Wow, just a repack but it looks real nice. and now we will get more fluff! And its not Sigmarines! Old ones be praised!
I've read it. There are no interessting bits. No, really. It's just a big colourful commercial. Like always. The most interessting thing is, that that Battletome will tell how the Lizardmen become the Seraphon. That's it. But seriously guys, why do you need twelve different threads for this?
Thanks for the quick translation @lastlosboy. Couldn't get to the internet till midnight cause I had to fix our printer for my wife's homework to be printed tonight so she can give it to the teacher tomorrow... Hate windows 10 now... I agree there is nothing that we don't already know... Only new info is that you get to know more if you buy the book!
Right.... "Dracothion" ….....*sigh*. Seems like you are right actually. There is a lot of "Drake" references in the warscroll...and Sigmar DID become best friends with him.
The first time I read about him I though this might be an Old One. But then came this order-demons-stuff up and well... if the Old Ones created the Lizardmen with blood and flesh why would now come another and changed them to azyr lightning magic. I would be perfectly fine with blood and flesh Seraphon that shock-troop into battle from their aztec pyramid space ships. Really! But order demons?! Hm, no... :/
Honestly I think changing them into demons is not a bad idea. I mean, to me it is quite the same as long as they are funny to play and beautiful to look at, but I've heard lots of people complaining on the fact that their being aztech-maya-inca-ish didn't fit with the grim dark atmosphere of Warhammer... Now they could seem a little more inherent to the eyes of potential customers, I think. But I agree with you on the fact that blood and flesh creature with pre-Columbian appearance are more convincing than space demons with a fetish for incas pyramids!
My bet is that they did it to themselves. The Slann were the most powerful magical creatures ever, and they did have to fight their impending extinction somehow.