attacks, I would advise you to protect this investment and take more Temple Guard. 31 is probably a good number.

    I'd drop Transcendent Healing since you can get this with the Life signature spell (via the lore attribute). That's two TG and some change.

    I would drop the Engine of the Gods too. The bound spell will not see much use with a WD Slann casting so many magic missiles. The casting modifier is only useful for BRB Slann. You can get three TG plus some change for that upgrade.

    I think an extra handler on the first Sally would help you more than the Firebane Gem, unless you are fielding the two Sallies as a single unit, then you don't need an extra Handler at all. Though other players feel like extra snacks for Sallies aren't too important.

    While I do support boosting your TG, I would not deduct the Size of your Skroxigor or Saurus Warriors.

    I am on the fence about Harmoinic Convergence, That's likely to get three power dice and three dispel dice in a game at sporadic intervals. I don't know if that's worth two and a half Temple Guard or not. The Sword of Might is probably not necessary (since the strength bonus is what he would get from a halberd). If you are concerned with ethereals I'd tried the Warrior Bane sword. It's much cheaper and you seriously weaken an ethereals ability to hit you with one wound.
  9. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    all good tips! I'll have to contemplate it... the 2 sally's are a formatting error due the format that Battlescribe spits out and how spaces in front of text are omitted by the forum board.. So it's actually just one sally. (edited that)

    As I was looking at the TG to be 6 wide I was looking at a mutiple of 6 (minus the 4 spaces of the slann) so to add more bodies I should go to 32 (making it 6x6) or should I be looking at a wider frontage?

    As for the Sword of Might I indeed wanted a magic weapon but did not want to offset the S bonus a Halberd gave, keeping dice rolls the same. So in the adjusted list I droped the dragonbane gem to still give this sword.
    For ethereals I'm also still concerned about not giving the Scar Vet a magical weapon.. But on the otherhand I might not be to confident about blasting them with my slann, which I should count on..
  10. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Took into account the tips from Scalenex:

    +++ Lizardmen 2,5k goal (2497pts) +++

    Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0. (Standard) Selections:

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    ** Battle Standard Bearer
    AB - Skavenpelt Banner
    ** Disciplines of the Old Ones
    Becalming Cogitation, Harmonic Convergence, Wandering Deliberations
    ** Magic Items
    AB - Cube of Darkness

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour, Cold One
    ** Magic Items
    BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Dragonhelm, BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard

    * Skink Priest
    Lore of Beasts, Wizard Level 1
    ** Magic Items
    BRB - Dispel Scroll

    + Core +

    * 25 Saurus Warriors

    * Skink Cohort
    FC, 3x Kroxigor

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers
    Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers
    Lustrian Javelins with Shield

    + Special +

    * 3 Ripperdactyl Riders

    * 32 Temple Guard
    ** Champion
    BRB - Sword of Might
    ** Standard Bearer
    BRB - Razor Standard

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Two Giant Blowpipes, Sharpened Horns

    * Salamander Hunting Pack
    Extra Handler

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

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