Anyone think we will see updated models? (our bulky non scary CO) or new models? if so what sort of model would you like to see? I would like to see a stegosaurus model of some sort, or maybe like the old horned ones for skink cav?
Next to be pushed out will be Khorne models to go along side the Stormcast eternals. Other than that who knows what GW have planned.
Some Cold One update would be nice, just so their movement aren't so 'mirrored' Sure the legs are slightly different but they are still almost perfectly in sync. I have a feeling it would be something like Tzeentch next after Khorne. Don't know why, unless the internet is getting to me again.
Well I notice, the ScreamingBell/ Furnace and Plague Monks are getting changed to round bases. Some Night Runners would be nice, they NEED that update. *edit Seems like Censer Bearers and Lord Skrolk are getting something too. Weirdly, Plague Monks are back in stock, nabbed a box before they disappear again. Gotta build that large portfolio.
Wood Elves got lots of publicity on GW's webpage, but they only got their bases swapped for rounds. Those models are very new anyway. However, their "release" follows the story of the Sigmarites fighting against Khorne's troops together with Wood Elves or whatever they are called. So if we were to get any new models, I wager it would be when the new story progresses to the point where Seraphon make their grand entrance.
I would imagine the new models for the Seraphon will be "LM re-imagined" and will have a motif more distinct from our current Mayaincatec aesthetic. Some rumours suggested a more Draconid approach ages ago, but that was during the whole "only five factions will survive"/"LM are being dropped" nonsense a few months ago, so who knows about the rumour's veracity. I'd expect reptilian still, but with more of an ancient-magitek/Sufficiently Advanced Bamboo Technology aesthetic than what we're used to.
Skaven, Wood Elves, Tzeentch, all of these i'm ok with when it comes to new releases. In fact, I think the new Skaven could look pretty awesome in the new setting. Just no more Khorne please. I've seen more Khorne releases in the last 6 months than I can stand while my favorite Chaos faction (Slaanesh) is now being thrown into the basement fluff-wise and not likely to get a Daemonkin book this year to boot. Some of the models have looked great, but I feel like its been too much within a short window of time.
Thanks GW, but I prefer to eat a breakfast that isn't likely to stab my gum-line repeatedly due to the flakes not getting enough blood instead of milk in the morning.
Still... Better then the Nurgle puffs. (it turns the milk green* kids) [random disease in every box]*
Plague Monks are no longer available again in the UK, Skaven even got their own Pestilence faction now on the page.