hey all. Ive wanted to show my lizzies for some time now as many people here do. im pretty much a motivational painter and im always painting things im taking next on the battlefield. So most thing that are in paint, are the things which have seen most table time negative thing here is that i have many things in progress hehe. So thoughs are highly appreciated So here goes, the boss of the army General froggenheim: works as a high, deliberations or life slann. Quite a powerful felllow ill say. Likes to channel a lot and boom stuff with shems burning gaze!!
Next up we have frog number two. Mr handy. Doubles as light and death slann and tends to do chores impersonating Lord Kroak at times. Once beat a DE lord with combat ress and ran him over with bunch of cohort skinks.
True workhorses of my army, the oldbloods. Make, Raudo and Testoman. The red ones paintjob is inspired by another fellow in the forums.
Which army would be complete without the stupid cavalry. I love these guys even though they tend to fail their stupid test way more than mathematics would allow.
Thrn theres a couple of foot oldbloods for fun. Ragey and Toady. Ragey has some temper problems but thats ok aince i tend to equip him with a +3/+2 attacks sword so he churns out so much combat res its crazy. Toady is a for-fun conversion from those aos guys. Got one of those guys from attending a tournee nearby.
Heres my tetto, which is completely w.i.p. As of now, but here he is anyway. Likes vanguarding and being high.
Here is Rauha. Her name means Peace. Luckily she doesnt know that. Though she tends to run away from fights. Guess thats what u get from being a pacifist.
Rippers here. Meant to paint them mean looking and in your face -style so they wont go unnoticed. Not sure if i made them too.. demonish.. Anw they have chomped lots of dawi inntheir day. Once chumpd six killing blows agains knights of the realm, but can you believe it, they ward saved All of them. Argh so painful it was.
These guys are too inspired by another forum poster. Loved the idea and needed some chamos! They are way too expensive to get from gw.
W.i.p. Unnamed skink priest. Im hoping theyll get boosta in 9th age. After this fellow im returning to continue on my 30 temple guards who just got their skin painted and the accessories are next. As i mentioned i have lots w.i.p. So im too embarrassed to post too much w.i.p work
Don't know how I missed this, but this is really great! Simple colour selection well chosen and well implemented.