It looks like its going to ba a repack after all.
Ah, come one guys... That was the clearest move ever. Not even GW starts a new system and drops two month in the first army. Personally I think this re-release may be more extensive than the Clan Pestilens and Nurgle Rotbringers but I do not count on new models or a AoS Battletome. Just a repack like five Chameleon Skinks per pack, round bases an little price cut like the Dryads and the Plague Censer Bearers.
Seems like it... I just looked around the gw site and it seems like dark elfs and treemen are next...
The forest spirits of the Wood Elves were the first existing "faction" that were rebranded (as Sylvaneth) and repacked with round bases. That was month ago.
Im wondering how i will organize my skink cohort or do you think that we will still be allowed to use square bases, cuz like it will take a TON of work to move each individual unit to the place i want them to...
I think they might even have pulled them all off the site due to the fact that Nurgle and Skaven were easy identified on what models where being rebranded, maybe they want to keep people mystified a bit longer now.
lady atia (major rumormonger of the AoS so far) confirmed it's just reboxing also, new battletome incoming!
It disappoints me a little bit... but it also means that I won't be tempted to buy some new models, and since my wallet is desperately empty it probably isn't such a bad piece of news!
Leaked release list for next week! We are getting a battletome before aelfs! That really surprises me
Yeah maybe for now it's only a reboxing update...but from next week, new units! They SAID they were gonna be based upon modelling afterall
So close. Maybe they will make square to circle someday. Isn't next week the Horus Heresy release? EDIT: next next week
so, checking the list, the losses seem to be the plastic saurus scar veteran on foot, oxayotl and jungle swarms the finecast command group for skinks and all the skink heroes from the lustria campaign (except for the one with the mantle of feathers) are also gone but I think those disappeared some time before edit: Oh f**k I forgot about tehenhauin, he's missing too NOOOOO
Buy em at ebay...or who knows if someday we'll see em again. Luckily i got bot oxayotl and tehenhauin 2 weeks ago :3