So I recently ordered some miniatures from the internet. Delighted by their arrival, I tore open the box and found that my new minis were made of a strange substance. It claimed to be fine cast yet, it wasn't the normal dark grey nor was it made of pewter. It appears to be made of a plastic but its extremely light grey, almost pure white. After trying to assemble it with citadel glue, it just wont stick together. No matter how much I drown the poor thing in glue, the parts refuse to stick and instead, the glue sits on top of the plastic and runs like water. I want to finish the mini by the end of this week but after several grueling days of gluing, I don't know what to do.Any ideas?
probably resin, you have to use some sort of super glue for that. Ps. Citadel glue is terrible, I swear they water it down or something, also it cost twice as much.
Very light grey plastic that's a pain to work with? Sounds like you've got one of the Fine Cast models. Citadel super glue is ok but going with any other kind will help you out much more.
Which models are they? But it sounds like they are finecast like the guys have already stated, a good quality superglue should sort out your woes.
I need citadel super glue for fine cast models? They didn't even include the bar thing attached to a mini's feet to attach to the base for god sakes! I swear, they created fail cast models to kill my wallet. Any other alternatives to superglue?
You don't need citadel super glue, there are many other super glues out there that are far superior to the stuff that GW sells.
Yeah like what everyone else said, you just need some kind of super glue. I'd recommend going with one of those gel type ones cuz they're much easier to set the pieces.This LocTite one is really good.
I haven't used that particular type of LocTite, but I'm impress with the LocTite super glue that I have. It is extremely strong and sets very quickly.
That one is in a gel form so it's really good when it comes to getting something particularly pesky to stay in place properly.
The GW glue (plastic) remember using took several minutes to set, and even then it was only 1/2 set and it was pretty weak, their super glue was a little better, but it was the UK formula, so it took like 20 seconds to dry, and it was a very fragile bond.
I used to use exclusively GW superglue, but I've since switched over to LocTite super glue. LocTite is far superior, it sets faster and the bond is insanely strong. I would never go back to GW's superglue.
Recently my GW Super Glue has been getting more use being brushed on my bases to hold on grass than being used to glue models to things lol. LocTite super glue in my opinion is the way to go: sets quicker, and bonds so much stronger.