9th Age 2000 vs Skaven

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by themuffinman873, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I am going to finally get back to playing 1v1s again in 9th and my first match will be against Skaven. My opponent has always, and I mean always, brought at least 3x 50 rat units (usually slaves), so he really prefers the grind game. I thought I would counter him with a magic heavy fast moving list.

    I have not put all that much time into the list, let me know what you think.

    LORDS 470
    slann 270 LIFE
    master of winds 85
    black cube 50
    Banner of speed 15
    BSB 50

    HEROES 178
    skink preist 60 LIFE
    alpha pterandon 30

    skink captain 40
    alpha pterandon 40
    light armor 2
    shield 2
    lance 4

    CORE 540
    Saurus Warriors [20] 210
    Vanguard 40
    Music + flag 20

    Saurus Warriors [20] 210
    Vanguard 40
    Music + flag 20

    SPECIAL 415
    Temple Guard [20] 260
    Music + flag 20
    Relentless Company Banner 15

    Chameleons [5] 60

    Chameleons [5] 60

    RARE 395
    Salamander 70

    Salamander 70

    Triceratops 175
    Ancient 40
    Engine 40

    Total: 1998

    I guess if he brings abombs, I lose, since I would have nothing against those. I really only want life for the dwellers. I have the preist and triceratops for targeting it.
  2. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hey there.

    First off, I have never played vs Skaven. All I know about them is what youtube bat reps have showed me.

    I have put some comments in the quote. Open it to see :).
    Overall, I think you say you want to do 1 thing, and your list wants to do another.
    Fast moving, magic heavy, seems to me like a very good idea against hordes of slaves and what not. Now make your list like you say you want it :D.
    Now I just see a slow army with magic that has no extra movement spells, it does not stop his slaves from getting to you either, nor does it have much magic missiles or anything.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  3. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I would run a list, with a lone Slann, *Higher state of mind* makes him Ethereal.
    I would run him with Shadow, for the reasons I have said. I think this is by far the best magic path for what you are planning and shadow step can definatly give him some good spots to be in.
    Core: Skinks are faster and great redirectors, I would take them instead, maybe go for 1 big unit of saurus.
    Special: You can drop the protection of the TG (with Ethereal Slann) and get faster moving units, like COR, Pterodactyls etc..
    Rare: Definatly like the salamanders for burning those pesky rats!

    * I feel like I'm bashin your list, so let me say: The list is not a bad one in my eyes ( It is a sort of a list I play most of the time), but this list basically says: I will play the grind game with you and I will try to beat you with it. It is just not the list you say you want to play.
    I would take another spawning for the saurus and watch out for the rat ogers if he brings em, because they will probably wreck you TG.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  4. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Thanks for the input! I like a critical review. Now I will be critical of the review :D, or rather, justify my original thinking.

    I should probably use the new naming conventions for continuity, but for simplicity I will not. Is it technically still illegal to use the original names with the new point values from a copywrite standpoint? Tangent aside...

    Pretty fair point against lore of life (nature). The way I understood dwellers is you get to ignore the first test, as it saids (the victim gets to choose). This stops you from targeting lone models, or vaporizing a single character in a unit. It does however still wreck a character bus (as only 1 character is immune). That is the way I understood it at least.

    Shadow does sound like a good alternative as it adds to the mobility as you say, and can crack ogres, abombs, and doomwheels, something life completely lacks. For that matter I may just consider going Fire, which also ignores regen, and which I have never used in the two years I have played Warhammer.

    My mistake on the regular skink preists, I would probably go beasts there. Curse of A and Amber spear are my keepers, with WW as a backup.

    The vanguard is 12", which is like a turn and a half of marching. If I get the second part of turn 1, and he moves his forces forward at all, then I will be at a dice range of 7 or less for charges on turn 1 with saurus (assuming he deployed on the line). The TG get a triple march with movement 5 (due to the two banners). So Turn 1 they get to march 15". The stegadon and salamanders will actually be the ones trying to catch up, which is sort of a problem from the engine of the gods protection standpoint.
    The chameleons will help me secure my vanguard area, if he has any scouts or vanguards of his own.

    The vanguarded + move 18 preist puts me in spell range fast.
    Skaven are all warpfire (magical) so the ethereal slann seems like a big risk. Unless warpfire changed.

    If I can get in position fast enough, I think I can break his steadfast with saurus flanks, if so, the grind will turn into successive routes. Though my saurus units may be a little on the small side.
  5. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Ah, as said, I never played vs skaven, so my Ethereal Slann idea indeed seems worthless :D.
    I thought with speed, you mean running around him a bit to deny him from putting his wall of slaves up.
    You mean try to get flanks and get in CC as fast as possible. Then okay ^^.

    Dwellers: it does say first test and not tests, so I was wondering myself. I don't know I really thought they would nerf this spell harder then that.
    first game of 8th I played I killed my enemies General, lvl 4 and BSB turn 1... So this would mean 1 of them would be okay? :D
    If that is the case, I feel sad, OP spells like this should be removed (nerfed harder) IMO.
  6. Angaturama

    Angaturama Member

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    Man? what you talking about 9th for? you talking about AoS or do you mean 8th??? :confused:
  7. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I mean The 9th Age, as the thread tag indicates.
    Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the 9th age?

  8. Angaturama

    Angaturama Member

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  9. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Well 8th edition is no longer supported. Since there were problems with 8th that fans were hoping would get fixed, the fan-base took it upon themselves to create a new rules. 9th age is about 90% the same as 8th edition, but factions are being re-balanced, some rules work a little differently now, but for the most part it is 8th. You can download the main rule book and all of the army books from that 9th age website. It is still in beta mode, so armybooks will change often, but things are looking promising.
  10. Cowboy_Jerry

    Cowboy_Jerry New Member

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    @skink chief, about the Dwellers - not exactly that way.
    The "reroll first failed" part seems to stay for character sniping purpose - in the 8th he could lookout, here he can be chosen the first to roll (owner of the targeted unit chooses the consequence of rolls). So no 50 rerolls. But I agree - Nature isn't the best choice for this list. Perhaps Light will suit a lot better.
  11. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Actually you cant use a lookout sir in 8th, for dwellers is not a template.
    Interestingly enough I ended up taking fire in this matchup, and it was amazing.
  12. Darkneo89

    Darkneo89 New Member

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    Hi all, I'm going to play a 2k point game vs skaven as well this very evening, i build up a list and i wanted to know what you guys think about it and since there was this thread i did not want to create an exact copy of it. So here's my list:

    -Slann:Shadow, BsB, Cube, Wellspring of power, Totem of mixoatl. 232.5 ss
    -Sk priest: beast, dispell scroll. 50 ss
    -Sk Capt: alpha-ripper, shield, light armor, lance egg of quetzal. 65 ss
    -26 Saurian Warrior: lance, serpent totem, veteran standard with Icon of the Relentless Company, music 181 ss
    -2x 10 skink hunter skirmish 80 ss
    -20 temble guards, musician, standard with speed standard 152.5 ss
    -3 skink with ripper + fire bolas 51.5 ss
    -2x 5 chameleon 60 ss
    -Ancient Steg + EOTG 127.5 ss

    1000 ss total.

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