8th Ed. Gor-Rok, The Great White Lizard Tactics & Discussion

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lord Grok Of Xillaqua, May 28, 2015.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    If Gor-rok had a Cold One option, I would field him always.
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    It would would certainly make him more interesting. Now imagine if Kroq gar still allowed Cold Ones to be used as core. Combine those two and BAM stubborn CoR core units :3
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    His role is actually rather simple,
    He's for leading a large block of Saurus warriors
    in destroying other large blocks of infantry. ;)
    Pinktaco and Mr Phat like this.
  4. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    .....or....................or.................take the chance of not having a look out sir, and put him on the side of a krox block.

    A stubborn, ITP kroxigor unit really could have its uses.
    On cost of -2 movement of course.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Or put another character with Crown of Command in that unit :p
  6. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    I absolutely love using Gor-Rok, he is a contender in almost any list I create because his points are not too high and he allows me to maximize my deployment possibilities with his stubborn self not needing to be around a BSB. Also that +1T is huge, denying wounds is just as good as saving them, better for me because the dice are fickle when I need them not to be, against S4 opponnents which is most infantry or non charging calvary +1T is as good as a 4+ WS, against S5 which is most elite infantry it is as good as a 5+ WS and for S6 or higher it still helps unless they have S9 or more.

    His re-roll hits and buffed PF are incredible, I have not failed to hit at least 4 times with him in any round of combat, usually I get 5-8 hits in, even against those darn nurgle guys he is great. The opponent really hates seeing me re-roll all my dice and land 3 additional attacks which I then re-roll for more solid hits, and at S5 he actually denies quite a bit of an armor save, bringing those halberd nurgle warriors down to a 6+ save, he has even taken out a lot of 1+ AS knights and I don't hesitate to throw him in their way.

    3 in btb with him means 1 is going to probably die, possibly more if I'm lucky, he can reasonably survive all the hits from anyone accept DE cold one knights and that is if they focus all possible attacks against him, if I do get a little lucky and he survives then they wasted their chance and I'm going to win combat and run them down (they charged so I charge next turn). Against those kind of knights he needs 3's to hit and 2's to wound and they have a 4+ save, 3+ for chaos or inner circle, which means he is killing about 2-3 in addition to the 1 from a DT test, that is a lot from those units and it is something normal saurus struggle with. Once the charge is done he will eat them alive if he is still around, and like I said if they all direct all possible attacks to him only the DE calvary have a decent chance to kill him, and the saurus will destroy them after that if they succeed.

    He is not game breaking like Teto in magic or throgg against high armor units, but man is he effective against a very large range of units, in addition to controlling board space and providing a myriad of additional deployment options. Funny trick, throw him in a unit of 20 skirmish skinks and that chaff is now ITP and stubborn but will also mash most other units it hits, his hitting power alone into flanks is amazing.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    With your powers combined, I can make a small edit to the Kroxigor Tactica. A Cowboy with a Crown of Command could bestow a big block Kroxigor horde with Stubborn without slowing the unit down. Of course then the Kroxigor are all subject to Stupidity but Kroxigor Deathstars generally have a Slann nearby by design.
    Mr Phat likes this.
  8. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Our wisdom be yours, oh keeper of the index!
    Scalenex likes this.
  9. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    But it's also easy to dispel at that low value too.
  10. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    True. That's why I tend to wait towards the end of the magic phase to cast it, so that the opponent uses their dispel dice on a more dangerous spell.
  11. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Yes and no. If you go 1 die you have a 1/3 chance of ending your turn but your opponent needs 7-10 for his dispel value which is at least 2 dice but more comfortably 3-4. If you go 2 dice you only have a 1/12 chance of ending your turn but your opponent needs 8-16 which is 3-5 dispel dice. You are coming out ahead in terms of the dice battle. If you cast this first your 1 die advantage becomes 2+ dice advantage. Similar reasoning for why casting the Basti spell first is so good.

    Small stuff like this is best to do at the start. Fear isn't as good anymore because of the broken SyG but it's Fear +1 wound. Play your magic like you're a Tomb King -- save a few dice for Light of Death at the end of the phase and suddenly your opponent lets the "less harmful" spells go through waiting for that nuke. "Well the wound is annoying but I don't care about Fear. I am worried about Arcane Unforging so I'll save my dispel for that." Your 3 dice in your pocket consumes his 4-5 dispel dice and opens up 2 other spells to get through.

    Back to the topic. Gor Rok is freaking amazing. Love the guy and love that I can have 3 stubborn units in my main battle line.
  12. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    You need to think bigger. Sometimes I'll let my opponent have a greater freedom with magic because I spent a bunch of dispel dice on a seemingly minor spell, but that's because stopping that small spell could be a gamechanger for me. For example, timing it right could let me take out Gor-Rok for the cost of giving my opponent more freedom, especially if they only use few dice for it. That in turn would remove both stubborn and a heavy hitter from the unit in question, allowing me to come out on top.
  13. StinkySkinky

    StinkySkinky Active Member

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    When reading about the mace of ulumak I first assumed it granted two extra attacks on a 5 or 6. I know this is grossly over powered and not true, but could someone explain why it's worded so poorly?

    "Gor-Rok gains an additional Attack from his Predafory fighter special rule on any successful to hit roll of a 5 or 6"

    I think it's the use of 'an' here, im not sure, can someone please clear this up for me? Sorry and thanks :p

    Edit: if they worded it like : 'Gor-rok gains his additional attacking from the predatory fighter special rule on a 5 or a 6' would make more sense?
    miturian likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It makes sense to me, I think the wording is fine.

    "An additional attack" is singular and as stated it is triggered each time he rolls a 5 or 6 to hit. So with 4 attacks (not counting magical shenanigans) he can at most earn four additional attacks.
    n810 likes this.
  15. miturian

    miturian Member

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    Actually, the errantry banner is very popular on errant knights, making them str 6 on the charge as well :) I actually don't think I have ever fielded my errants without the banner.

    I agree, it's poorly worded. I didn't read it that way myself, but seeing your interpretation, I would even go as far as to say that that is the "simplest" way to read it. I think "an" should be exchanged for "the", or they should choose a wording saying that the PF fighter rule is "extended" to also activate on a 5.
  16. StinkySkinky

    StinkySkinky Active Member

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    Mhm it would be more straight forward if they stated "Gor-Rok gains the Predatory fighter special rule on any successful to hit roll of 5 or 6" No need to mention an additional attack as the additional attack IS predatory fighter?
  17. miturian

    miturian Member

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    yes, something like that. or "predatory fighter attack is granted not only of 6's, but also 5's" :)
  18. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    i love Gor-Rok , he is by far one of the best heroes we have. my first game i played with him he was charged by a unit hex wraiths and they failed the DT test it was beautiful, i later charged said unit of wraiths and killed them one by one with Gor-Rok as the rest of his unit couldn't actually attack them with them being ethereal.
  19. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    I love Gor-Rok, he always seems to hold out well for me when I play him. He even managed to kill a WoC Nurgle daemon prince in a challenge for me. OK well I'm not saying you should expect this, I did get very lucky with the dice rolls, but still he did it :)
    Also I think the DT test for his shield fail on a 1 or 2 dont they? Or am I thinking of the 7th Ed book?
    Either way I think he is a great character, just keep him away from killing blow. Even with his immunity on a 2+ he'll still take a wound with no armour save, so 2 killing blows and dead Gor-Rok
    ZeTe likes this.

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