8th Ed. Small Tourny Report

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Lord Kroxti, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Lord Kroxti

    Lord Kroxti Member

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    So I was part of a small primer tournament last weekend in preparation for an upcoming tournament and I am proud to say that the cold blooded cause won the day.

    The tournament itself is a 2k, no comped environment with no End Times besides beastmen marks.

    Other rules is that characters can get MR against uberspells that allow no ward saves, and special characters are allowed.

    All missions will be battle line

    W 20 points, Tie is 10, L is 5

    5 additional points available per mission

    3 rounds

    Sports score out of 30

    Painting out of 30

    I ended up with 115, didn't get full painting of all the additional points

    My list.

    Slann, channeling combo, lore master high, BSB of discipline, 6+ ward versus war machine.


    Scarvet cowboy, 1+ 4++ GW

    Scarvet Cowboy 1+ reroll, I10

    Skink Priest, 2nd scroll Beast


    Skink 10 jav

    Skink 10 jav

    Skink 10 jav

    Skink 10 jav

    Skink cohort 18 Mus Banner

    Skink cohort 18 Mus Banner


    Temple Guard 21 Mus Banner Razor standard

    Chameleons 5

    Chameleons 5




    Came out to 999 SS

    First game

    First game was against a VC player, one of the better players in the tournament, and a good painter. His list was

    1 Vampire level 3

    10 black knights

    Giant block of ghouls

    1 varghoul

    3 vargheists

    1 terror Geist

    2 X 10 dogs


    Block of skellies

    This was the game I was most worried about. His immune to psych won’t flee, and in my entire time playing Warhammer, VC is probably the army I have played least against in my decade in the hobby. He got first turn and mover his entire army forward, then came the magic phase. 1st spell, I dispelled no worries. Second spell was the raise a unit spell. He miscast. Rolled a 3.Rolled a 3 on the d6. End of his magic phase, the black knights were done to 1 model, terror Geist had 2 wounds left, dogs were gutted, ghouls were fine, and necro in skelly unit made them fine. But from there I just started eating up the pieces and it wasn't close. Game ended, final point score 22-5

    Second game was against a dark elf player who had beat a WOC tzeentch list in game 1. He is a decent player, but his main is skaven and only recently swapped to DE so his choice of units were limited.

    He had 4X 5 Dark riders, La S RXbows

    4 bolt thrower

    36 corsairs

    36 RXbows in 1 unit


    Sorceress LVL 4 life

    This game really showed his newness to DE. The first 2 turn he shot 2 units of dark riders and all 4 bolt throwers into my chameleons. Granted he killed them, but he only killed 1 on the first turn, the second unit was able to kill one of his bolt throwers on one luck poison rolls. On the other side of his battle line, his dark riders decided to stand where they were and shoot at unit of skinks instead of being annoying and charging predatory fighter units in the flank. So skinks were able to take care of them. The giant unit of crossbows was able to only kill 1 skink on turn 1, as they had to move into long range so were hitting on 7, and while they were 12 across in horde, the rear rank was out of range. I kept moving up my Temple guard and was able to get curse off from the Skink priest turn 2 on the horde, so was able to charge in with Temple guard from 10 inches away and not have the unit die turn 3. Turn 3 he killed the cohort that had my skink priest in it. But I broke and ran down the Xbows with sorceress and BSB.

    Final score that game 23-5. He killed 3 of my units of skinks, 1 sally, both chameleons, and 1 skink cohort and got 1 banner. I had killed everything of his minus 6 guys in the corsair unit.

    Game 3 I was up against another lizardmen player but with a different flavor. He had received a bye game 1 and beat a skaven clan pestilins player round 2, so we were both in contention for prizes. His list was

    Slann on life, spells regen, toughness, throne, and shield.

    Temple guard 21 banner Mus

    22 skink cohort, 2 krox banner mus

    22 skink cohort, 2 krox banner mus

    20 saurus Spears banner Mus

    20 saurus spears banner Mus



    Ancient Steggy

    He got turn 1 and moved his battle line forward except for 1 sally which went to the flank to shoot at 1 unit of chameleons. Killed 1 but I passed leadership. His magic phase, all he got was throne, but I didn’t care about that because of drain magic.

    My battle line went forward and set up some redirects away from the temple guard unit from his multiple blocks. Cowboy with GW set up a charge against the stegadon if it charged the unit of skinks in front of it and overran. Then comes Magic. With channeling and an arcane ruin by my priest. I had 11 dice and he had 5.

    First spell, arcane unforging on the Slann. It goes off. I ask which magic items he had. His Slann was naked. The only other spell that went off that turn was Walk that set up a better flame on his skink cohorts.

    I go to exchange spells, pick death, and roll up purple sun…

    Shooting was uneventful, sallies either misfired or rolled a 2. However between 1 unit of 10 javelins and 5 chameleons I did 4 wounds to the ancient. That’s what happens when you roll 7 poison hits on 10 dice.

    Turn 2 he charges in everything

    1 krox cohort charges 10 skinks

    1 krox cohort charged my cohort

    1 saurus charged 10 skinks in the woods

    Ancient charged 10 skinks

    Sally charged chameleons.

    Magic nothing happened, and shooting nothing happened. Combat saw 1 unit of all my units flee, most got run down, except for one of the units of 10 skinks charged by a krox cohort, and the skinks in the woods lived with 3 men left.

    My turn 2 GW cowboy charged ancient, cowboy 2 charged his sally in the middle of his lines. My cohort of 18 skinks charged the flank of his cohort in combat with my skinks.

    Magic was uneventful. He stopped purple sun, boosted soul quench killed 4 temple guard, and with my last 2 dice I rolled a 5 when trying to boost my cohort with Hand on the boosted level.

    A couple of wounds happened in shooting from unengaged skinks and sally.

    Combat his saurus finished off my skinks and reformed facing my cowboy battling the sally. That combat was a push with me only getting 1 hit. I still won but LD 8 reroll… I won the combat between my cohort and skirmishers versus his cohort, but he stayed on a LD 5. And the cowboy killed his ancient.

    Turn 3 saw his 2nd unit of saurus charge the flank of my cohort in the flank of his cohort. He didn’t do any other charges but after moving some troops, he realized he forgot to charge my cowboy fighting the sally with either his saurus block or temple guard. Combat has my cowboy kill the sally, and his saurus and skinks break my skinks. My cowboy reformed facing the saurus unit that should have charged him and his saurus block pursued 3 inches, but his cohort pursued 9, right in front of my slann’s bunker.

    My turn 3 Slann charged his cohort and cowboy charged his saurus. Magic saw my roll double 1s but Slann channel 2 dice. So I 4 diced purple sun. It cast, rolled a 10 on the artillery die. Killed 2 of my templeguards1 skink, 1 kroxigor, and dropped his temple guard down to 2 temple guard and killed the Slann. I got 8 dice from that. Soul quenched the unengaged saurus and killed the majority of that. We kept playing out but at that point it was game over.

    Final score of that game. 24-5.

    So I won the tournament, GW actually provided prize support, I received a 3 month old white dwarf, a couple of patches and buttons, a how to paint space marine insert, Island of Blood and a free ticket to the tournament next month. Lizardmen player ended up with 90 something points and got 3rd place. Vampire player had 105 points and got second. I ended with 115.

    Looking at my list I think I like the High magic over wandering. I was a wandering guy but I find they fill different needs. This also allows me to drop a bomb on hordes, have one of the best magic missiles, and have the ability to swap out and maybe get the perfect spell for a different situation.

    I don’t know how I feel about the cohorts, since it’s not comped and only battle line so no fortitude. I’m still seeing how I feel on it.

    Any suggestions on improvements to the list will be welcomed. But this was my first tournament since the old ardboyz tournaments, so doing this well made me feel good, but now I have a giant target on my back.
    n810 likes this.
  2. PaxXx

    PaxXx New Member

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    First off, congratulations on winning the tournament! :)

    I only have a single question, which might just be because I don't have my armybook in front of me atm, but:

    Why have you chosen a magic item that grants your Slann a 6+ ward save against warmachines? As far as I remember, he has a 4+ ward as standard against everything, and he always succeeds Look out Sir! rolls when in a unit of TG's..? :)
  3. Lord Kroxti

    Lord Kroxti Member

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    ironcurse icon: grants the ward save to the character and his unit. For 5 points if it saves 1 temple guard it is a solid investment. And my meta has a lot of skaven and elves, so I thought it would be slightly usable in a tournament list. Also I had 7 points left over and didn't want to buy a skink
    n810 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I agree, if you have the left over points, the ironcurse icon is an excellent investment. You just have to make a single save for it to be well work it.
  5. PaxXx

    PaxXx New Member

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    Ah, that explains it. Thanks! :)

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