What is the interaction with poison and killing blow? If you roll a 6 to hit does that mean it auto wounds and is killing blow? Cuz I was thinking, swarms are fast enough to keep up with rippers. And if it worked like that then it would give rippers an even sharper edge.
Not a bad idea, might be difficult to pull off, but they will never see it coming. (yea, pretty sure it works that way) Never mind I am corrected.
If you score a poisoned hit, then you wound automatically and are unable to roll for killing blow. So poisoned hits can never be killing blows. The two rules do not work not stack together very well, so I wouldn't build a strategy around it.
Hmm.. a better combo might be Saurus with strength bonus or armor piercing and poison from the swarms.
I was going for a very fast list. Like just skrimishers, cowboys, and lots of cold ones and rippers, maybe a carno...
The one thing that really worries me with the swarms is that they absolutely bleed combat resolution points. I think you need to combine them with a large unit of spear saurus to make them truly worthwhile. It also depends what you are facing; for example, against a sphinx that poison is golden and well worth any combat resolution points that your swarms may give up.
if you are running swarms for support its probably best to only have one base in contact with the enemy, to reduce casualties. and of course flank or rear is preferable, but a corner isn't terrible.
I completely agree. We should definitely aim to set up our positioning to gain an optimum charge for swarms, otherwise the risk may outweigh the reward. As you said, corners, flank and rear are all highly desirable.
The TK Scorpions have KB and PS from themselves,, but Nightbringer is right in the fact that it does not stack. Thank god it does not, that would be a few overpowered models.
MAGIC!! Perhaps the poison infusion with reanimated bone/flesh causes some serious magical interference that weakens the effect of the spell. Yeah?
Wait, does that mean that I should roll for every base separately e. g. I get 12 hits in swarm unit in CC but since only one is adjacent to opponent then only one base gets all hits and dies?
@Trociu: That's not the case. It's just that with fewer models in contact with the swarm, fewer models can attack it. And since the swarms can basicly just clip a 20 mm base and still get all 5 of its attacks and confer the poison attacks special rule, you should try to keep the contact to a minimum ^^