9th Age 9th age and the future

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I decided to copy past this news article from the ninth age forum since I figured it would be appropriate. I know not all of you are visiting the forum :D

    In the last months the 9th Age project did grow very fast. Easily beyond what we had imagined when we original started with it. From only 6 staff members a few month ago, we are now far beyond 150 staff members and even far more members actively participate on the public forums. It is quite obvious that our own processes, communication and management could barly keep up to the speed the project has been growing.

    To address those growing demands on none-rules related topics we have decided to have a change in management. The rules team collectively stepped down from their responsibility having a double position on the Executive Board and we are very happy to announce that @Giladis and @Pip Hamilton will step up and cover together with our new Advisory Board those none-rules related project management topics. Our new Advisory Board will be joint by @SamWildman@Pinktaco@Digger614@oncebitten360 and@Winterwrath . We are very thankful to have such a great set of people supporting the project! Each of them has shown a high degree of dedication for our project and their new position simply reflects that.

    At the same time also our organizational setup on rules and army book related topic will change with December and with it also the role of the army book committee will change significant. From here on, the role of the armybook committee will not be about making new interesting units and/or rules but mostly be about monitoring the balance of the book (both over and under-performing units, as well as the overall power level of the army). This requires a quite different skill-set than writing the book, which implies that some of our current army book committee members will have to leave their current position and new members will most likely have to join instead.

    The amount of design changes will have to drop significant for at least the next 6-12 month. The focus for the next month is clearly set on balancing of what we currently have. For this the Rules Team will be supported by the new Balancing Board working very closely with the army book committee to identify and elimiante defects of the army books, which can be exploited on a tournament level game play such as the ETC.

    For the rulebook no conception design changes are planed after the last December 2015 release, although even if we don’t plan them explicitly army book changes may still require successive rulebook changes. The balancing of the army books on the other hand will most likely still require design changes on those books during the month after December. That implies that we will not release a none-beta on December and to reflect that we will not use the version tag 1.0 but 0.10.x instead.

    Version tags will in future have following semantic:
    X.[99-0].[99-0] Is a major release - similar to an edition.
    [99-0].X.[99-0] Is a intermediate release - used for bigger conception design changes.
    [99-0].[99-0].X is a minor release - used for smaller point tweaks, spelling and wording corrections.

    Nevertheless we have a clear deadline to fulfill the requirements of the ETC. We will have to have a stable version at April 2016, which will most likely be our first none-beta 1.0 version release. Due to that we plan to have only minor releases after February, which leaves us about 8 weeks after December to finish 16 army books. Or in other words roughly 2 army books a week for the rules team and the balance board to focus their attention. Which is obviously a very tough schedule.

    In the mean time the background and art team is still constantly working behind the scene to give breath to the world our game is set upon. Yesterday you had the pleasure to see the first little sneak peak of this work, when we change the website banner. For December we hope to be able to show you the first army book including both new background and art for the respectiv army.

    Without all of your dedication the project would not be where it is right now. Thank you for that!

    The Executive Board / Rules Team / Advisory Board
    ASSASSIN_NR_1 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This is true.
  3. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    Well, this makes the lexicon work more interesting. Either updates are going to slow down or I'll need more hands to help with it since 900+ articles to update by 3 people is draining. At least we can start working on the fluff side of the lexicon once Undying Dynasties drops.
  4. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    You could use a helping hand, or a little more then that ;)
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Want me to talk with the ExB about it?
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Can i just say that i really love and respect the people who are making rules for the hobby? What has come up now has been really good and challenging in a competitive spirit even though the rules can also be used in a non competitive way. I would have liked to say that i could have been contributing more, but i am very busy with classes and the like. Simply kudos for those who keep the hobby rolling!
  7. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    I'm in contact with Tiny on 9th Age about it and he's been kind enough to mention our need for extra hands in the last news article about the Lexicon, but we've only had one applicant and he's been great so far. We can't strong arm people into the task and with the new update coming up, I'm waiting to see how big (a.k.a. how many new changes) it is before I consider sending an S.O.S.

    Thank you for the offer though, Pinktaco. I greatly appreciate it and will consider it in the coming weeks. :)

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