8th Ed. Campaign!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by skink chief, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hey guys

    Sot invited for a campaign that will be a little like Total War I've been explained.
    To give you some basics:
    1) We start out with 500pts of Army
    2) I may have 1 general
    3) 1 sidekick as long as this is not a lord.
    4) Special characters are a no go.
    5) We start out with 500 gold.
    6) Gold can buy stuff, at the start of the campaign it can buy you scouts or more army. (100pts of army per 100 gold)
    7) We start with 2 scouts
    8) Wa start with control of a small town and 1 watchtower.
    9) we can start out with 1 magical item up to 50 pts.

    Since I'm new to this group they have asked me to make a test match ( because I told them I was pretty new to the whole thing and this was another player like me). This match will provide them with fluff and in the meantime they will be helping us with campaign settings and what usually goes on.

    I am not used to playing warband point matches , but this is what I had in mind:

    500 pts:

    Saurus Scar Vet: General - Armour of Destany - shield

    19 Saurus Warriors
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    I'm going more with the fluff then anything else and, this small personal army of a Slann will be the first to reach the land of Albion.

    After this game, I was thinking of spending 300gold on 300 pts of army.

    800 pts:

    (The same list as for 500 pts)
    My 'sidekick' Skink priest lvl 1 Beasts

    5 Chameleon Skinks
    2 Salamanders, each with 4 snacks ( so not together).

    I think what this does is give me a very standard line up. A small amount of magic, some redirecters, some sallies ( only 1 ogre player so they should be good), and some CC with the s
  2. Saniles

    Saniles New Member

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    Can you explain how the scouts work please? I've never done a campaign before.
  3. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    We will be randomly placed on a map ( 12players). We do not know our surroundings exept if our army goes somewhere or if your scouts scout it.

    So for example if my army is next to a river. I can send a scout to follow the river to the north and report back to the generals army. He can be commanded to return when he finds anything of note like for example a village or you can ask him to scout for 3 days and then return with his findings (so he will show up in 6 days). If he does not show up he is probably dead :).

    So scouts basically give you information of your surroundings so you can take action on his findings. He can find villages that could provide income, watchtowers that might be at strategic points of interests, other armies, mercenaries, monsters that might have magical loot and so forth ;). They look to be very helpfull.
  4. Saniles

    Saniles New Member

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    Oh neat! Keep us posted on this if you don't mind, I'd really like to follow along.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I've done a few campaigns. Unfortunately they tend to fizzle because the guy who liked to organize campaigns tended to over invite people and half the people didn't make the meetings.

    Assuming you can get past that hurdle. In general money/resource build campaigns tend to have one fundamental. If there are empty/neutral map tiles early in the game, be as aggressive as possible when claiming.

    Once you get all/most of the neutral territory claimed, then it's time to worry about minutiae of your army build and alliances/feuds.

    My last campaign got off-kilter. The Game Master thought it was a neat concept if armies could be divided as long as they had a unit champion or character. There was a lot of empty space and the player who put the maximum number into cheap Core with unit champions made such a big early push that let his armies grow so big it turned into a five against one and the grand alliance was losing.

    Hopefully your campaign doesn't allow an early lead to become insurmountable. The best campaigns tend to give a small bonus to early victories but at never grow too far that a catch up isn't possible.

    I tried to design a campaign a long those lines, then POOF Age of Sigmar hit and half my potential players left the hobby.

    (wow I sound bitter on campaigns, I really do like campaigns)

    Good luck and keep us posted.
  6. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Thanks for the information Scanalex.
    The people creating the Campaign are prette experienced players and have created campaigns before.
    I'm told that out of the 12 particapants, 10 players are from the club wehre they still play 8th on regular basis.
    So I'm hoping that won't be a problem. (I am not one of these 10 just for info).

    This saturday I will be playing my first match.
    As said, this will not be the start of the campaign, just some sort of tutorial for me and 1 other player, because we are new to campaigns and to the group.
    I'll be playing against Greenskins :).
    @Saniles I will try to put my campaign in the battlereports sections and I will link it below.
    The link should be here by saturday evening ;).
    Saniles likes this.
  7. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Know how you feel Scalanex, campaigns are great as long as they work, but as they require a lot of work from a lot of people to work, they tend to fizzle. The best campaign i was part of was a campaign in a Warhammer store actually, everybody was divided into two factions, and all battles you played could only be against someone from the other faction for a few months. This made sure the campaign kept moving, and if you won a lot of games for your faction you could get certain small bonusses (such as a single free reroll in a game) or titles or other small prizes. It worked because there would always be someone from the other faction around, and the store did all the organising, it was actually very neatly put together. With Shitmar in the wings, it is really hard to do an 8th ed campaign now, the sadness.

    I also feel that the list that the thread maker posted were fine, campaigns should really just be fluffy imho, and not played to win, so anoything you do should be fine!
  8. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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