Agreed. The ridden monster mechanic is troublesome under the 9th age rules. I really hope they change it when the 1.0 editions are released.
actually I greatly prefer it this way, it balances how powerful ridden monsters are with characters. And from what I've seen monsters are significantly harder to kill now. Allowing character armor saves and ward saves to apply to the monsters wounds and toughness would be very broken. I would prefer if monstrous cavalry were treated different than normal and lost the riders armor save, it doesn't make sense and overpowers them. Maybe capping it at 3+ or always using the mounts ws to hit against, either way you get all the best and none of the downsides
hey quick question. why do our temple guard have weapon master when they only have one weapon? seems like they cant benefit from it. anyways having my first game of 9th on Monday super excited!
You always have hand weapons, so you can choose between hand weapon and shield or halbard in close combat.
ah cook the hand weapon isnt on their profile so i wasn't sure. dont really see the point of Skink hunters and braves being separate units anymore, could just be one with a min headcount of 10 and skirmish instead of shields as an upgrade. o sorry nobody ever got around to answering my mixed unit question. currently on the Skink braves page the Caimen do not seem to have the choice to upgrade for toughened scales? (also whoever is managing the quartermaster list for these guys still has the embedded Caimen as 50pts per model, and is missing the spear of the stampede).
It's kinda weird, but you always had a hand weapon Merging the units would be horrible. It would create fewer options and no way at all to have a skink cloud. It's actually a good solution all in all. Skrox units don't have upgrades for the Caimans, which is fair since people are already complaining about these Quartermaster is for iOS, right? I usually use BattleScribe which currently is up to date as far as I know.
sweet thanks for the reply makes sense about the hand weapon i guess XD yea Quartermaster is the iOS app ill just go over our points allotment by the extra then should be ok, its just a friendly game anyways. for the skink cloud thing if they were merged as I suggested couldn't you just take 3 units of 10 skink braves and upgrade them to have skirmish same as the skink hunters would be now? would even be the same points cost. i like keeping them separate tho because i guess it makes it easier to make further changes to the hunters in the future
You can at least do a small cloud with 4 units of 10 skirmishing hunters and 3 units of 5 cameleons...
@Pinktaco Hey so I was suggesting 3x10 skirmishers XD but anyways. about halfway through a game now really enjoying the new options, i think the game is a little too small to be a good test of the system at 1000 pts. tho.
yeah the game is best balanced at 1500-3000pts, however in the future there'll be more option so the rules can better accomodate small point games and mega games (some days ago we have a someone asking questions about how to handle a 35000pts battle )
Just finished my second game actually! both with skink and monster lists vs Undying Dynasties! overall impressions game is very very balanced compared to 8th first game ended in a minor loss second game ended in a draw. Likes! I think the snake engine Thyroscutus is an auto include in skink or shooting heavy lists, a unit of skinks with a 4+ poison and additional hand-weapons or a block of spearbacks with 5+poison is a force to be reckoned with! Both myself and my opponent really dug the new rules especially the magic phase it felt super balanced and tactical at higher points games would be even better i think with more defensive items. The casket of souls is a nasty destroyer of worlds now (not that it wasnt before, but at least you could dispel it then). Fielded the skink chief on steg, with the spear of the stampede and sharpened horns to great effect as well, that thing is a god on the charge deleted a unit of snake surfers with impact hits alone, before being laid low by the casket. Also a bit nuts having a BS5 bolt thrower with no penalties for moving and shooting! Really love the lore attribute for wilderness now, its very strong in our army with so many monsters and monster cav now. Really dig the Stygiosaur with the conclave upgrade as well, has the 2 most utility spells from the lore for sure and being able to have a 14 inch move on a non squishy lvl2 that can then move d3+2 with every spell is super versatile! The stuff we felt was a little off: One thing that was very rough vs UD their spells can apparently heal multiple wounds per round off multi wound models, and with them all being aura able, he was able to in a few rounds heal every multi wound model within 12 of his caster for like 2-3 wounds which is nuts. maybe limit it to one wound per phase or something? My opponent actually thought it was wrong and had to look it up because he thought that was a little op. Took heavens on a lvl 2 as well and it felt really weak compared to beasts. lore attribute is a lot less useful, and the spells are higher casting value without really being any better. 10 to cast blizzard vs 8 to cast beast within ect. probably wouldn't take heavens again. (might have just gotten bad spells tho had blizzard and stars align, blizz was useless vs his tk shooting since he ignores modifiers to hit which kinda sucked. Most of his shooting was either so high strength or didnt allow armor saves so stars align was pretty useless as well( probably just a bad lore for the matchup). so many good points tho hard to keep track of them all.
I believe that the spell grants poison to both close combat and shooting attacks, so it should work nicely for the Spearback .
Cool! im a bit more concerned about the casket then, if he chooses to castle in the corner like my opponent did we dont really have an answer to the 2-4 wounds that thing is going to dish out every turn, its T7 vs shooting with a 5+ ward and if he can heal it 2-3 wounds every turn, you kind of need the stars to align to kill it before it can fully heal. Even mis-playing that poison rule with 2 skink chiefs with bolt throwers ( the one on the steg and one with the bow on a flappy bird) he pretty reliable never took more than 2 wounds a turn and never left an opening to get into combat. even with cold blooded i think in the whole game I only managed to made one of the leadership tests to save from that thing. for 115 pts he killed about 500 points of monsters and characters fairly easily. and that thing isnt one of a kind so he could have taken 2 of them and just shot everything except my infantry to death with pretty much no counter-play.
@woogity I don't think it's an issue. The sand undies can only heal the unit (with attribute) that they're already targeting with a spell. So if your opponent wish to heal the casket he needs to "waste" an augment spell on the model to begin with. Also yes the poison aura is only CC, however the bound spell works in both CC and on ranged. I'm glad you had fun and like the rules
they can bubble all of their spells tho so 2 spells bubbled heals 2 wounds off his giant, 2 off his casket, 2 off his ushabti, 2 off his chariots, and 2 off his snakes every turn. It makes shooting at that army feel completely futile. he did have pretty good dice numbers every magic phase and didnt seem to care much about 5 dicing every spell. i think he got pretty lucky not to miscast a single time in the end.