AoS 1 Bat/5War, 40W/225W

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Ixt, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Hey, guys. That gibberish is short for 1 Battalion, 5 Warscrolls, 40 Wounds per Unit max, 225 Wounds per army max. I think that using those guidelines is essentially the same as a points system, and these specific parameters are decent for a mid-size game. What would this be skavenslaves-wise? They have no wargear, but just curious... maybe around 4000ss or 5000ss?

    Here's a list.

    1 Skink Patrol
    - Skink Chief (4W)
    - 40 Skinks (40W)
    - 40 Skinks (40W)
    - 8 Terradons (24W)

    1 Slann (7W)

    40 Temple Guard (40W)

    1 Stegadon (10W)

    1 Bastiladon (8W)

    8 Ripperdactyl Riders (24W)

    Check out this link for some insight as to how the balance is worked out.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
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  2. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Skink Patrol has a priest unfortunately. That is also a rather large game not midsized.

    That being said it seems pretty good. I assume you are looking to summon another combat character or two? Seems to be the only thing missing to really firm up the list.
    Ixt likes this.
  3. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Hah! Yeah, I found that out while playing my first game. Though it seemed like a mid-sized list, it was a pretty large battle. I'll edit the original document - forgot to before.

    Anyway, as far as the battle size goes: I eventually said, "Eh, screw it. Let's do this." and made an even larger list to battle with. There's something of a bat rep over in the subforum. It was a learning experience, so not the most exciting game ever. In 8th, my standard game was 2.5k-3k though so I'm used to that size.

    Since that match, however, I've been scrimmaging small numbers of units against others to test out tactics. I gotta say, this game is the bees knees of combined arms warfare. Inferior units can really hand it to superior ones when handled properly.

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