Greetings. I am thinking about a combat oriented list with Saurus characters, combat blocks and big dinos sprinkled with some Skinks. What would you recommend? Thank you
If you ARE going to focus on saurus, then minimum 2 "Wyssans wildform" in the list is completely crucial. Lore of light Slann for buffs Gor-Rok in your saurus block for punch and stubborn. As many Saurus characters on cold ones as you are allowed to.
Magic defense is critical in the current meta. Plus leadership 9 (10 with banner) cold blooded is sweet! And who doesn't want I10 & WS10 saurus?
Never assume one persons Meta is the same as yours. The leadership advantage of the slann is nice and the effectiveness of a temple guard block in combat is potent but the slann for magic defense may not be necessary, I have gotten by with a couple skink priests with cube and scroll just fine. In terms of the original suggestion of saurus characters and blocks with some monsters, you could easily get a couple stegs and a couple carnosaurs, two blocks of warriors and a smattering of skinks (with a couple priests with the cube and scroll).
From my experiences running a double Old Blood list before the changes the selection%, you need a tarpit saurus. There is a great thread with ideas somewhere(on phone atm, sorry). I found that being able to choose yours fights was the key to the list. An Old Blood with Tailsman of Preservation, Great Weapon, Stubbborn Hat and Dragonhelm on a cold one was IMO the way to go. He will hold his own against pretty much everything.
I can see that working if someone is attempting a minimalist magic list. True that metas vary from region to region, but as a whole, the meta is currently cannon & magic heavy. If his meta is different, then he can simply state that fact and open up a new dialogue from there. If you're looking for an effective list, I'd take a slann over Carnos any day of the week.
Thank you for all the replies I used to run a couple of Skink characters on Terradons when the new book was released. Is that still a viable choice? I was mainly using them to help restrain my Saurus from persuing when I didn't want them to. I was thinking maybe three Saurus Characters anyway. Edit: I also noticed that nobody mentions Salamanders. Are they not the auto include that they used to? Thanks!
I think a skink chief or two on a terradon is an effective choice. The guy can fill so many different roles (predatory fighter control, chaff hunting, warmachine hunting, chaffing, running down fleeing units, etc.). My favourite build is... Skink Chief -terradon -light armour -spear -enchanted shield -dragon bane gem Salamanders are amazing. They are highly effective at putting a serious hurting on giant blocks of enemies... and elves really hate them! They are a great inclusion into just about any list.
Welcome to L-O, @Gar'ruk! Great first post. I'd just echo what most people have said on here so far, except that I always take 2 Salamanders. Always always. They are my pride and joy. Those two little guys have done everything from harass and infuriate a Toad Dragon for a full 6 turns, all the way to running behind the enemy lines and causing panic and confusion. MVPs for me.
With a Slann, not really. If you are not running any other characters that would be fine. Without a Slann, two Old Bloods is a must IMO. One on foot as General and one John Wayne.
Well I was thinking about the Light buffing Slann and two Wyssans Wildform Priests. So maybe just two Cowboys then
Well think of it like this, Slann, Old Boiler and 2 Scar Vets is about 1000pts, and thats not using the whole kettle fish. Add the 2 priests in, and you looking at near on half the army already. Let alone if the Winds of Magic turn into a breath of hot air.
How hardcore is your playgroup/meta?? I used to get alomg fine with two Old Bloods, Scar-Bsb and a Lvl 2 Skink Preist with a scroll and Ruby Ring. With the Bastilidon, if you have one, can give some more magic out put whilst supporting a flank. If you want the Slann. I am running a Slann, Old Blood and Skink Priest atm. Just drop the priest for a cowboy. Thats around the 800 mark.
So Slann, Oldblood, Scar-Vet and one priest? Do you run them on Cold ones still or the Oldblood on foot? Edit: Our gaming group uses Swedish comp in different forms. From friendly to hard lists.
So far I have been thinking about something like this: Slann; Lord At’nak. - LVL 4 (Light) - BSB (Standard of discipline or Swiftness) - Channeling staff - Obsidian lodestone - Soul of stone - Harmonic convergence Saurus Oldblood; Ruk'tar. - Great weapon - Dragonhelm - Talisman of Preservation - Other Trickster’s Shard - Cold one Scar-veteran; Gar'nuk. - Great weapon - Armour of destiny - Cold one Skink priest; Te’quin. - Lvl 1 (Beast) - Dispel scroll 30 Saurus warriors. - Full command 12 Skink skirmishers. - Javelin & shield 12 Skink skirmishers. - Javelin & shield 12 Skink skirmishers. - Javelin & shield 26 Templeguard. - Full command Ancient Stegadon. - Sharpened horns 1 Salamander hunting pack. - Extra handler 1 Salamander hunting pack. - Extra handler Leaves me with 131 points to spend. Edit: Please help me improve it Moderator Edit: Please no individual point values. - Qupakoco
if you wanted something sneaky you could do it would be easy to get another priest but with the cloak of feathers or the flying carpet and have him buzz around acting as an Arcane Vassal letting the slann pump out some Shems gazes or Bansihments on some backfield pieces or chaff units. you could also almost squeeze in another cowboy (or a fella on foot would be completely manageable) to add a little bit of that extra ooomph to the warriors. More salamanders is another option.