AoS Triumph & Treachery in the Age of Sigmar

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Zakharov, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Zakharov

    Zakharov Member

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    ...Triumph of Sigmar?

    ...Age of Treachery?

    Anyway, what are peoples' experiences with playing multiplayer games in the new age?

    Most of the cards either don't work at all, or need serious group discussion before use, so they're out. Coins and counters for VP and wounds barely makes any sense now. Balancing sudden death objectives between multiple forces is a headache, at best.

    We came up with the following rules to try and recapture the experience, playing a simple, three-player free-for-all;

    Armies consist of 5 warscrolls, decided before the game. No wound limit.
    Players receive points during the game, as follows;
    +100 Destroy any warscroll (take the last wound)
    +200 Destroy a general (stacks with above)
    +500 Achieve a Sudden Death objective
    At end of game, -500 x (%casualties) (so, if you lost 50% of your force, you would get -250 points, but if you took a small force and summoned extra, you could exceed 100% starting casualties and get more than -500 points)

    Lizardmen (5 Models) (Tiny elite force, probably a mistake given that last rule, as you will see - but still my favourite ever fielded force!)
    Slann Starseer
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
    Stegadon with Engine of the Gods
    Stegadon with Bow
    Bastiladon with Lasercannon

    Wood Elves (14 Models) (Monster-heavy, but WE seem to be the one not-OP race this age... again! Hahaha!)
    General on Dragon
    Shadow Mage
    10 monster-hunting infantry (savvy, he knows me too well)

    Vampire Counts (42 Models) (The shambling hordes)
    Vampire General on Dragon
    4 Spirit Hosts
    35 Zombies

    With the battlefield divided into 6, we each put our first unit down following normal Triumph & Treachery rules. Wood Elves went first, and claimed a hilly, woody section, bearing down on one flank. Lizardmen deployed on the opposite side of the table, near an arcane river that flowed over half the battlefield (sweet!). Dragon Ascending so re-roll 1s to hit. Vampire counts deployed near the Wood Elves, charging through another river to reach him.

    Sudden Death
    Lizardmen chose Blunt (infantry) vs Wood Elves, and Assassinate (general on dragon) vs Vampire Counts.
    Wood Elves chose Seize Ground (River) vs Vampire Counts.

    Turn 1
    Lizardmen went first; the Slann started his grand plan and summoned a Saurus Battle Standard bearer, 5 Temple Guard and an Eternal Guardian around him. Carnosaur and Stegadon ran towards elves. Engine of the Gods and Bastiladon ambled towards centre-field. Shooting destroyed a handful of the monster-killing infantry.
    Wood Elves; ran Treemen and infantry up towards the lizardmen, keeping away from the undead. Shadow Mage and Dragon held back in support.
    Vampire Counts; Dragon and Varghulf ran towards lizardmen. Spirit Hosts moved towards impending monster-on-monster showdown on flank. Zombies and Necromancer stayed to protect the river. Summoned a tonne of Zombies that merged with the first lot.

    Turn 2
    Lizardmen; Summoned yet more troops to protect Slann from approaching Dragon, with 3 Kroxigor, 10 more Temple Guard and 3 Ripperdactyls joined the battle. Bastiladon moved down closer to monster-madness, Engine of the Gods stayed mid-field. Shooting felled a few more infantry and put a few hits on a Treeman. Stegadon and Carnosaur charged into battle, wiping out the infantry (+100 points and +500 for sudden death!) and crippling a Treeman. Carnosaur takes a few hits in return.
    Vampire Counts; Fails to cast any spells, despite no one being close enough to unbind! Moves Dragon and Varghulf up for an attack on the summoned forces surrounding the Slann, but fails both charges. Spirit Host gets into combat with the Carnosaur and drains a hideous amount of mortal wounds, but doesn't drop the beast.
    *First three-player combat: We decided that charging player picks first, then choices continue as per turn order)
    Wood Elves; Charge everything into Lizardmen and drop the Carnosaur and the Stegadon but lose a Treeman to a dying Stegadon in the process (+100 points). Dragon ends up fairly close to the Zombies in the process.

    Turn 3
    Vampire Counts; Dragon and Varghulf tear into the Temple Guard, confident they can shrug off the combined attack of all the summoned troops. Dragon attacks first and destroys them with some good D6 wound rolling, 10 Temple Guard perish (pretty pricey at -100 a model. Ouch). Silver lining is that the Varghulf was then not close enough to pile in anywhere else. Zombies swarm the Elf Dragon, but do no damage. Spirit Hosts eat into the Treeman a bit.
    Lizardmen; Slann summons yet more, Salamanders and another Stegadon enter the game. Mass charge on the Dragon/Varghulf, good rolling and flying meant that I got 3 Kroxigor, Eternal Guardian, Saurus BSB, 5 Temple Guard, 3 Ripperdactyls and an Engine of the Gods into combat. It was a bloodbath (+800 for the general, +100 for the Varghulf).
    Wood Elves; Dragon decimated the Zombies and Treeman wiped out the Spirit Hosts. Then started to fall back into the trees like the typical tree-hugging cowards they are.

    Turn 4
    Wood Elves; Dragon nipped across the board to fulfil his Sudden Death objective, and ran for the hills.

    At this point, the Vampire Counts were wiped out, and I didn't have a single model further than my 1/3 of the board. We called it a day there as I wouldn't be able to reach him by Turn 6.

    Final Scores
    Vampire Counts; -600something. Losing his horde of zombies, especially when he continued to summon them in the face of a raging dragon cost him dear. And his horde didn't manage to cause enough damage to account for the lack of Sudden Death.
    Lizardmen; 0. Yep, 0 points. I completed Sudden Death against both opponents and wiped out the majority of everyone's force and had nothing to show for it once you accounted for a hideous -1600 point casualty penalty at the end.
    Wood Elves; +600something. Lost a decent chunk of his force but didn't exceed 100%. Completed Sudden Death against one opponent and took down a reasonable number of troops.

    Many beers and prodigious whining from the VC player about the +500 Sudden Death bonus, and whining from me about the -500*X% penalty, followed. But I think it worked.
  2. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    We play quite a few multiplayer matches at my place, though usually they are team games rather than free-for-alls. They tend to be much more casual than 1v1 games, but in a good way.

    I like what you did, though.
  3. MomoTheKiller

    MomoTheKiller Member

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    Lizardmen went first; the Slann started his grand plan and summoned a Saurus Battle Standard bearer, 5 Temple Guard and an Eternal Guardian around him.

    Im new player, so this mean that u summon units from warscrolls even if u dont use them in this battle?
  4. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    It depends on house rules, it's up to the players to decide. For example under normal circumstances at my place we must have the warscrolls in our army at the start, but if I'm against another summoner army then we just go all out and summon whatever.
  5. Zakharov

    Zakharov Member

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    Yeah, we house-ruled that you can summon anything you want. I've seen it played both ways and am more of the opinion that summoners possess all their summon spells, rather than the ones only on the warscrolls you've picked for the game.

    Try a free-for-all and let me know how it goes!
  6. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    We do occasionally have betrayal in our team games, though. Like the last one I was in, I played Skaven and wound up betraying my team when things looked bad, then when my original team began to make a comeback I betrayed my new team and jumped back into my original spot. Because Skaven.

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