Just spawned here and thought i greeted my elder lizards already while asking for guidance in order to survive our shattered world...or i'll just write down my own background. I've been playing WF for some years now...my first games were on 6th edition, but really started playing in 7th, and played a lot in 8th. Been playing High Elves, O&G, Wood Elves, and a little Brettonia. What attracted me to the cold blooded race, was of course dinosaurs, and their heroic disposition towards their defence of their cities. So i built my first lizardmen army, the only way i would like it, Jurassic Park styled. A lot of Dinosaurs, led by skinks and saurus, a band of Orphans whose Slann is either dead or missing. Our Oldbloods, and skinks tend to think of Stegadons and Other Lustrian creatures much like their Slann would think of them. A band of creatures, that can be useful, but in need of guidance and protection. Creations, even though not theirs, still theirs to keep and protect. And so they march, a thundering herd throughout sacred Lustria, seeking others to add to their cause, and to crush the hordes of enemies. So i greet thee defenders of the star cities, and heirs to the legacy of the old ones. we love our dinos.
Welcome, Shep. I can tell you've got a unique take on how to theme an army - it will be interesting to see how that translates to your tactical success - I hope we get some battle reports and list information to pore over. And photos. What makes your dino more jurassic than mine? Is it because mine is purple? Meanwhile help yourself to the tactical, philosophical, artistic and literary feast that is to be enjoyed on L-O. And don't make eye contact with Scalenex.
Welcome to the forums! I hate to toot my own horn but BEEP BEEP BEEP Let us know if you have specific questions about rules, fluff, tactics, painting, or anything else?
First of all thanks for the welcome, i'll keep your suggestions to mind...especially about Scalenex...is he a basilisk? Secondly, about the tactical effect of the army...well, so far it works....better than any army i ever had. @spawning of Bob i think my army is a little more Jurassic because it has more big dinosaurs...still, i don't know your army and have only about 2600 pts painted yet...and yet its the list i always wanted to play but i guess we'll see. @Scalenex Well haven't red that yet, but i'll probably give it a shot sometime. It seems a lot of Slann have gone....heroicly sacrificed in order to hault the advance of chaos...
Sounds like you've got an interesting theme for your army, particularly suited for a Lore of Beasts Priest! I look forward to seeing your models and reports on the forum and perhaps the odd publishing of fluff - it seems you have fertile ground for writing! We're pretty active on here, glad you could join us.
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading your contributions and seeing pictures of your Jurassic army!!!
Also. I feel very ashamed about that, but i have made a mistake. If an admin is reading this, and it is possible, please change my name to Stegadon Shepherd. Thank you.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP And don't worry about the name. It is fully (sic). There are far far worse crimes against English being perpetrated here every day.
Hmm, I don't see a way to change your username. Might need to call in the big guns for that one. You might just make a new profile and abandon this one if you really want the change. Welcome to L-O!