Alright so a buddy and I are going to Oh-con, so this is the display we are using. Just finished applying the flock, so I can't put my models on it just yet but here are some sample pics. SUGGESTIONS WANTED. I feel like it needs something, but I'm not sure what...
Very nice job, it will make for a very nice backdrop for your Lizardmen army. The stone work is particularly impressive. For things to add; I'd love to see some plant growth on the stone pyramid. Maybe a few vines or some greenery growing out of some of the cracks. Also, I feel that the snakes might benefit from a colour scheme that gives it more contrast against the grass. Brilliant work, thank you for sharing!
Yeah I agree a little with the contrasting colors, but I tried for a realistic color scheme as snakes normally are a bit camouflaged. Updates with the 500 point force:
Sorry, I'm new to the site. Is this in the right forum? Or should this be in the other Lizardmen Painting one?
Wow! Very nice. It looks extremely impressive with your lizardmen force on it. In regards to the snakes, many snakes (especially the extremely venomous ones) are brightly coloured to scare off would-be predators.
I didn't even notice the sub-forum (I came right from the "new posts" page). You're right, it would have been better in the general "Lizardmen Painting and Converting" forum or in the "Lizardmen Paint Logs" sub-forum. Oh well, no worries. @Scalenex : would it possible to move this to a more appropriate forum?
Ok, added some grass between some cracks and added bright colors on the back diamonds on a few of the snakes and washed them green to blend in a bit. Next?
Nice work. I'd be tempted to put a few different washes over the temple (greys, but maybe browns and yellows). At the moment the colour is pretty homogeneous and I'd think I'd make it appear more 'stoney' with changes in rock hue across the slabs. Do you have any other plants other than flock? Adding some more vegetation will may help with the jungley aesthetic. Obviously, not where your army will be but perhaps at the base of the pyramid etc. Aquarium plants are usually good for this. Do you know exactly where your miniatures will be placedon the board? I think It'd look good if the model's base matched/mirrored where they stood. Also, if you plan their position on the board you know where you can put plants Well done so far
Lovely work Next you say, ok my thoughts, on the edges of the steps you want it lighter to try and represent weathering over the thousands of years it has been built and at the base of each step I would make it slightly darker to represent dust that would naturally deposit there. Maybe a sepia wash for the dust and a white drybrush on the edges
Agreed, flat grey is actually a very unlikely color for stone in nature, it usually has at least some tint of color to it. So washes of color are your friend here. also I was thinking if you want more bling in your temple you could carve a few glyphs out of foam and paste them on the vertical surfaces. oh and plastic plants, yea you need some.
it's hard to see in the pictures, but I went with a cracking sandstone texture and look for the stones. there's light swirlings and variations of browns across the stonework. aquarium plants it is then.
but yea this need's to be moved.... @Scalenex Ps. you might want to try something like this for better photos of your minis View attachment 2515
Moved the thread. The panorama looks very good, how did you create the stone tiles look? Did you just carve out the lines in the foam before painting it?
Yep, cut blocks if pink foam with a hobby knife into a pyramid, then carved the lines. gotta carve each "brick" individually otherwise it looks wrong. covered the whole thing in a dark brown, then a thin swirling layer of aggrellan earth for color, waited for it to begin to crack, then put another layer on it. waited for that ti crack, then retraced my lines with the knife. drybrushed rakarth flesh and pallid wytch flesh for depth.