Is 2016 the year of good DC movies?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Comicon released trailers for Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman

    They look promising.

    But there are things that are iffy. Mainly with Batman and Superman. Zac Snyder took liberties with Superman's moral code, and then it appeared in the trailer that Batman snapped a soldiers neck. Casually snapped a soldiers neck.

    Suicide Squad has less room to mess up because the characters are relative unknowns. They need to handle the Joker delicately though. 1) Heath Ledger left really big shoes to fill and 2) the Joker is not a main character in the story of Suicide Squad. Handled poorly, the supporting character can overshadow the anti-hero protagonists. Though if the trailer is any indication, they plan to make it the Margot Robbie show and the Internet Movie Database gave her top billing.

    Also, anti-hero protagonists are often relatively easy to screw up. Sometimes movies go too far trying to make despicable villains seem tragic and nice (I'm looking at you Maleficent!) and sometimes they don't go far enough. Especially with female villains. Sometimes directors seem to think being attractive and female is enough to warrant sympathy. For a male example, I thought the treatment of the Sandman in Spiderman 3 was pretty poorly done. A sick daughter and a derpy sad face does not excuse murder.
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  2. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty up in the air about Batman vs Superman still. I think I'll wait until it's out to decide. Suicide Squad though, I'm not really liking what I've seen, especially due to and regarding Harley Quinn and the Joker. I don't like the styles of either, the Joker looks and kinda sounds like a Juggalo and Quinn looks like she raided a Hot Topic for her clothes. They haven't focused enough on the other Suicide Squad characters in the trailer for me to get an impression of them.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    That's always the problem with making a comic book into a movie. There is already an established fan base that knows what they want to expect. One slip or misinterpretation from the director (who likely hasn't spent his/her lifetime growing up with the characters) can create quite an uproar.

    I'm still interested to see both movies, though I wish they would pick some new actors every once in awhile. It seems like once you're in a comic book movie you get to be in them forever, regardless of which character you play.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I prefer my directors to not be invested in their comic. Bryan Singer did a great job with the first two X-Men movies. He barely heard of the X-Men until he got the gig. He looked into and figured out the core of the X-Men mythos and ran with that. Bryan Singer is a Superman Fanboy by his own admission. He did a great job with X-Men, but he mahrlect up Superman Returns because he has been pondering cool twists for Superman since he was a teenager, so he wrecked a classic by imposing his own wishes on it.
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  5. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    I did watch both of the trailers and wasn't really impressed by either.
    I haven't read that much comic books as a teenager so I don't really know what the suicide squad is about and I don't see the hype over BvsSM either.
    But judging from the trailers only they both looked like they could be the "Transformers" of the 2016. The movies themselves will look great and they have tons of potential but in the end they just be nothing more than fighting scenes and explosions everywhere with a sub par plot.

    Hope I'm not right though and we get two great movies. :)

  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Mahrlect I hope not!

    As bad as Green Lantern was, it wasn't Michael Bay bad.

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