The stages of loss. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. All of them are present on Lustria-Online Denial: We are pretty much past denial that was in the rumor phase. But generally people making hopeful rumors or stating that bad rumors were just rumors is denial. Anger: As a moderator we have had more issues with personal attacks in the last week than in the previous few months. Swearing has increased enough that we were briefly considering a profanity ban. There are a lot of rant posts and linking to rant Youtubes. Bargaining: Variations of "We can still play 8th," or "AoS can work with balancing added to it." "GW is going to add depth to the game soon." Depression: Variations of "time to sell all my models" or "I don't care anymore." Acceptance: "I mostly play with a small circle anyway so we can stick with 8th." "I actually like AoS" "I'll play _____ instead." It bothers me that WHF is a game, and yet I am emotionally affected by this. I am in the depression phase because I am lamenting that my life is such that I can let a corporation affect me to this extant.
You can redeem yourself with a poll on who's where in the DABDA spectrum. I reached acceptance pretty quickly, but it's always taken a lot to get me emotionally affected/it takes a lot of bother for me to get angry.
Acceptance for me is that I have some local Oldhammer players, and I'm starting Kings of War. KoW is 100% compatible with GW models so it costs me very little. When a beloved game stops being supported, rarely do gamers have such a good exit available.
I'm at the acceptance stage as well but of a different sort. I've accepted that regardless of what game system is in the majority of use, I'm still going to build and paint my Lizardmen because I love to paint those models and display them to close friends and family. I love the model design and the paint schemes I've come up for a variety of units and like the modeling part of the hobby as a stress relief from my full-time academic studies. I will occasionally try to play games of a variety of system depending on who I can find to play, but its the love of painting cool dinosaurs that will keep me going here and beyond, not the game systems itself.