These look great! Classic colours never looked so good! I really like the golden yellow eyes! Really expressive!
Cheers Bowser im digging the classic colours myself golden eyes are done ill try see if i can paint slitsto give it more depth onto all the bangles and gold now. For such small models they realy are detailed i thought this would be a breeze but its proving harder than i thought!
Hey guys lookn for a tip on how to paint stone spear heads for the skinks , how would you guys go about this?
Grey stone, base stormvermin grey or Dawnstone, Nuln oil wash, repaint base colour leaving a bit of Nuln oil showing were the tip meets other parts, shaft etc, highlight with Eshin grey do the edges and a bit of the flat following the shape, do a final highlight of karak stone right on the tip in a "V" following the shape. More detail thin down Karak stone using a very fine detail brush draw lines on the tip in random directions.
Great looking Skinks, I really like the red on their crests. Painting eyes is an art form on its own, but with practice, you should be able to get pretty good looking eyes. Best advice that I can give is thin your paint enough, so that you can easily draw the pupil, but not too much so that it flows to the crevices like a wash. Then in one careful stroke, paint a vertical line from the upper brow across the eye all the way to the cheek. Don't mind if you go over the eye and onto the skin, this is easy to fix. I find it that the less careful I am with going over the borders in this case, the better the end result. Nice job on the conversion as well, it's subtle but recognizable. The feathers are a nice touch, but it can be pretty difficult to paint neatly. Well, that's just good practice!
Cheers for the tips Capra, i was looking at the conversion forum and jesus people can do some awsome things, im yet too get some green stuff but hopefully one day i can reach a high standard. Also painting eyes seems like it will be fun that link was right about the emotion and depth of character it gives. I will attempt the slits as i progress im sure im fairly happy i have attempted the eyes and managed to not loose my mind and put out a decent display.
Tell you what makes a massive difference to painting, Lighting, try to have natural light were possible or daylight bulbs in your lamps. Try to get light overhead and slightly in front of were you paint, you don't want the light directly over the mini your painting for 2 reasons, 1 it casts shadows, 2 it will dry your paint.
I really need to get a natural light bulb for my lamp im convinced it would make a huge difference those tips are interesting Crow i will try and implent that technique of lighting. Thank you.
I had a yellowish bulb in my lamp and swapped to daylight and OMG it was like someone turning a light on! It looks really weird at first but after an hour or so you start to see all the fine detail, I then swapped the lamp for 2*2ft fluorescent daylight tubes suspended to the left and right of my work area about 2ft above my head and that has to be the best thing I have done in my painting loft/den.
I see what you did there... But yeah, proper lighting is crucial. Not just for you to see how the colours actually look like, but also for your own eyes. At least I have noticed that even slightly dim lighting has a dramatic effect on how long I can paint. We had a painting evening at a friend's place, and he only had the normal kitchen light. It was terrible, after an hour or so, I was only doing basecoating and other more liberal techniques as I couldn't focus my eyes anymore...
They are really looking good, Ken! As far as eyes go, if you aren't wanting to go to that much effort and want a quick solution for rank and file models, then I might suggest purchasing a set of Micron pens. I use the 005 pen for pupils. Base coat the eye yellow, then simply make a vertical line with the pen for the pupil. Easy! These are the pens: Here is a shot of some that I have done using that method.
Hey guys i finnaly finished my skinks here they are sorry the lighting is poor also a shot of my tiny army should be included i think ill paint a hero next possibly an oldblood.
Wo Wow man your painting is amazing i am loving that earthy scheme of your bastilidon the eyes you paint really come to life!