Hi all, I'm looking for some advice/options on how to approach painting the feathers on my skink priest. I was a big fan of the multi color feathers that were shown on the packaging but can't figure out how they did it. I tried overlapping shades but the colors came out very dark. Perhaps overlapping glazes? I was hoping to apply them right over the white base coat so as to not lose any detail. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks for the support.
is your base coat black, cause that will cause your colors to come out a bit dark, try a white base coat for the feathers.
Glazes can achieve the desired look, start with your lightest colour and work your way to the darkest, try to blend the edge were the glazes meet. A more consistent method would be to blend the colours so i will point you to this thread, http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/skink-priest-tips.16276/ We have covered a couple of options but @n810 has added some great vids.
I have a white base coat but am wondering if I should put down a thin layer of bright yellow and just use the glazes to darken and highlight that?
I would use a yellow glaze it will allow the feather spines to show through more, so if using GW casandra yellow, highlight with white.