AoS units sold out?!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by tom ndege, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Wey, non provare a contraddirmi sugli Scinchi, sai?!? :joyful:
    Oh yes, i forgot the Chameleons Skinks!
    That's because they are useful, but I don't find them even remotely funny to play (for me and my enemy, of course):
    to me their "teleportation" ability is too strong, and not much realistic...
    I don't like the fact they can appear EVERYWHERE on the battlefield, I think they could do this "within x inches from their original position".
    It would be a lot more fair.

    Coming back on-topic, I suggest taking into account one or two Skink Chiefs: they are good to see among
    their similars, and do an amazing support job in Age of Sigmar.
  2. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    ok now i really feel like i got my army to soon i just got my first ever army last week...but he bases dont mater i have never played before and i dont want someone to go all ragey on me since i still have square bases,,,well as long as they keep the Mayan/Aztec influence ill be happy
    El Caimán likes this.
  3. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    oh and now we are

    not lizardmen??

    can anyone please point a Newb to were i can find the most relevant official lore on this please...
  4. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    First of all, I thank you for your answer, It has everything I could ask for.

    Now, I'm totally new at WH, so yes, I'm just starting an army and I want to play both AoS and standard and almost any possible combination I can.

    I was thinking on converting a Sunblood into an Eternity Warden (can't remember what names used to have).

    Meanwhile, for the reference: Dinosaur King used to be a TGC of Sega, obviously about dinosaurs, and on ankylosaur, Saichania, had exactly the same colour of this purple Bastiladon.

    See you.
    Freddy25 and Bowser like this.
  5. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    Warhammer fantasy is done, at least commercialy. The new game is age of sigmar and it's a completely new thing. Races, factions etc are all different now...
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Who else ordered a limited edition? I scraped out some of my savings for a computer for college just to buy one :oops: I was supposed to be saving for that but pretty limited editions.
    I just want to see Tetto's organisation, if the rules are useful, it will be my main for most games.
  7. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    You are welcome!

    Well, if you are just beginning to collect Seraphon, I think the Starbeast Constellation is the fastest way to have a very consistent army ready to be played.
    I mean, if you buy this bundle, you can be sure you won't need to buy anything else for at least one or two years! XD
    Ok, you might want to integrate some models (Slann or Salamanders, for example) in the future, but undoubtedly you will never feel the "I can't play because I don't have the models" sensation XD

    So these are my advices:
    - if you have the possibility (money, time, space) get this bundle. It's all a Lizardmen/Seraphon lover could ever desire;
    - try to figure out which models you will really play and which are redundant: I suggest you to sell these ones, in order to substitute them with Kroak, Chameleons or what you prefer;
    - have fun with this amazing collection and enjoy all the envy the other Lizzies players will feel towards you!!! XD

    You must take into account these thing too, before proceeding with this buy.

    - These models will require you a lot of time (playing and/or painting them). If you are not sure you can dedicate it to them, probably you could buy a smaller amount of units, and expand it gradually.
    - You sure you really like Lizzies? I mean, my twin bought an army of Tomb Kings long time ago, but after a few months he realised Skaven were his true love [rats surely took control of his mind :D ] ... This MUSTN'T happen to you, cause of the cost of this bundle.
    - Be sure you like Warhammer and Age of Sigmar: you don't want an entire army staying closed in a box cause you have found the game was boring for you ;)

    Now, I think I've finished to write walls of text: from now on I'll try to write shorter posts, for the joy of everyone! :D

    P.S. If you ever realise you don't need one of those Stegs, or 45 Temple Guards are more than you use, or so on, remember of that poor @Freddy25 guy that so kindly suggested you all those things in the Lustria Online forum! XD (I'm joking, but I hope what I said helps you in some way).

    P.P.S. Thanks for the Dino King explanation!
    Cristhian MLR likes this.
  8. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    The more I see this bundle the more I think GW made a mistake

    why would you need two sunbloods? Did they make gor rok a standard hero ( that would be bad, I loved his fluff)

    I thibk a beter choise would have ben to include a sunblood and an eternity warden. That to me surely makes more sense.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    No one will rage at you, anyone not new will have models with mixed bases, some will convert to round if AOS is all they play but its not needed.
  10. details
    Cold One

    details Well-Known Member

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    it's the same idea behind putting a second stegadon instead of a bastiladon in the thunderbeast box (or whatever it is called), or rising the number of models per box:
    this game doesn't incentive you to buy multiples or numerous models, so they are "forcing" you to take them and still have something missing left to buy to complete the collection

    the best thing, as it has already been said, would be splitting up the bundle with someone else
    btw, has someone checked how much someone would save taking the bundles? or if there's saving at all?

    about gor-rok, just like chakax being replaced with a more generic entry for the eternity warden or tetto'eko with the starseer (kroq'gar too I think), gor rok is replaced by the sunblood
    they're identical from a regolistic point of view, except that they're not named characters in both title and keywords
    gor-rok is probably dead on the old world and I'm not really expecting him to return in the spotlight (relative spotlight, we're still lizardmen after all) instead of other sunbloods, but this shouldn't stop you from using the sunblood and calling it gor-rok, especially considering that lizardmen spirits are immortal and can be summoned now
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
    Freddy25 likes this.
  11. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    With the Thunderbeast box, you save about £30 (UK)
    I will find a way to use all models, especially if I would do my second army theme.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  12. neoanomally

    neoanomally Member

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    I just purchased the Limited Edition. I was overjoyed to seeing "Seraphon" as one of the first of the older army books to be released. I like the bluish-purple color schemes they used on the cover! SQEE
  13. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    If the wording of the site is correct (3 units of Terradons / 12 models) it would save way more the that, but the picture shows only 3 models of Terradons.. not 9 to make the unit amount and total model count correct.

  14. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I completely agree with your post, @details !
    Don't know how much the uber-bundle (Starbeast Constellation) make you save instead of buying things 1 per time...
    ... but I guess there's some save (if not, this bundle would be nonsense!!!).

    And I add this: splitting the bundle is ENCOURAGED.
    You split the bundle with your friend?
    So both of you get:
    a priest
    a sunblood
    12 naggas
    1 steg
    24 temple guards
    ... "a good number" of skinks/saurus
    and then one of you two takes the carno, and the other the basti
    and if you choose you want ripper, the other may have the kroxi.

    Numbers now make much more sense ;)

    Furthermore, let's think about what "splitting the product" means:
    now the customer is not just one, but two. So GW now has two people who are (probably) going to
    buy a Slann, and a Battletome, and this and that...
    and I think it's a smart way to sell their products, cause this generates more reliable profits, enlarges
    the number of people willing to enter the hobby and may also be some sort of attempt to
    set the bases of an AoS playing community.

    What do you think?
  15. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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  16. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    - I love painting, is not problem. As far as being too many Guards there, I'm also willing to start an Tau army for 40K, given that GW gave'em both much treatment recently, I could use them as Kroots if I can. lol

    - Man, I'm mexican, we have the highest reptile and amphibian diversity of the world, I'm just finishing my thesis for my first degree and planning to move to my capital city to star Mastery at Paleontology.

    If it has scales and sharp structures around its body, I ****ing want it!

    - I'm sure that I'll like ate least one of the formats. If not, Lizardmen are just purely awesome to have.

    As far for Starbeast Constellation there are errors too comparing it to the photo:

    Thunderbeast Host has its own Carno, so this pack should have two, also there are no mentions of those two Sunbloods.
  17. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Oh, yes, that's the ****ing spirit! :joyful:

    I guess many of us in this website can relate to this phrase! :cool:

    I hope GW clarifies the content of these bundles as soon as possible.
    At the moment their relative web pages are ambiguous to say the least...
  18. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Box cover says 6 miniatures so it is defo 3 riders not 9
  19. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Check'd the prices:

    Starbeast Constellation = $951 US
    Each other bundle that are included at Starbeast (not at all actually, there's still some missing pieces and some extras) = $874 US
    Adding Bastiladon, Sunbloods and Starpriests that are not included in the other bundles = $1024 US
    Still there are three Rippers and one Carno lost = $879 US

    A huge 5 bucks off!

    Individual prices for all the pieces that forms each bundle:

    Thunderbeast Host
    (one Ripper pack, two Stegas-actually-Triceras and one Carno) = $210 US, buying each piece separately = $261
    Shadowstrike Starhost (Starpriest, two Skink-corps, one Ripper pack) = $150 US, same separately
    Sunclaw Starhost (one Oldblood, three Warrior units) $139 US, as budle and separately
    Eternal Starhost (one Eternity Ward, three Guard set) $185 US, same as above
    Firelance Starhost (one Carno, three Knight packs) $190 US, same as above

    So yeah, Starbeast Constellation is better as a whole bundle if you don't mind about the missing pieces of the "true" whole bundle collection.
  20. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    Exactly. I think it says twelve cause you CAN make two units out of a steg and the terradon riders. So it's talking about the possibilities we have?

    Steg - engine of the gods x2
    Terradon -rips x2 (plus the old tik-tak-to)

    This is what i think; but yet again the carnosaur box has 3 different choices...

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