I've been brought a Forgeworld dread Saurian for my lizardmen army, which is an amazing model. But I'm lacking any sort of rules, I know they were printed in the Monstrous Arcanum and Forgeworld are promising to print a new War scroll for them. I'm probably sure this question has been asked before on here, if so I've very sorry. Does any one have a copy of the rules?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-CDH7Zxu7WUcXB0LXFuQ3VwUGs/view?usp=sharing Here you go ) PS Oh, it's KheLndros 1st screen but in PDF
It's in the Monstrous Arcanum book. With the Rules as Written, Dread Saurians are there as an option for Storm of Magic or Monstrous Arcanum scenarios. To my understanding alowing Dread Saurians in regular games was a house rule. A common house rule but a house rule none the less. Generally the people I know that play 8th edition will let me implement house rules easily....if I have a model to back up what I want to include. If I don't they will resist whatever new thing I propose. Also, this.