9th Age Renaming all our units for 9th Age (see first post)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Or following g that logic: Croxigator or, if we must use scientific name structure, Croxisuchus :p
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I like the Croxigator spelling just as well. I was about to edit my post to add it but you all beat me to it.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Croxigator sounds fine, looks fine and reminds me of the old name and is still IMO far enough away from the original name - the only resemblance being "oxi" and the pronounciation of the first half of the word.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Raptor Calvary
    Creeping Hordes
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  5. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    Some options to consider... Lizardmen as a term I don't think should be a problem as it's a very old term that predates GW. However, they could just be called Saurians.

    Slann = Mage Lord

    Saurus Oldblood = Sauran Ancient

    Saurus Scar-Veteran = Sauran Veteran

    Skink Priest = Skink Diviner

    Skink Chief = Skink Patrol Leader

    Saurus Warrior = Sauran Warrior

    Skink = Skink

    Cold-One Riders = Allosaur Riders

    Kroxigor = Kraxigor

    (Ancient) Stegadon = (Ancient) Stegosaur

    Chameleon Skink = Chamo Skink

    Temple Guard = Vault Wardens

    Terradon Riders = Pteranodon Riders

    Ripperdactyls = Raptor Riders

    Salamander = Salamander

    Razordon = Spinodon/Hystrosaur(If Spinodon is too tacky)

    Troglodon = Dilophodon

    Carnosaur = Tyrannodon

    Bastilodon = Ankylodon

    My new units:

    Pachycephalodon Riders/Pachodon Riders

    Skink Outriders
    Qupakoco likes this.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    ... if we where authorized to view it...

    Qupakoco and Pinktaco like this.
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    From Pip Hamilton on the 9th age:

    Part 1

    Alright, here we go!

    Before I start suggesting names I want to talk a bit about the principles behind naming. As I see it there's two kinds of lizardman name:

    • The names the lizardmen call themselves. Obviously here we have special character names like Tetto'ekko taken straight from the lizardman language, but also words like "Oldblood" and "Scar-veteran" that clearly refer to concepts from the lizardman culture.
    • The names given to lizardmen (or lizardman beasties) by Old Worlder humans.
      • Here we have all the pseudo-dinosaur names like Stegadon, Carnosaur, Terradon etc., which are using faux-latin or greek terms (in-universe there is a Latin-esque language called Classical which is the language of scholars). Scholarly explorers would give the weird creatures they encounter this kind of name.
      • We also have more colloquial names like "skink". These names presumably come from commoners who encounter these types of lizardmen more frequently, and name them after things they are familiar with. So you get "skink", "salamander" etc.

    GW has always been a bit inconsistent with this, but in particular the later additions to the army are awful. "Razordon", "Ripperdactyl" - english prefix, greek suffix. There's no in-universe explanation for a name like that, it's just a five-year-old's attempt at inventing a cool dinosaur.

    So, what I'm going to attempt to do is lay out two parallel threads - names the lizardmen would call themselves, and names that humans would call them. Then we can pick and choose how consistent we want to be and which names sound best for the unit entries.

    The lizardman languages (High and Low Saurian) are meant to be very hard for humans to use - (A) because they are exotic (like the Central American languages were to the conquistadors) and (B) because they're used by creatures with a different kind of mouth (no cheeks, no prehensile lips, snakey/froggy tongue). So instead of lots of weird consonants and hissing I'll translate the concepts of my proposed lizardman names into English. Hope that makes sense; if not the examples should make it clear.

    The principles behind each method are:

    • Lizardman names: The lizardmen respect their own culture, so don't give each other derogatory or slang names. They are caste-based so their names for other types of lizardman will centre around the roles those lizardmen play in society. Their names for animals and monsters will be common-usage words, because their culture sees these animals as ordinary.
    • Human names: Humans will use a mix of colloquial english terms (e.g. "skink") and high-falutin' Classical terms (e.g. "Stegadon") depending on who is doing the cataloguing - scholars and educated explorers, or sailors and mercenaries. The latter will probably get their names in first when it comes to the common breeds of lizardman that have the most contact with humans; the former will dominate when it comes to exotic creatures that have infrequent exposure to human culture.

    That's a lot of text so I'm going to leave this as an intro post before I start listing suggestions. One thing more, though: here is a list of names I think we can use unchanged

    Part 2

    part 1.jpg

    • Slann are an exception to all the rules I laid out. They taught language to the elves and dwarfs, so they will feature in the mythology of all Old World races, even if buried very deep and known to few. The name they give themselves will also presumably have been passed down in some distorted form. I went with "Cueyatl" because it means "Frog" in Nahuatl, which is nice and simple. It sounds like a noise a big frog could make; it also sounds similar to "Coatl" which gives it a nice fantastical bent and allows for the humans to have mixed up their terms. The mythological Coatl might be a misrepresentation of the magical powers of the Slann Cueyatl. Another Central-American-sounding name would do just as well though.
    • For skinks, I've gone with their most distinctive characteristic, which is their crests. Crests are supposedly status markers in the lore so clearly have social significance to the lizardmen. Their social role is also a bit too complicated to sum up in one word. For their human name, I've stuck with "skink"; I don't think it's protectable on IP grounds and it's good to stick with what people know. If I'm wrong you could easily switch Skink for an equivalent like "Newt", "Anole", "Gecko" or just "Lizard"!
      • I've switched "Priest" for "Shaman" in the human designation to imply colonial contempt for the "primitives".
      • I've also switched Chameleon Skinks to be just Chameleons as that's two different kinds of real lizard in the previous name! Most people just called the Chameleons anyway.
    • Saurus are more infrequently encountered and probably leave few survivors when they are, so this justifies an academic name. That's mainly so we can cleave fairly close to the original with "Saurian". For the lizardman name, War-Spawned has a nice sound to it and succinctly sums up their role.
      • For the command ranks, I've gone with Pinktaco's suggestions for the lizardman names (Saurus ageing/immortality being something more embedded in lizardman culture than human knowledge) and with simple descriptions for the human names, again implying that humans see lizardmen as primitive (the fools!).
    • With the Kroxigor, I've suggested a few human names. Not sold on any of them yet. The common name is fairly self-explanatory; that's how most humans would encounter kroxigor, exploding up out of the water to ruin their day. For the academic names, two possibilities: literally "crocodile man", or the implication that Imperial scholars think Kroxigor are the top Saurus. I quite like the idea behind this one - that they got their hands on a specimen and assumed that because it was the biggest it was in charge - but the name doesn't quite have the right ring to me.
    part 2.jpg

    Less explanation needed here I hope. Not wedded to all these names, just tried to come up with something for everything on the list. If people want to add more I'll try to keep the table up to date with all suggestions that fit the scheme.

    Substitute the names of Old Ones with the new names we'll have to come up with for them too.

    My suggestions for the army name would be that we either focus on the fact that they're lizards or the fact that they're the "progenitor race".

    So case (A):
    Reptile Kingdoms
    Saurian Legions/Cohorts
    Cold-Blooded Ones
    or just plain old LIZARDMEN as I don't think those words are protected. Separate or hyphenate to taste. Lizard People or Lizardfolk also work.

    Case (B):
    Legions of the First
    Children of the Creators
    Primeval Guardians
    Qupakoco likes this.
  9. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    There you go :D
  10. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    The Lizardmen would probably call themselves the True Children of the Creators, since there were many other children of the Creators (Old One). This have thought the added issue, as the current one on 9th forum, that this is too long. So I am sort of still not completely sold on any suggestion regarding our name. I guess it's a matter of adaptation as well, the Lizardmen are so enclosed in my mindset that most other names sounds a little off.
  11. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    the true children...I like the sound of that...
  12. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    This is probably more in line with the fluff, this name also has some better ring to it then "Reptilians (Of the Ancient)", which is too long and feels weird to me. It's of course all subjective, but I like something like "the True Children" :)
  13. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I'd love to keep the mayan/axtech feeling of our army as well as the dinosaur/reptile one. The combo of the two made me pick our army, so I'd love seeing mayan looking names, splatter sacrifices, COATLS, predictions for 2012, things like these ;)
  14. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    sooo i guess.... Nostradamundi? :D :D :D
    Mr Phat, Rettile and Caprasauridae like this.
  15. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Heres my take on the whole thing.

    I have worked it out from the following premises:

    1. Lizardmen see themselves as the firstborn of the gods.
    It is their entire identity to live up to this role, and do as they have been born to do.
    2. Lizardmen are spawned together in groups.
    It would be natural for them to observe that they are "brothers" or "siblings", and refer to others as such.
    At the same time the reference would end up being something as a title.
    Until you have proven yourself you will be refered to as "a brother", but when you stand out of the group you were born with, you become alone and thus is refereed to as a "one" (see below).
    You are a brother when you are one of many, you are a "one" when you are a rarity.

    3. The old world have little if no idea about all of this. Their naming of the lizardmen would be based entirely on observations, and
    should depict a clear lack of understanding of the actual circumstances.

    Current - In Own tongue - in Tongue of man

    Lizardmen - The Firstborn - Saurian Dynasty
    (As viewed from the outside, Slann would be seen as a ruling family)

    Slann - First Child - Sovereign Mage Lord

    Oldblood - Ancient One - Saurian Ancient

    Scar Veteran - Scarred One - Saurian Veteran

    Skink Priest - Vessel of wills - Crest Priest

    Skink Cheif - Brave one - Crest Brave

    Saurus - War brother - Saurian Warriors

    Temple Guard - Keeping Ones - Saurian High Guard

    Skinks - Nimble brother - Crests

    Kroxigor - Mighty Brother - Saurian Cleaver

    Chameleon - Ones without (Crest, "shape") - Stalkers

    Carnosaur - Hunter King - (Apex) Carnorexia
    (Badly translates to Appetite for meat)

    Stegadon - Horned Mountain - Triceradon

    Cold Ones - Bad-tempered war-fang - Irasaur (Irasuar Riders)
    ("Ira" means anger or wrath, and circumstances will that it fits pretty good with their new rules)

    Bastiladon - Tailed Mountain - Fortress Beast

    Terradon - Wind swimmer - Tenuisaur
    (Tenuis = "Slender" or "Delicate"

    Ripperdactyl - Fanged hurricane - Winged Rippers

    Troglodon - Pale Cave terror - Orcusaur
    (Orcus = "Underworld" and "Death"

    Salamander - Vulcano stomach - Scorch Spewer

    Razordon - Spearback - Spike thruster

    Dread Saurian - Godmaw - Kaijusaurus
    (this is a joke.....couldnt come up with anything)
    The Sauric Ace likes this.
  16. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I like Kaijusaurus.
  17. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Are the L-O suggestions being considered? Is anyone from 9th age asking for our input or are they just doing what they're doing?

    Forgive me if this is already answered, I've been out for a bit.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Pinktaco is the man to ask. He is leading the 9th Age spearhead for Lustria Online!
  19. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    No clue. They did take in a lot of our suggestions for the AB changes though.

    I'm guessing that it'll be the job for the new AB teams they're putting together next week. :)
  20. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I'm updating the list of names with all suggestions from here and the 9th age forum.

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