8th Ed. How are you preparing for 9th?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Unleashed, May 5, 2015.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    In all fairness, all the rumors might as well mean we are just getting a new name..possibly the one of our Faction.

    if you haven't seen then The Throne of Skulls have made a couple Faction names already.

    -Defenders of the old world
    -The dark gods
    -Ravening hordes
    - The undead legions
    - Last of the ancients (Lizzies go here)

    My guess is that "Lizardmen" wont get more support from now on, but "Last of the ancients" will...
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    FRYtheEGGofQUANGO Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Could it be... the end times are truly upon us.
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Everything below is what BOLS had posted. Font was too small for me to read. And there were too many blinky little ads... Is the Lizardman picture they used (2nd below) an old release?

    To War! – New Fantasy 9th Rumors!

    • Posted by Rob Baer
    • at May 6, 2015

    Prepare for what may be the return of Warhammer Fantasy -Come see!

    Don’t call it a come back, Fantasy’s been here for years. One of the GW stores dropped what looks to be a teaser about something big coming to their store soon.

    Will it be Fantasy 9th, or just another ‘big event’? You decide.



    via Games Workshop Lille on Facebook

    The sun goes down, teintant the sky of rubis and blood…

    The elected will get together in the heart of the sanctuary, bringing with them the hopes of their people…

    They will fight for the glory, for the honor, at the edge of the abyss…

    Will the lowest in the abyss while the strongest will be brought to the naked…

    Then they will fall in turn, victims of their pride until it is more than a glorified, glory, lying in the blood of his own nation, deaf to the supplications dying while he will recover this rightful Right, Sacred Eternal Champion in the heart of the Night, Supreme Lord in the land Devastated, King Nocturne acclaimed by the ghosts of his enemies… Until dawn…

    That the forges revolve nights and days, that the prophets look through the future, that your armies are amassing around your banner. Prepare yourself mortals!

    Because I am khorne! The Lord of the blood! The archi-commander! The forge-war!

    You are my guests… Enter in my arena. The rules have changed, prepare yourself!!

    Information directly in store!! You do not want to miss this, believe me on floor

    via Darkpignouf on Warseer

    Just coming back from my local store following some strange message on facebook and inviting us to pass by .
    9th edition will be released on saturday the 13th of june .
    My local store is organising on friday the 12th a warhammer tournament beginning at 8.00pm for thoses who will have reserved their 9th edition rule book ( If I correctly understand there will be 2 weeks of preorder )
    At 0.00 , He will give to players their books .
    Il will be a 8th edition tournament but the local manager will release a summary of the changes if they are not to numerous in order to play in 9th edition . If it changes too much , he says that it will be a 8th edition one

    The Original…..Games Workshop Lille on Facebook (en Francais)

    Games Workshop: Lille added 15 new photos.
    May 1 at 1:41am · Edited ·
    Le soleil se couchera, teintant le ciel de rubis et de sang…
    Les élus se regrouperont au cœur du sanctuaire, amenant avec eux les espoirs de leur peuple…
    Ils combattront pour la gloire, pour l’honneur, au bord de l’abîme…
    Les plus faibles sombreront dans les abysses pendant que les plus forts seront portés aux nues…
    Puis ils tomberont à leur tour, victimes de leur orgueil jusqu’à ce qu’il n’en reste plus qu’un, auréolé de gloire, baignant dans le sang de sa propre nation, sourd aux supplications des mourants tandis qu’il récupérera ce qui lui revient de droit, champion éternel sacré au cœur de la nuit, seigneur suprême en ces terres dévastées, roi nocturne acclamé par les fantômes de ses ennemis… jusqu’à l’aube…
    Que les forges tournent nuits et jours, que les prophètes scrutent l’avenir, que vos armées se rassemblent autour de votre bannière. Préparez vous mortels!
    Car je suis Khorne! Le Seigneur du sang! L’Archi-commandeur! Le Forge-guerre!
    Vous êtes mes invités… entrez dans mon Arène. LES RÈGLES ONT CHANGÉES, PRÉPAREZ VOUS!!
    Renseignements directement en magasin!! Vous ne voulez pas louper ça, croyez moi sur parole

    So where do we stand? this is the first solid mention of Fantasy we’ve had in weeks. Seems like between Space Marine rumors, and now Fantasy 9th, things will be heating up next month for sure!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'm not sure where that Lizardmen picture is originally from, but I have seen it before. It is definitely not a new picture.
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    This is a slightly clearer translation of whatever it said in French:

    The sun will set, tinting the sky like rubies and blood ...
    The elected officials [chosen ones?] will gather in the heart of the sanctuary, bringing with them the hopes of their people ...
    They will fight for glory, for honor, at the edge of the abyss ...
    The lowest will sink into the abyss while the stronger will be extolled ...
    Then they fall in turn, victims of their pride until it remains nothing more than, crowned with glory, bathed in the blood of his own nation, deaf to the pleas of dying while he will recover the rightful sacred Eternal Champion in the heart of the night, the Supreme Lord in these devastated lands, night acclaimed king by the ghosts of his enemies ... until dawn ...
    That forges turning night and day, that the prophets scrutinize the future, your armies gather around your banner. Prepare mortals!
    For I am Khorne! The Lord's blood! The Archi-Commander! The Forge-war!
    You are my guests ... enter my Arena. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED, PREPARE YOURSELVES !!
    Information directly in stores !! You do not want to miss it, believe my word​
  8. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Certainly sounds like a reference to Archaon.

    "he will recover the rightful sacred Eternal Champion in the heart of the night", this could be a reference to the ending, with the figure of man and a shard of light.
    Perhaps, the figure is the spirit of Sigmar (the "he...") who re-forms Archaon (the "Eternal Champion") in the remaining shard of the world to be the new champion against Chaos..
  9. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    What I got out of that weirdness translated from French + the summary of the final ETimes book somebody posted around here somewhere is:

    It all came to naught, the planet was swallowed by Chaos, Khorne is in charge, Arrchaon rulez, little fragments of the planet still exist for the amusement of His Chaotic Eminence, all is lost in Chaos...

    ...but wars go on, battles still happen, the sky is just red, there is only war, no need to worry about how a Cathay themed human army could find an Elf army to fight, the swirling vagaries of Chaos explains all, battle on, skullz, skullz, skullz....


    edit: The above scenario would be a rip-off & combination of The Shattered World by Michael Reaves and The Courts of Chaos from The Amber Series by Roger Zelazny. No solid planet, fragments of stable ground, swirling around the sky, a crazy ever changing sky. If that is where they're going, other authors got there first....
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile Lizardmen preserved their cities and floated away into space? So, maybe they really did write LM out of the game. :confused:

    Meanwhile, I went on eBay and won a couple of auctions....models new to me inbound.
    Slanputin likes this.
  11. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    The irony about Lizardmen in the End Times fluff (for me) was that I started a Lizardmen army because, after 3 3000+ point 40K armies, I wanted a race that wasn't "lost in space". I was even shocked to not see my favorite special hero character Gor-Rok have a role in either the rulebooks or novels.

    In the meantime between "official" editions, I'm still painting my army because I still love the model range of the faction even if we don't get new rules or models. I just can't bring myself to like or want to build another army out of any and all the Fantasy races that exist currently.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Ouch! That sucks.

    The End Times was pretty disappointing as a whole. I pretty much just completely ignore its existence... fluff, rules and model-wise.
  13. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    I agree with the fluff and models (Nagash is the only model I liked in any way and more as a display piece than something to pack around for games) but the rules for magic introduced in the Khaine book have been fascinating to read and truly reflected what i always thought how the magic phase pre-chaos incursion could've been like. I do admit that a Slann with the possibility of knowing 64 spells based on modestly priced Discipline is just TERRIFYING to think about, much less wield, in any game less than 4000 points, minimum.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    True, but other armies still got greater boosts... unified Chaos... unified Elves. And then you have some armies who received nothing at all. Not to mention those ridiculously overpowered uber characters.
  15. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    Unified Chaos seems like a natural consolidation of armies considering the story's title and setting.

    Unified Undead seems logical, Nagash is set up like Sauron in LOTR, One big skeleton to rule them all (sort of speak) and the combination works frightinly well on the table.

    Unified Elven Kingdoms is just...weird, fluff-wise. Rules wise, lots of powerful characters and solid units amongst all 3 model races.

    I did feel bad for Brettonia, Orcs, Ogre Kingdoms and even the Dwarfs, few to no new updates for rules, 1 silly formation (units of dwarves lead by Balthazar Gelt = What The...?) and an few "Incarnates" of dubious improvement over their original model profiles.

    Funny also how all the Even "Incarnates" were level 3-5 wizards and the Orc, Dwarf, Human ones only got a innate bound spells. Heck, a Dwarf is a representation of a magic LORE is worth chuckle. The End Times might even be just that, a chuckle before the belly laugh that could herald 9th.

    Just as long as the Lizardmen don't return with blasters and Wave Serpents, I'm good.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It makes perfect sense fluffwise (with the exception of adding in the Skaven), but rules wise they took 2 top tier armies (and 1 bottom tier) and allowed them to cherry pick the best choices from the three armies. It just gives them too many options... it's simply too good (and I'm a WoC player).

    This alliance doesn't bother me all that much. I just fear that it will transition into 9th and Tomb Kings will lose their Egyptian flavour.

    This is even worse than the Chaos alliance. Now you take 3 of the strongest armies and combine them.

    This is precisely how I feel too.
  17. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    This would be my reply to anyone wanting to field the combined chaos and or elven armies:

    "Sure! as long as I get to cherry pick every magic item and rule I want from any previous lizard army book, that I like!
    " Let's see I want, 4th gen Slann, with my favourite discipline... Uhh how about that lance in 7th that gave my Stegadon 2d+1 impact hits! "
    n810 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    And sharpened horns!

    Combined Elves and their uber characters might still be problematic, but at least it would be a much better fight!
  19. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Yes and Sharpened Horns, of course... any other magic item we would like?

    How about the Salamander from 5th edition, didn't just absolutely kill heavy cavalry with one sprout? Or am remembering the rules better than they were?
  20. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    Salamanders used to have a -3 penalty against armor saves, so yeah, they used to be awesome heavy cavalry killers. Bringing a pack of 3 to the table was almost more scary to my opponents then stegadons and carnosaurs. :D

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