I agree, I thought the emotion and acting were fitting to what the Jedi are supposed to be. This creates a nice contrast with the Sith, who feed of off passion and emotion. I think this dualism is at the heart of the success of Star Wars. Jedi and Sith are loved around the world. Very interesting. Some of the best Star Wars stuff has come from the hands & minds of different writers as part of the extended universe. After the prequel trilogy, I'm looking forward to a refreshing change.
Some hope, but I'll wait till it comes out on streaming. GL tried to cover up the many problems with writing, staging, and acting in the prequels with groups wielding lightsabers, fancy droids, gimmicky lightsabers, busy backgrounds, dual wielding lightsabers, token minority characters, quadruple wielding lightsabers, ramping up the action to absurd levels, and giving kids light sabers. The promos for episode 7, so far seem to focus on the visual gimmicks that failed to mask the stink left by the prequels failings. The lightsaber claymore seems especially dumb.
The cross-guard lightsaber has me intrigued. I know there was an initial wave of nerd rage over it, but it isn't too far fetched in my opinion. It actually makes a fair bit of sense...
Compared to much of what was done in the prequels (and the nolongercannonEU for that matter) something as benign as a saber cross guard is hardly something to get worked up over.
I can't wait to see the full trailer which I've heard is going to be played in theaters with Avengers 2.
Ha! Only a week away then. The second trailer showed us some good stuff so I can only imagine what the full trailer will show us.
Agreed! The second trailer had some really glorious shots; the backdrops were stunning. I'm extremely excited for the release of this movie. Of course the inclusion of the trailer with Avengers, was only based on rumours. I'm still hoping, but somehow I can't picture it being released so shortly after the second teaser. Perhaps teaser#2 is what they were talking about... I hope not, but I have a bad feeling about this. Here is the link to the story... http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=43867
I mean I am not J.J. Abrahm's biggest fan, like I could write a novel on him but I know he's got a deep love of Star Wars so that makes me trust him with this series and so far it looks like he is going to deliver and then some! thanks for the link. Hrm, yeah. Like teaser 2 is fantastic but, if that was the next trailer, hrm.
I've heard that too. Hopefully his love of Star Wars will ensure that he does the franchise justice. Furthermore, Disney as put big $$$ into this, so I'm sure they will do everything in their power to deliver big time. If what they have done with the Marvel franchise is any indication then we are in good hands. I'm pretty sure that the teaser 2 isn't the main trailer. If it turns out that the main trailer does not show with Avengers 2 then I'm sure it will make an appearance sometime down the line... BUT I WANT TO SEE IT NOW!
Now normally I would not say a massive company buying up everything is a good thing but good lord when Disney bought Marvel we got Avengers so when they bought Star Wars I was like GOOD GOOD this has potential to be good! Gods if it does not show I will be sorta bummed! I want some Star Wars dangit! I want to fall in love with the series again like when I saw Attack of the Clones (first one I ever saw) when I was kid on an IMAX screen.
It definitely has better potential then if it had stayed in the hands of George Lucas. He was never going to make anymore films. Another trilogy would have taken up too much of his time and energy. I have a feeling that this new trilogy will surpass the prequels, though I would be surprised if it could even approach the original trilogy. I'm also curious about the spin-off movies that are supposed to be released in between episodes VII, VIII & IX.
I share the same thoughts on them surpassing the prequels. Those the spin-offs, do we know who is directing those? Those will probably be of massively varying quality.
I have no idea who will be directing them. I agree that they are very likely to vary in quality, especially if they have a bunch of different directors at the helm. I would love for them to explore some of the Old Republic stories; they definitely have a lot of source material to draw from (Darth Revan, Darth Bane, etc.). But that's just me wishing away!
Another article talking about the official trailer release date. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/star-wars-...vealed-featuring-all-original-trilogy-1483863 I really hope that it turns out to be true!
Just finished watching Avengers 2... no Star Wars trailer I'm afraid. I guess the waiting game continues.
I am willing to bet we will get it sometime this summer. It would make sense to release it with the summer blockbuster stuff.