8th Ed. First post, first list. Be nasty :)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Corey, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    Howdy folks,

    Being my first time on this lovely forum, I thought I would throw up my first list for you all to go over. Be brutal :)

    +++ LM2400 (2396pts) +++

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    Battle Standard Bearer
    BRB - Standard of Discipline
    Becalming Cogitation, Focus of Mystery
    BRB - Obsidian Amulet, BRB - Ruby Ring of Ruin

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    * Cold One
    BRB - Crown of Command, BRB - Dragonbane Gem, BRB - Enchanted Shield

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
    37x Saurus Warrior

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor 10x Skink

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor 10x Skink

    + Special +

    * Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns (*)
    Bolt Thrower

    * Temple Guard
    Champion, Musician, 26x Temple Guard
    Standard Bearer
    BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Engine of the Gods
    Sharpened Horns

    * Razordon Hunting Pack

    * Razordon Hunting Pack

    * Salamander Hunting Pack
  2. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Assuming that 'be brutal' means - 'what are the efficient choices?' As follows...

    Slann - Drop Ruby Ring. Arcane slots are super valuable in Warhammer, use it for either an Earthing Rod or Dispel Scroll. I'm a fan of the Rod, with a Priest (Lvl 1 or 2) carrying the scroll. The reason? If the Slann fails a dispel in the phase, then you can't use the scroll to dispel in that same phase - that could be a big deal.

    Scar Vet - Drop Dragonbane Gem and E Shield, take the Dragonhelm - You'll still have a 1+ save (max), and the 2++ vs flaming, for no change in points. Not a big fan of the Crown - would prefer Dawnstone and Other Trickster's Shard - but I'll let you see if you have trouble vs. units with Ward Saves.

    Saurus - Keep this unit, but trim them down to a point where you can add at least 2 Skink skirmish units (with Javelins, of course!).

    Stegadon - I'm not a fan of the little steg, but I'm figuring you went that way because you ran out of rare points. 2 stegs is more useful then 1, so I'm ok there.

    Temple Guard - As valuable as the Banner of Eternal Flame can be, you've set yourself up for a possible 'no-win' situation. Characters with Flaming Wards are everywhere these days (like your Scar Vet) - where units with Regeneration tend to be rare-er. If you insist on keeping this banner, then either tweak that cowboy to have a magic weapon, or take another Scar Vet/Oldblood on foot to join that unit with a magic weapon. On the cheap side, you can give a magic weapon to the Champ in the unit (probably Sword of Might for ease of use).

    Razordons - Combine into 1 unit. The reason for this is that they benefit from Hand of Glory, but they have to be a single unit (or else you can only buff 1 of them)
    Corey likes this.
  3. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    When you combine the two razordons, do i roll a single artillery dice for the unit or a separate one for each razordon?
  4. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    One roll per Razordon.
    Corey likes this.
  5. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    I chucked the rror on the slann because i play in a group that boast a lot of regen units, so took it for the lols.

    The cowboy goes into saurus unit, hence the CoC. The dragonbane gem is there so he can charge out of the unit an hold up a flaming unit with the 2++. Again the lols.
  6. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Right - but the Dragonhelm does exactly the same thing, and you can still keep your 1+ armor save even in combat whilst wielding your great weapon. Should you go into combat with your current build, the Scar vet will only have a 2+ save (because he can't use the shield in combination with the great weapon). And you can have the helm and the crown on the same model...just make it a suitably impressive piece of headgear. ;)

    Feel free to keep the RRoR, but add an Arcane item, imo - those items are game-changing gold!

    Your TG build is fine, given your local gaming group. I made suggestions based on an 'all-comers' approach. For instance, in my current Lizard list, I have 2 Terradon-riding Chiefs, both the 2+ AS's and 2++ Flamewards. If we were playing, I would do my best to try and use them to tie up your TG unit for as long as I could, whilst the rest of my army worked to engage and pick apart the rest. Even if I lost one or both of those characters, the time gained would likely be worth it for me. I'm not saying I would have success, but I'd have a better chance since I've got these 2 hard-stop characters. For the addition of a magic weapon to the champ, you'd have the ability to deter such a tactic.
    Corey likes this.
  7. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    Okay, so here is my change up taking on board your advice:
    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    * Battle Standard Bearer
    BRB - Standard of Discipline
    * Disciplines of the Old Ones
    Becalming Cogitation (*), Focus of Mystery (*)
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Earthing Rod, BRB - Obsidian Amulet

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    Cold One
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Crown of Command, BRB - Dragonhelm

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
    * 36x Saurus Warrior
    36x Spears

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor, 10x Skink

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor, 10x Skink

    + Special +

    * Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns, Bolt Thrower

    * Temple Guard
    Musician, 26x Temple Guard
    * Champion
    BRB - Gold Sigil Sword
    * Standard Bearer
    BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    5x Crew, Engine of the Gods
    Sharpened Horns (*)

    * Razordon Hunting Pack
    * Razordon Hunting Pack
    * Salamander Hunting Pack
    GhostWarrior likes this.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I agree with what @GhostWarrior said. I disagree with why he said it. The Ruby Ring of Ruin is not an arcane item, so it does not prevent your Slann from carrying an Arcane Item. I agree with dropping the Ruby Ring because I think the points spent on the Ring would be better spent elsewhere, probably Soul of Stone.

    I would advise putting the two Razordon packs into one unit. This will help you boost both with Hand of Glory and I always really felt like one Razordon by iteself couldn't cut it. I would advise a "snack" (extra Handler) on your solo Salamander. If you decide to go with solo Razordons, they could use snacks as well.

    The Earthing Rod on the Slann is slightly unorthodox, but it's a valid choice. Same with the Gold Sigil Sword for the TG unit champion (in lieu of a cheaper magic weapon). unorthodox but valid. I've been half-tempted to swap my Revered Guardian's Warrior Bane for a Gold Sigil Sword myself.

    If you add one Skink to your two Skrox cohorts they will both have three ranks. Worth considering if you aren't strapped for every last point.

    Revised list is very balanced. First list wasn't too bad either.

    Also, welcome to the forums!
  9. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    Thanks for your awesome responses guys.

    If you were to swap the earthing rod for something more orthodox, what would you be looking at?
  10. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    Also, have already made the switch to a single two razordon unit and feel much more comfortable with that. Trying to find the points to give the salamander an extra skink handler...
  11. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    So, this is what I have:

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    * Battle Standard Bearer
    BRB - Standard of Discipline
    * Disciplines of the Old Ones
    Becalming Cogitation (*), Focus of Mystery (*)
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Earthing Rod, BRB - Obsidian Amulet

    + Heroes +

    * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour
    * Cold One
    * Magic Items
    BRB - Crown of Command, BRB - Dragonhelm

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
    * 36x Saurus Warrior 36x Spears

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor 11x Skink

    * Skink Cohort
    Kroxigor 11x Skink

    + Special +

    * Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns

    * Temple Guard
    Musician, 26x Temple Guard
    * Champion
    BRB - Warrior Bane
    * Standard Bearer
    BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    5x Crew, Engine of the Gods
    Sharpened Horns

    * Razordon Hunting Pack
    Razordon Hunting Pack
    Razordon Hunting Pack​

    * Salamander Hunting Pack

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
  12. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Heh, whoops! I can see now how that paragraph could have come off that way. What I was trying to elude to was the fact that @Corey was not using his Arcane slot, and that the points from the RRoR could be used for any one of the 3 best Arcane items available.

    @Scalenex - I've had this theory that what is considered the 'best build' for the Slann (WD or Focus with triple channel) is not the best/most reliable. But it's going to require more playtesting before I present that theory to the forums. Unfortunately - playtesting is the thing I don't have time for right now!!
  13. Corey

    Corey New Member

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    @GhostWarrior without my brb near me, which 3 arcane items are you referring to?
  14. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    In the case of any army - Dispel Scroll and Earthing Rod (in that order)

    In the case of a Slann who also has the 3x channel ability - Channeling Staff
  15. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I feel that most good suggestions have already been given. I do feel that the Ruby Ring does have a spot in most lists. Its not about D6S4, it is about knocking of regen and sucking some DP without any chance of bad miscasts.

    Also, why this distaste of the baby steg? I feel that the Giant Bow, esp with hand of glory does wonders, it is our only long range shooting. it is delightfull when shooting at Dragonprinces and the like. You also get an extra attack, only for one less S and a worse safe.
  16. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Strength 6 is soo much more important then Strength 5. Also, if I really want the Bolt Thrower, I can now get that more reliably through 2 Lvl 2 Beasts Mages - and if it's good enough to matter, the guy with that spell is easier to keep alive.
  17. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, but it is simply not true that you get that more reliable trough 2 level 2 mages. You are not sure about getting that spell in the first place, you have to cast it, your opponent can dispel it and even if you do it via this route you steal PD from your Slann who can use it better. Baby stegs have none of these problems. I see your point that it is not what you buy the model for, I run them for the power they bring against multi wound models in pairs, and I see the bolt throwers as a bonus, but quite a big one. First one or two turns I just walk up with units, I get my saurus cav and skinks in position, and those extra 2 bolts per turn are simply a joy against monsters and cavalry. I still don’t see your point, I think the extra S is a trade down as opposed to the bolt thrower, and the extra attack.
  18. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Sounds like we have different experiences, in a different meta.
  19. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Could very well be, i might use double Ancients some time again soon to test out your tactics, but i feel that i prefer mine.
  20. corey3977
    Jungle Swarm

    corey3977 New Member

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    So, my gaming group is looking at scaling up to 2600 pts. I am happy with the current feel of my army but with the extra 200 pts I have elected to add more saurus (block of 40 now), bump the scarvet upto an old blood (with CoC, Orge Blade, Dragonbane Helm, LA, Cold One and Enchanted Shield). Still have 40pts spare.

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