8th Ed. This guy.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Man0waR, May 28, 2015.

  1. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    I agree that the WoC lord is the best character in the game, mobility is absolutely key to his effectiveness and he has it in spades. But oldbloods are only a step behind him, for me oldblood(s) are the best characters in the game because I can reasonably bring 2-3 all with devastating abilities and builds, heck up to 5 builds without losing any functionality. Their cost and potential outweigh WoC characters in my estimation, but good gravy is the WoC lord amazing.
  2. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Aw, thanks pal.

    Perhaps, but I get to take the initiative which changes things. Firstly my buffed Oldblood would likely be tougher than the Lord for that one first turn, which with some luck could allow me to sneak in even one of those d3 multi-wounds. And my guy's a hell of a tank himself with solid defense and the best rerollable armour save points can buy, so he'd likely survive the hits back. And should you get your buffs off too, I retain mine so it's not an instant win for you just yet.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It's a good battle no doubt and there is a chance for the Lizards to come out on top. Plus the Oldblood is cheaper!

    I can see the merit in that argument. WoC are very much an elite army, we may have amazing guys... but we can't field many of them. Our Lords are not exception. Oldbloods and especially Scar Vets are particularly points efficient.
    Bainbow likes this.
  4. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I remember one time, somebody described WoC to me as having absolutely dominating statlines with the capabilities to win practically any straight-up fight, but lacking the diverse tricks and aces-up-the-sleeves that other armies have. If this is accurate, it would mean that there's a whole new layer to strategy for the WoC because due to the fact that they lack the usual tactical layers of other armies, a good player needs to primarily focus their tactics on getting into those aforementioned straight-up fights and prevent opponents from pulling their ace up the sleeve.
    Any truth to that?
  5. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    That used to be true, back when WoC did not have the shooting or fast attack options that they have now. currently based on straight up stats they crush every other army, combined with additional options that synergize better than most other army options and you get a truly elite army. with an awesome stone thrower, fast Calvary and monstrous Calvary options and very decent magic WoC no longer have any flaws, they have access to more tactics than lizardmen and can answer any threat from any other army easily. I consider them to be balanced but at a higher level than other armies, they are by no means unbeatable but all things being equal a WoC army against lizardmen in the hands of equally experienced players will win probably two out of three times easily.
    Bainbow likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    WoC are indeed a powerful army, I would never deny that. I would agree that they are definitely a top tier army... however they are not the only army residing in that top tier. There are difficult match ups for WoC as well, especially the pesky Elven armies. Skaven can also give WoC a good challenge as well as Ogres, Daemons and Dwarfs if the players are of equal skill level.

    I agree with Bainbow the tactics of WoC are primarily to counter the tactics (aces-up-the-sleeves) of their opposition. For instance, in a straight up battle WoC will top Lizardmen fairly easily. However, Lizardmen have the tools to win the chaff battle and thus avoid a straight up battle and fight on their own terms. The WoC player has to counteract this. As an example, Skullcrushers can beat almost anything thing in the game one to one. But a skilled player can make use of their frenzy to neutralize them. As a result it still requires a huge amount of skill on the WoC part to take on a skilled player of another army.

    A quick breakdown of WoC...

    Characters - Extremely elite, some of the best in the game, but expensive. Have you ever seen what a scroll caddy costs in a WoC army? That said, no complaints!

    Shooting - nearly non-existent, unless you opt to take the Hellcannon, marauder cavalry are inconsequential. I love the Hellcannon personally, but I know a lot of WoC players who do not like it at all. The Hellcannon can unleash huge amounts of devastation, or do nothing at all. It is very hit and miss. Also, the more points invested in Hellcannons the less rare points are available for skullcrushers.

    Magic - mediocre. There are many armies that are far superior in terms of magic due to the availability of magic items, special rules or the cost of purchasing wizards. The advantage of WoC is that the wizards are durable; but this durability comes with a significant price tag (see scroll caddy comment above).

    Movement - WoC can have an extremely mobile army if they wish to go that route. They have lots of quick units and an abundance of flying options. Once again though, they have to pay a premium for it. But a fast WoC army can be extremely potent!

    Close Combat - this is where the army really shines. This is our bread and butter. Best of the best. Only a few armies can stand toe to toe with WoC in terms of combat ability (Dwarf characters, Elven elite units, Nurgle Daemons, HPA, etc)

    Leadership - mediocre at best

    Chaff - mediocre at best. What I would give to have some Chaos skinks!!! WoC fast cavalry pale in comparison to their Elven counterparts. Warhounds are decent, but nowhere near the level of a skink. No access to cheap flying chaff or scouts.

    So WoC are far from invincible and I don't even think they are the top performing army in terms of top level tournament results. However they are admittedly very good, top tier without a doubt. I do think they can be a more forgiving army since they can often fight their way out of less than ideal situations, but I do not agree with people that claim that they require little skill to master. If your opponent is skilled, a WoC player has to be skilled to counteract them. If both generals are unskilled and just push their models straight forward for combat... then WoC will dominate.
    Bainbow and Niarg like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Hmm maybe i am just lucky ,but I have not lost to WoC (no bragging just stating). My Saurus warriors seem to beat his Warriors, and my Stegadons rams through his units. His real advantage has been the magic, as I did not have a Slann back then, for some reason he lost anyway, I guess the dice didn't like him.

    What kind of characters can the WoC take that is so good? My opponent hasn't been taking a lot of those figthey ones, or at least I don't think so, as they lost the matchups to my Oldbloods.

    How good of an armor save can the regular warriors actually get?
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Tzeenth Lord with same-y stats as an OB, same gear, just mark or Tzeenth and Tzeenth item that let him have 3+ ward where you reroll 1s.

    Nurgle deamon Prince who can fly and spew purple sun in your face and gains s wound back for every 6 he rolls when he does a wound. Against Elfs he basically don't die in close combat. Oh and it's unbreakable just in case just manage to tank it with something.

    Trogg is very very nasty. S8 I believe (S6 + GW) and his troll puke thingy.

    I think those are the worst of the bunch.

    Warrior of Chaos can gain a 3+/6+ save. I don't think mark PF tzeenth stack with parry? However with new swedish comp rules those guys are about to be 3+/5+. They are essentially the old ironbreakers just better :p
  9. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    Actually, I'm pretty sure that the current MoTzeentch ward bonus does apply to parry saves (parry is stated as a 6+ ward save. MoTz adds +1 to any ward saves). At least that's how I've always seen it played...
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I Googled around. 3+/4+ it is D:

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