AoS Age of Sigmar Rumours - Mk II. (Our new name)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    "– Four Great Alliances:
    – Order: Stormcast Eternals, Steamhead Duardin (Dwarfs), Red Slayers (Mercenaries of sorts. Where the old Empire went?), Aelf, and Seraphon – reptilian warriors who appear out of nowhere."

    Seraphon pretty cool name if true, sounds like the seraphim which is some kind of four winged angel or whatnot. That makes it strange but you've gotz to protect dem IPz.

    More stuff in the link below.
  2. still-young

    still-young New Member

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    I'm hoping that the war scrolls add a lot more complexity, otherwise it seems really dumbed down and simple. It all seems...weird, just really quite different to anything GW have done before.
  3. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    I wonder if the War Scrolls will BE the new points limit to the game. Not in actual "points" but by how many are allowed in each game. Sorta like Formations in 40K but without points?
  4. still-young

    still-young New Member

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    So this is from someone on DakkaDakka who is a retailer:
    So... I don't even know.

    I spose it could maybe work if the war scrolls have an amount for each unit, like 10 goblins or 3 chaos warriors or something, but then surely things like leaders, a Skaven chieftain is one warscroll, and Nagash is one warscroll...
  5. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    After reading over the rules pages I am at a loss of words.

    It is clear that this is a extreme newbie-fied version of the game we all love. While we do not have the entire context, at the moment it does not sound like a game I or any of the people I play with would ever play.

    On the other side, since this is as far from current WBF you can come, it is possible we will get another "hardcore" edition as well. I know that some rumors has said that we will not get this, but I do not believe that GW is so stupid that they do not realize that as major changes like this will alienize them from most of their current players (at least the older ones of us).
  6. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Well, this was typed someone who is obviously... er...emotionally compromised. He doesn't seem to understand it himself so I can't say I can really take what he says on board.

    AoS was always going to be simplified and directed towards getting new players into fantasy - I can see them leaving out points if they're trying to get kids involved.

    The rumours have always said that there'll be a BRB released soon after. I expect they'll be more in depth. I would struggle to understand why they wouldn't release one.

    Aelf? Really? I know keeping it phonetically similar to elves will allow new players to quickly make an association with the fantasy trope, but it sounds silly. Would have preferred Asur or Innadeim if they wanted an IP-able name.

    Seraphon doesn't sound particularly Lizardmen-y, but an old rumour did say they might be introducing a Draconid theme. I suppose references to winged messengers/gaurdians could hint at that.
    Mr Phat likes this.
  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So here's two good things:
    1) No rounds bases needed so keep square bases and you can play both.
    2) free rules mean we can try it out and if we don't like it we can stick with 8th edition.

    With that said you can forget about LM in AoS. Why? Because our faction is more than s bunch of models, it's the fluff, the special rules and the stats.. And the name. Change all of those and you essentially have a new army.

    I'm going to read the rules when they pop online and the stats for "our" models, but I sincerely doubt my group and the people I know will permanently change.

    Also screw the no point system. People are going to power creep the heck out of this and bring 5 mega units in total. It'll be warriors of chaos extreme edition for everybody.
  8. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Did the old points system ever accomplish its purpose? Balanced OpFors. ???

    The thing to do is map the model you like to the specific stats that are the most fun (perform the best). Blatant, ruthless, proxying/counts-as...
  9. miturian

    miturian Member

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    heh, I'm actually optimistic. Simple rules don't bother me, there are a lot of simple games that allow complex strategies. The "no balance" sounds weird, but for now I also choose to disregard that. We can have a simple game with balance (might even be easier to balance something with fewer rules). since all models are getting new statlines (it seems), I don't think we should base our opinions of "no points" on how models worked in 8th.
    I see that the rules mention armies of up to 100 models per side - that's not much smaller than what we're presently fielding, and makes me think that the rules scale, somewhat.
    we'll see if the fluff is nice, and what the battle scrolls bring
  10. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Eh, I find this all baffling and confusing now.
    Why take away balancing, point systems. What? I need to reread to see if what I'm seeing is crazy or not.
    Even games like Hordes/ Warhmachine and Malifaux have point systems and those games are tiny in battles.

    My boyfriend was taking it out on me, ranting over Skype. Yelling at how past models are useless now, I yelled at him to snap out of it, if all models are useless now, there will be pitchforks and torches from many fans, it makes no sense. Even if they did take away all the models, they would be off the shelves by now along with the books. Never heard him slam the keyboard so much.
    I made this clear, they won't abandoned the many hundreds of models. The amount of money they will lose will be nuts, I don't think GW will be that crazy to do so.
  11. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Sooo dumb! But remember they are supposed to represent all sort of new elves, not just the asur, asrai or druchii.

    Edit: Clarification, the name Aelf is dumb, not your reply :)

    This is essentially true for all armies, bar chaos maybe. If my friend playing empire were to place the sigmarines next to anything in his army it would look out of proportion. Sure Sigmar is there, but the fluff has changed as well.

    There's always 8th! :)
  12. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    There is/must be some sort of comp system, categories, slots to fill, in effect: an invisible points system.

    Aaaawww. He oughts not to done that.
  13. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    It's a game-in-a-box designed for new players, points system might get in the way for some fresh faced people. I expect the 9th BRB to be more complex!

    I'd wait until I at least read the Warscrolls before having an existential crisis over my models. Let us remain calm.
    Gogery and Mr Phat like this.
  14. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Guys, I know I might not be the best one to put forth this point:

    But chill the F _ _ K down.
    Stop taking everything newly posted as pure truth.
    There can be countless explanations to this being out of place.

    A. a lie
    - For S _ I _S and giggles
    - Someone trying to stir up the hype by adrenalin-injecting the forums.

    B. He misunderstood the info
    - He could have read all the previous dark rumors and auto-joined it with what actually might have been a variation of that.
    - English could not be his primary language, and he just didn't get it right (Understanding vocals and writing is different).

    C. The guy in the telephone was poor at delivering the message
    - New guy
    - Not actually played the game
    - Forgot parts of it
    - The guy might have been 1 of 30 guys put in a room to get a short presentation of the info they have NEVER seen before, on how to deliver it to the managers.

    (if you have a "thats too unprofessional to happen" attitude, then I promise you its in fact very likely)

    D. "Crybaby"
    - The manager might have on purpose made it sound worse to funnel his frustrations on something that might not be so bad.
    Gogery, Niarg and Slanputin like this.
  15. miturian

    miturian Member

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  16. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Gogery likes this.
  17. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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  18. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    This sounds like fun ... we get to just beam in! From our secure bases in space, over the poles, no less.

    But if I am wrong ... the door is left wide open for players to derive their own system.

    A crowd sourcing approach might work well for this.
  19. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Not sure if you're refering to me, but multiple sources are stating the same. Okay maybe not entirely the same, but pictures have leaked. There's nothing to misunderstand just information we don't currently have yet.

    Fact of the matter is that this is an entirely new game. You can either embrace that, stick with 8th or do both. Personally I'm still still naively hoping they'll announce a proper "9th" edition version. I know I'm in complete denial though haha.

    So yes we shouldn't take what a frustrated manager said with his trembling hands as the only truth, but there's nothing really made up here. Things are just the way they are. We have pictures proing that/the rules, albeit very simplified.

    As I said previously - the good thing is that nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Stick with the square bases and you can play both no worries. Personally I'm (obviously) going to read the new rules, likely the new fluff and see how it goes. I can't wait to see the new LM army, but I doubt I'll recognise it. :)
  20. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    After reading the lot, it seems the game has simplified a lot. No more casting system, just roll 2 dice and beat the power level of the spell. No more points, but simply models. It still does not really feel like an actual wargame, more like a skirmish game. It does not look to be one however, as they mentioned that you can ''play an entire evening with around 100 models on each side''. Do not like the look of it, the complexity of the game is the whole reason it is so damned fun!
    Qupakoco and The Red Devil like this.

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