Lets get started: -Activate standard: Reroll to hit on all seraphon units in 8". -Bastiladon: range 20" 2d6 attacks 3+ to hit 3+ to wound rend: -1 Damage: 2. -40 skinks with javelins. +2 to hit when they are 30 models or more. They can also pile in or withdraw. Common tactica: Shoot your the biggest threat with bastiladon and wait the enemy to come Once the enemy is at the gate. Move your skinks in front of the target enemy unit to be destroyed. Shoot your many skink shoots on 3+ to hit rerolling. Choose your target for bastiladon, can be the same or another. If you want to finish the job, charge the enemy with the skinks, remember you already have +2 to hit. But maybe lose the re-roll abilty. In the opponents phase he could only charge your massive skink unit. You will suffer some wounds but in your activation withdraw 8 ". So you would avoid further damage. Remeber ! Dont let enemy models surround your retreat or you wont be able to do so. Repeat the process. Additional warscrolls: - Ripperdactyles: Place the blot toad in your deployment in front of the skinks. Once the skinks withdraw from the first charges, dive and "swoop in" for a total counter charge carnage. - Salamanders: would greatly benefit the reroll to hit and inflict major damage Well guys that's my 2 cents. Post any sinergies you find that of course doesn't involve summoning. ( I feel dirty if I plan to use this)
Just fyi, I'm not sure if you mean to apply the 'remember you already have +2 to hit' in the combat phase, because it's only valid in the shooting phase. So, they'll get quite a lot of wounds in shooting and very few in combat. I could see 40 Skinks reliably putting between a +8-+10 modifier on their target (if the models are only one wound and have decent saves) in Battleshock, I suppose... but that's a lot of Skinks.
You are right. Only for shooting which is the goal of that sinergy. To pick one target and destroy it. Then only suffer one activation in the next turn and withdraw. A little of the same tactica we used in WHFB. Now with reroll but no poison :S
I believe there is quite a bit of Synergy between the different Saurus units as well... (different characters buffing units mostly)
The army I use for AoS is based entirely around synergy, I don't have a single unit that doesn't buff a nearby unit or receive multiple buffs from multiple sources, the exception being a unit of Chameleons who work alone (fitting, no?) And I'll tell you what, it's powerful as all hell, but dependent on heroes. It may be a bit of a complex post, but I can go into detail if you want.
Kroak Bomb (AoS): get Kroak to center of enemy army Lord Kroak: AoE mortal wound spells with 3D6" range Scar Vet BSB: +8" to all spells/+1 to Spell casts Vanilla Slann: +1 to Spell casts/+1 to Run/Charge (potentially)/Mystic Shield on Kroak (possibly requires Vassal to get in range) Chakax: Help Lord Kroak live Engine of the Gods: healing/mortal wounds/general mayhem It uses up a lot of Hero slots, but if they focus Kroak, you can go ham with your other troops. It only Kroak still had Arcane Vassal...
has anyone tested the synergy between cold one riders and old blood on cold on? It seems like it would be fun, but I'm wondering about real world results.
Alright then, and sorry for the late reply on this, I've been busy. At my shop, we balance our armies by imposing a 125 wound limit and a 100 model limit, whichever limit you hit first is the one that binds you. My army list for that is: Lord Kroak Tetto'Eko Kroq-Gar Oldblood on foot. Scar Veteran w/ BSB Skink Priest Engine of the Gods Bastiladon w/ Solar Engine 40 Temple Guard 3 Salamanders 3 Handlers 9 Chameleon Skinks Oxyotl Starting the buff train is the wizards. While Kroak and Tetto's rerolls aren't technically buffs, I'm going to count them for certain scenarios because they may as well be. In addition, Arcane Shield is a wonderful spell that can increase the Bastiladon to a 2+ save or the TG to a 3+. In addition, Tetto's Curse of Fates is a wonderful buff despite the name. Throwing it on the 2+ Bastiladon will make it damn near indestructible as you can negate a single failed save, and if you have the Priest's rerolling saves on it too then it becomes basically immortal. Alternatively you can throw the Curse of to the Engine of the Gods, the +1 or -1 in addition to Kroak letting you roll four dice for the engine will give you a much greater level of control over it, and will not only allow you to potentially +1 to the D6 Mortal Wounds ability it has, but makes it much easier to get the almighty triple 6 you need to pull off that time stop, which is the best thing the Engine can do. If you roll one five and one six, you have two rerolls from Kroak and Tetto to try to get another six on the remaining two dice, allowing you to +1 the 5 and get the triple six. Or if you roll two sixes, you only need to get a 5 with the rerolls. Alternatively you can use the Curse on Kroak in order to give him better spellcasting rolls once, or improve the effectiveness of Comet's Call by potentially adding an extra mortal wound on the D3. In addition, the BSB will give a nice +1 to all casting rolls, which can make a wonderful difference. In addition, all spellcasting will get a significant range boost thanks to the BSB, allowing for better summoning positioning or just the ability to outrange other mages with an Arcane Bolt. In addition to this, the TG get +1 to their save and +2 Bravery when there's a nearby hero, which there will be because putting the Oldblood right next to the unit will allow them to reroll wound rolls of 1 if they're close enough to him, which can make a massive differences as you wound on 3's so you have a 50% chance to get the reroll. Plus there's going to be the BSB nearby to give the TG rerolls to hit, which on 3's to hit makes the TG scary good at fighting. Not quite as good as a proper horde of Saurus with spears, but the TG also get 3+ saves or 2+ with Arcane Shield, making them monsters in defense. While the TG hold a defensive line, repelling anyone who tries to break through, the Salamanders can sneak up the side. Summoning a Salamander unit into the game rather than starting with them on the board can put them in good positions to shoot at high value targets, especially heroes or monsters, and the extra spell range helps massively there. In addition, summoning the handlers behind them will increase their range to 12" which is enough to shoot on the turn you summon them, netting some scary damage. Or you can have them closer to your line, letting them take advantage of the rerolls that the BSB gives in case they miss, which at D6 damage is going to be a real loss if you can't hit. In addition, Kroq-Gar is the perfect monster hunter. Keeping him back, only to have him jump out and blindside enemy monsters is a powerful tool because not only does he hit hard, but his ability to pin enemy monsters to increase Grimloq's bites to a 2+ to hit is a massively powerful ability as those bites hit at damage 3, but because you have to hit with both of Grimloq's arm attacks first, the BSB's rerolls are invaluable assets here, plus an Arcane Shield and Priestly Rites to make him tanky enough should the monster somehow survive and try to hit back. At a 3+ rerollable save with that many wounds, he's not going to go anywhere fast. Especially as he's injured his target by now, weakening them.
Haha! I played with similar, just without the bastiladon and tetto. But yeah my TG with bsb planted and old blood following up was devastating! I think I need to try out your list! Haha! So good!
Oh the Bastiladon is the best tank in the game by far, a must-have for a defensive Seraph army. And Tetto is one of the best support characters in the game thanks to his Curse of Fates and Rerolls. But don't make the mistake of thinking that a strong army is an instant win, strategy is still needed even if some people look a the four-page rulebook and think strategy is out. An army like that is like a high level sword in an RPG. It's only good if you have a high enough sword skill to use it. And funnily enough, in the time since I posted that comment a month ago, I started a new army (because nobody could come close to beating my Seraphs and I didn't want to become that guy) which has absolutely no synergy in it what so ever. Funny that.
Update on that list I did. I've now replaced the Skink Priest for a Starpriest and the Oldblood with an Eternity Warden. The Starpriest's Starlight spell is just as defensive as the Celestial Rites, although it is single target unlike the Rites' bubble AoE, but the Starpriest has access to Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield for some improved utility. Plus the Serpent Staff ability can turn bite attacks into insane damage dealers, as I witnessed yesterday when I buffed my Carnosaur to deliver six wounds with one bite attack, easily killing the Cygor it targeted. In addition, the general bonuses of putting it on my Temple Guard were able to make slight, yet vital, differences in combat. The Eternity Warden I put in there A: So I can try out the Eternal Starhost battalion that'll be in the Battletome this weekend, B: Because it synergises perfectly with my TG defensive line by letting them deal insane damage so long as he stays close (easy to do as my line barely moves,) and C: To counter things like Hellcannons or other Kroak-targeting death machines which were my only real weakness so far.
Similar to @Bainbow I have also been playing arrownd sinergies and have found a cople of them, and I have also found something that most armies doesnt have but that ours does, wich is redundancy ( you can achieve similar sinergies different ways so when some models get killed you still have them) here they go: 1. Formation -Slann -BSB -Chakax -skink priest -skink priest starseer -engine of the gods This formation gives you two things (1) magic casting sinergies, and (2) unkillable TG (1) Magic casting: roll and if you dont get the +1 to cast in the constellation, change it in the next turn, have the EoTG near the slann and plant the bsb in fron of the slann and behing the TG. -this gives you +2 too cast which is huge,+23 range (15 skink bassels +8bsb) and more control for the engine of the gods (2) unkillable tg: ok lets start with armor saves, have all your heroes near the tg (redundancy), that gives them +1 save and brabary 12 (preatty much inmune to battle shock), than cast 1 mistic shield another +1 which brings them to a 2up and i always try to have them in cover, which means that they now have a 1 up save ignoring rends of one. Further most cast pristly ritings with the skink and you have a rerrollable 1up save and you car reroll charge and run rolls also. Than cast the spell of the new skink priest to give them -1to be hit and give them the ability to have poissoned bites. Now we go for attacks, plant the bsb to give you rerolls, and have chakax be near by now they have an extra attack rerroling to hit. So to sum it up you get: 1up saving tg rerrolling hit, saves, run and charge rolls with a -1 to hit them +1 attack and the bite attacks poisoned so that they do double dammage on 6s to wound An anaditional bonus is that chakax can get the slann wounds to keep him safe and if he dies the first time you just need to summon it again at a 3+ (since you have a the +2 to cast)
One thing I've noticed is that GW actually have the right of it when they designed the new Battalions in the Battletome (holy shit they did something right?) I always said that Saurus Warrios are better if you want an aggressive army because they can summon much faster, hit more, get horde bonuses, etc. The TG are better stat-wise and are wonderful stone walls, but it's much harder to summon them when you need reinforcements. I've always said this. But looking at the upcoming Battalions, pairing the Warriors with a Sunblood (badass name there, by the way. The name alone makes me wish I had one) with the Saurus can be massively effective. For one, making the Sunblood your general will net you rerolls to hit on a target unit. Sure the Astriloth gives us the same thing, but only when it's planted, making it weak for a mobile army and preferable for a defensive army instead. The Sunblood (God I love saying that name) lets you pick an enemy unit, crush them, then pick another, systematically wiping the enemy units one by one with a steady stream of reinforcements. Looks like this Sunclaw Starhost might actually be pretty good as it fits into a good synergy already.
2nd Formation This one is an easy one that has been made for us but that when you add it to your army and use it you are going to kill anything you want on that first turn. This is the skink patrol used as follows: Composition: 2 units of chamaleons, 1 unit of ripperdactils, 1 skink priest Depploy only the skink priest for this formation and what ever the rest of your army is, now when you start make sure the thing you want to kill is on the line of sight of the skink priest and the bload toad close. In your first turn bring everithing to the table and concentrate all fire and attcks into that one unit/monster the chamaleons will do shooting first, than your rippers will do swopping dive and charge the thing the skink priest declared as target. Now the rippers are like this: Rerroll all to hit, and to wound rolls, wounding on a 2+ and doing 3 attacks with their deadly beaks, plus the others attacks they have. Doing this, last time i played this formation I was able to put 35 wounds into a unit on one turn. The best part is that this sinergy is made for us we just have to use it haha
3 Formation: Fight deamons of chaos, hahhaa preaty much everithing we have does extra damage to them just a few examples: -kroak -chameleons -bastilladon -skink prist( the new one) -krog Gar
But you only have one shot, and if it fails then the counterattack can be crippling to you. I reckon my Skink formation would be more effective, did I post it here? Hold on ...
A quote from the Skinks Useless thread. "Skinks can be bloody brutal if you know how to use them right. The only catch is that if you want Skinks to be good, you need a Skink army rather than a mixed army. My brother asked for help designing one, so I built him a nearly game-breaking one. Let me show you. Now an important thing to know for any Skink army that, while the Saurus battalion is rubbish, the Skink one is downright necessary for any Skink player. Now, for this Battalion you'll need two units of either Skinks or Chameleon Skinks. Assuming you're not made of money, regular skinks will be the more affordable choice (though Chameleons are just better in every way, so if you are made of money then replace every Skink here with a Chameleon.) Skinks are downright puny in small numbers, but in groups of thirty or higher, they'll be hitting on 3+ with their ranged attacks which is great. However, because the Javelin's range is too small and puts the Skinks in harm's way, you want to use the Boltspitters. 5+ to wound may seem weak, but remember that your 3+ to hit adds some needed balance to this. I recommend two units of 40 skinks, that way you can afford some casualties without losing your 3+ to hit, and the Shields will give you an immunity to -1 rend which will save a few lives in a few scenarios, better than a melee weapon that the Skinks would never need because they stand up in melee about as well as a rotten tree branch. Then for the battalion, you need some fliers. I'd say go for the Ripperdactyls for two reasons. Firstly they're more melee oriented, and you'll need some muscle in order to keep your flimsy Skinks safe. The second reason I'll go into in a minute. Lastly for the battalion, you need a Skink Priest. Pick one that has the Cloak of Feathers for that improved save, and the increased movement with fly because positioning your Priest here is key. This is because the Battalion gives him an ability where you can pick one enemy unit he can see in your Hero Phase, and all hit and wound rolls of 1 can be rerolled against that target unit. Those 3+ hit roles are looking much nicer now, eh? Now for the real game changer, as well as the reason why Saurus are unwanted here. For your general, pick a Skink Chief. You want him for his Command Ability, pick a Skink unit within 10" of the Chief and they can add +1 to all their hit rolls. Now remember those 3+ to hits with rerolls of 1? Now they're 2+ to hit with rerolls, and 40 shots too. Suddenly those 5+ to wounds seem feasible due to the sheer number of hits you're delivering. In addition, remember those Ripperdactyls I said we'd come back to? Well thanks to the Battalion's rules, you don't set them up at the start of the game. Instead they remain off the board because they're flying high above the clouds. In any of your Movement Phases, you can have them dive to the ground, and set them up anywhere on the board that's no closer than 3" from an enemy. In addition, you add +1 to all their To Wound rolls in this turn. So you drop them near an enemy unit, monster, or hero that you want dead very, very badly and charge them in that turn. The Skink Riders' spears are okay, and the claws get three attacks per which is cool, but you want the Beak attacks the most. The Beak attacks once per model, hits on 4+ and wounds on 3+. But every time you hit, you get to make an additional attack. And if that hits, you make another. And another. And another until you miss all your hits. So you can theoretically hit infinite times. In addition, the Rippers have a rule that lets them move their line of sight to their bases rather than their high up models in exchange for rerolling all failed hits and wounds, so now your infinity beaks get rerolls. And don't forget, they're Skink models so your Chief can buff their to hit roles to 3+ as soon as your Hero Phase pops up again, so that's a rerollable 3+ which results in even more hits in the chain. And lastly, if there's a Blot Toad nearby, the Rippers go berserk and get three attacks with their infinity beaks instead of one. I say 6 Rippers is minimum here, because then you're throwing in 18 Beaks that hit on 3+ with rerolls and can generate more attacks. While it may be tempting to throw them right into the fight to make use of that rerollable 2+ To Wound they get for the beaks when they first descend, but I think it's better to drop them down behind your defensive line and wait until they're buffed with the Chief's command ability before sending them off to murder their Blot Toad-marked target. Lastly, add in a Stegadon (I like the one with the fire throwers myself, great against hordes,) and a Bastiladon (Solar Engine rocks, by the by) for more muscle to protect your skinks, plus a Wizard for some support (I prefer Tetto'Eko, a fun character and fits a Skink theme better than a Slann, because army themes is awesome in AoS due to more freedom in what you field, plus the rerolls are amazing when you have a priest that only uses his Rites on a 4+ like we do.) Oh, and one last note. Arcane Shield and Priestly Rites together on the Bastiladon makes for a scary combination, a 2+ rerollable armour save that cannot be reduced by anything short of a mortal wound, and even mortal wounds are stopped on a 4+. Makes for what I consider the best tank in the game, needed for your Skinks to feel safe. And there you have it, a monster of a Skink army. Play smart and you'll win a lot." Though now you can replace Tetto with the Starpriest, the -1 To Hit really does synergise much more than the Starseer.