Jesus christ thats alot of oldbloods haha! I am in no way a experienced player but i can understabd that in a experienced players hands the skink cloud is very dangerous. Rather than tips i have questions im afraid. How do you manage to controll all the skinks with their Low leadership? And when played last night my skinks barely did anything shooting wise. Where does gorrok and the foot heroes go? Do you spread the cowboys out or do you form a unit of them? Sorry buddy! Just interested how these lists work
lol, people are gonna hate you. With my orcs It took me once 5-6 direct hits with rock lobbers and doom divers to take down a single oldblood (1+/4++ & dawnstone) down. And now you have three! But shouldn't you have atleast 625 pts in core at 2500.
It's a neat list. Do the cowboys typically form a posse to make the best utilization of Tetto and his buffs? Also, it looks like you may be under min core...though you could solve this by dropping 1 terra and taking 5 more skirmies! On a personal note - I'm saddened that the awesome Piranha Blade didn't make it onto one of the Oldbloods - I'm in love with that item right now.
Haha actually I just played this list once with a friend for fun to try it out. @Mook 1. Skinks are there only to redirect, remove chaff, make sure I get the charges I want and if I am lucky maybe kill some warmachines or monsters. The leadership part was kinda hard specially making sure you dont release a chain reaction of panic checks. 2. GorRok I put by himself, he is kinda tough but the thing is that thanks to tetto's ability and because the army is so movile, your oponent is going to have to worry first about the thibgs that are right at his face or leve itself open somewere else. Its just a risk I took I guess jaja. 3. I spreaded all the cowboys but made sure that they could support each other, so they where spread just enough so that a canonball wouldn take teo at the same time for example but they could still charge the same thing. @MasterKrox @borkbork @GhostWarrior Yess!!! You are right sorry about that! Me and my oponent actually noticed that mistake before we started, what I did was use terradons instead of rippers and added more skinks but that option of taking one of the terradons out is allso a good one. Hahah! I know those bastards are hard to kill Yes, I ussually try to use his hability and bufs to get them as soon as possible into combat. I send them of groups of two and one close to gorrok. But also depending in the armi if its a hord arme y would send the salamanders first. And I know! The piraƱa blade is awesome! I just whent for the unkillable builds instead since they are preatty killy with the great weapons This was an experimental list, I played against woodelves and I massacred him. But its definatelly a list you should tell your oponent you are using beforehand otherwhise they are going to hate u for it hahah
I'd be tempted to add a 5 man unit of Cold ones for the cowboys. probably in place of some of the terradons.
Nah - 5 Cowboys with 2 x 4+ Wards and 2 x 5+ Wards, along with a Heaven's Loremaster = very good cannon mitigation. All he needs to do is spread them out so that no single cannon shot can clip 2 of them. I'd say that in a 2-3 Cannon list he'd probably lose 1-2 Cowboys at most, but those cannons wouldn't last very long. His bigger concern is that the list isn't fast enough to face the WE/DE fast cav/shooty armies out there. I'd be concerned that those lists (even with all the skinks, and Tetto's vanguard) would clean up all the non-characters, then charge the Cowboys they could take on. In addition, very powerful magic could be a problem. Overall, I still like it.
those are some of the fastest units in our book ? (M 20,7,6) ps, if they are in one unit they only have to take one stupidity test.
But this is my point - and note that its a Lizard flaw in general when taking a combat list. Check out this really competitive DE list that a clubmate of mine used to win a GT last weekend: Lords Dread Lord (G) Steed, HA+SDC+Shi., Giant Blade, OTS, Dawnstone Dread Lord Peg, HA+SDC, Cloak, C. Shi., Ogreblade Morathi S. Sorceress LV4 Life, Steed, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Protection Heroes Master BSB, Steed, HA+SDC, GW, Crown, D.Helm, Luck Core 8 Dark Riders FC, RBX Shields 5 Dark Riders Musician, RBX, Shields 5 Dark Riders Musician, RBX, Shields 5 Dark Riders Musician, RBX, Shields 5 Dark Riders Musician, RBX, Shields Special RBT RBT RBT Rare 10 Warlocks Champ 2500 My question is - without the pressure of Strength 4 and above Magic Missiles, how will you force that list to engage a list like that one which Xlanax has created? The whole army is Movement 9, minus the RBTs (which represent less than 10% of his points investment). In addition, they are nearly all Fast Cavalry, which means they're slippery as anything to pin down (in addition to nearly all having Feigned Flight). I'd like to say that the above list has a shot, but in my opinion, it will take a mistake from the DE player to get caught and lose any real points. He's got the Lizard army beat in all 4 phases of the game. Only if the cowboys are able to get into the characters will they then have a shot (and not a very good one with the DE's ASF'ing). My point isn't to further bemoan the fact that our book tends to be underpowered when you compare it to something like the DE book, but that he hasn't given himself any tools to deal with this list. The tools we require basically come in the form of magic - either by having Magic Missiles, or by having High Magic, with it's 2 movement enhancing spells. He does have the Salamanders - and that's nothing to sneeze at - but I feel they'll be overworked in this context. I have played a no-Slann Lizard list, with Tetto and Cowboys (pre 50/50). And when it played against this style DE or WE list, my opponent declined to engage my army, except when he was ready to bring overwhelming force (and because our Cowboys are ITP, I had much more difficulty avoiding it). Anyways, that's my experience with it.
Fine just bunker down behind some impassible terrain and wait for him then. Ps. seriously, they get core Calvary, that is so unfair.
Core Fast Cavalry with Full Command, a 4+ Save, and a 24" 2x shot weapon with AP. Oh and ASF and Murderous Prowess
The Dark Elves are definitely a tough nut to crack. No doubt that their army book is more competitive than ours. I'd put them in the upper tier in terms of army book competitiveness.