9th Age Possible concept for diversity in 9th age

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Oldblood89, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Oldblood89

    Oldblood89 New Member

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    Hey guys,

    So I was thinking after looking through other books and I thought, "Man all these other books are trying to make alternate ways of playing". So I was thinking that maybe just maybe probably not this first go through but maybe the next version that we could get Savage Saurians. Since GW left out the South land Lizardmen from a potential list I think that 9th age could pick it up and give us a competitive slaanless list. With options that are only open when a slaan is not picked. This would mean stronger Saurus and Skink lords/champs, stronger Saurus Core and cav, and maybe dinos. Anyways, thoughts?
  2. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    They wanted to make list without Slann better and so they add skink high priest. I don't like this way of thinking, but seems that is their approach to this problem
  3. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    I agree, my perfect lizardmen army book would be extremely magic light with a much greater focus on savage lizards and beasts. Heavy armor and more weapon options, but less magic items and effects, much more of an elite heavy hitter feel than we currently have.
  4. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    I did enjoy it back in 6th ed. when there were alternate lists, changing what options were available and moving things from Core to Special or vice versa. I thought it added a lot of character, as well as creating some different systems of balance. T9A certainly is trying to make multiple strategies playable, and I think they have largely done so, but I still wonder whether there is a place for this kind of option.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    To my knowledge (haven't had a 0.11 game yet) "To the face" Lizardmen armies are working quite well as it is in 9th.
    Frog or not.
    The only problem is when a combat focused lizardmen army meets an army of the same type from a more combat oriented ARMY (Warriors for a classical example) they tend to get outmatched without magic support.

    Regarding getting our army on a top tier combat level, im not all for it.
    If all armies can imitate all armies, whats the point of having armies?
    As I see it the only problem is the "high" tougness is not enough to outweigh the low initiative (in most cases).
  6. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    What if there were a magic item that a Temple Guard unit could carry instead of a Slaann? The item could be called a Stele or a Greater Plaque...

    Anyway, it would boost the low Init score for nearly the whole army. (Or otherwise give the army what it needs to go into battle without the big frog.)

    Literally an object that His High and Mighty Frogginess sends with his secondary army when he has to be elsewhere with the primary army.
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Or, Relic Priests ;) (I know the guys are trying to get this one through)

    An important question though, which has to be answered truthfully:
    "If you dont want to play Saurians the ways saurians are playing, why are you playing them at all?"
    Here many peoples answer is "I like the aesthetics of the army....and Dinos".
    I for one chose lizardmen long before I knew how they played, for the above reason.
    I got pretty sad when I found out they were not combat oriented at all (some may disagree, but they didn't live up to my initial expectations)

    In regard to said question, a reason to change the current army, the argument needs to be "because its necessary for the army to play according to how its meant", and here is the problem
    : it does.

    They are not made to be CC gods, they are made to center around the slann, just like VC centers around their Vampires, and Undying Dynasties around their hierophant.

    its not something you just change, or give an alternative to, because that means more armies will want the same.
    The end game being all armies having "If I take this im a combat army, if I take this im a magic army and if I take this im a ranged army".

    That choice should be made when picking your army to begin with...sadly Saurians are a magic heavy army, and as
    magic has changed quite a bit, im not sure where we stand on that.
    serbianwolf likes this.

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