Blog What have they got in there, King Kong?

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Acrocanthosaurus, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Acrocanthosaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Acrocanthosaurus New Member

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    Welcome to my blog for what will be most likely my final foray into Lizardmen.

    I have done my absolute best to get over the depressing hump that the uncertainty that "9th" (or whatever it is) has caused to get back into my 1st and favorite army.

    Now. I have never been a huge fan of using a Slann, what drew me to Lizardmen was and always will be, the dinosaurs.
    And infact I have a little mission to create as many different dinosaurs as possible and display them throughout my army.

    So without further adieu.

    Here is my unit of Saurus Cavalry.
    I hate hate hate the current ones for the lizardmen. Absolutely despise them, thier fingers dont looks real thier teeth don lock pro.......ack, they are full of problems.
    Now, the Dark Elf ones on the other hand, most beautiful models I have ever encountered.
    Since I have both a Dark Elf and Lizardman army, I decided to opt for feathers on these ones, to differentiate them and to make them more like a real dinosaur.

    Here we have one of my Stegadons.
    This was a conversion I did some time ago, and while it has not aged brilliantly, it still looks good if you view it at the right angles.

    Still painting this one.
    A Stegadon based on a Torosaurus. I always try to raise the tail with Stegs, whenever possible....I dont like dragging tails.

    Another Stegadon.....yes this will be a Stegadon.
    It is based on a Therizinosaurus, a large plant-eating dinosaur.
    I am still thinking about how to execute the head properly.

    This is just a Horned one from back when it was actually still an option.

    Scar Vet on a very big Cold-One.
    I am glad I have never had to rank him up, as I dont think anything will sit comfortably behind him.

    One of my oldest models, that I somehow painted half-decently when I was little.....I still do not know how.

    The Current "Big Project". My Troglodon based on a Carnotaurus.
    I am trying to find some tiny hands with stubby fingers to use for him.

    Bit of an idea here.
    Bulk up the muscles with Greenstuff and then use the parts here to make this Crypt Horror into a Kroxigor.

    I also have plans to finally make a Carnosaur with the new kit. But thats still in the pipeline.

    Hope you enjoy the pictures!
  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    It's a shame that you're considering this your lizardmen swan-song. I might advise withholding judgement until 9th is released.

    I do love the wide varieties of dinosaurs in your army, it's made me rethink how I'm building mine. Especially, the multiple different 'stegadons' xp
  3. Acrocanthosaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Acrocanthosaurus New Member

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    I consider it a swan song due to Lizardmen (along with everyone else) being squatted and the models availability will inevitably dwindle and inflate in price.
    Also. GW have not only jumped the shark, but slapped me in the face with it when they decided to blow up the warhammer world.
    Its going to take some crazy back-peddling for them to earn back my trust.

    Anyway, I do have more dinosaurs to show. Like:

    My Pachyrhinosaurus I use for a normal Stegadon.

    And here is one of my Razerdons.
    Unfortunately I have a hard time getting any use out of them in battle.

    And this is kind of a test-model. But this is my Salamander.

    And to show I actually have something other than dinosaurs. My Saurus.
    Although I am not too happy on the paint-job I did on them.
    It was kind of rushed.
    Warden, Slanputin and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You've done a fabulous job converting your army. You've created quite the diversified Dino force!

    I do admit that the rumors look bleak and depressing, but only time will tell. If 9th stinks, you could always stick with 8th!
  5. Acrocanthosaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Acrocanthosaurus New Member

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    I do try to diversify it as much as possible.
    Although, all of them always seem to end up from the same exact period of time....

    Its not the rumours, its what has already happened that has made me decide this. I frankly do not care about Age of Sigmar, if it was a 9th edition I would be ok with it. But a reset of the world is a big no no to me.
    So whether AoS stinks or not (judging from GW of late that's a yes) I will continue having fun playing 8th. The only question is if I will have both opponents and sources of models to continue.
    Sorry if this is a bit of a glum start to a blog.
    (Also, how do you make a quote on here? I am not used to this system)

    For a bit of a fun list, here is a look at all the Dinosaurs/Prehistoric Reptiles I have implemented and plan to implement.

    Tapejara x5
    Edmontonia x2

    Planned Dinosaurs:
    Warden likes this.
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Great first post! Welcome to the forum! I love your conversions. Making do with what we have is irritating sometimes, but having some skill with greenstuff is very beneficial. I don't doubt you could do some great work with our Bastiladon model!

    To quote something, simply highlight and click reply or quote. Multi-quote is handy if you want more than one topic to respond to.

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