I was looking through some old boxes I have in the loft and came across an old genestealer model and straight away it brought back good memorie's, this got me pondering about the old blister packs and regiments of renown. I could never afford lots of models back then but just last week I acquired one of my all time favorite models, the marauder giant another was the old Balrog model which I had back then but sadly I gave most of my models away when I found beer and girls! So what model is special to you and why? Crow
I think my favourite was a metal Orc Shaman from the LOTR line. I just really liked the look of the model and I was really proud of the paint job at the time. I'm sure I still have it somewhere. But that was probably close to 15 years ago though, so no idea where it is packed. *in hindsight the paintjob wasn't all that good! But I still like the model and even though the paint is chipped in places it's a pretty good beginner paint job!
Get it found and get a pic up I loved the old Gandalf model as well, I had a box some were with my conversions and space orks in but god knows were it is.
When I started 40K all those years ago I wanted the space orks! Could not afford it, when I started fantasy I wanted O&G originally, but lizards fell into my lap with an 8th edition 5000 point army, for exactly the right price. Couldn't say no to that. Glad it happened that way now though!
Lizards and Orcs are my fav's I keep looking on ebay for the old models, managed to get Oddgit the other month, he is so cool.
DoW's Golgfag's ogres, one of my first boxes to add to my Empire 5th edition! and Borgut Facebeater (not my model btw)
My favourite fantasy models are... Slann Hellcannon ( I own 4... well technically 3.5) My two earliest favourite models, back when I originally got into the hobby, were the C'tan (the Deceiver and especially the Nightbringer). I love the sculpts and I have very fond memories of my Nightbringer face stomping my buddy's Dark Eldar. I also loved the original fluff surrounding the C'tan... before Matt Ward befouled it of course.
My best loved model has to be the mystery old Ikit model, just mysteriously appeared one day. He has his pack missing but his design used to mistake me for something else, like a wolf.... Been with me for over 5 years now. Best design model, hmmmmm. It's a hard one,
My favourite model is my Skink Oracle, a decently painted attempt at a conversion. My very first, in fact. And yes, the astute among you will say "But Otzi, didnt you post a pic of that about a month ago?" Yes. Yes I did. But its still my favourite model I own, and I am very proud of it.
I still like it, but there are better looking orc models out there, I just remember being so proud when I finished painting this one. Ahould give it a wash and some highlights! Haha!
my faveourite model has to be the dark elder wracks (not the finecast ones) . such awesome looking sculpts just cannot be ignored.
Hmm, well I like the griffon from the island of blood set, and it's a bird, so that's close enough to a dinosaur right? But my number 1 model would probably be the Carnosaur model, nothing quite screams (roars): FEAR ME! (if you dare) , like that model, in my opinion. And it's a big theropod a.k.a killing machine with another killing machine untop. What is not to like?
Both, the old is more sleek and looks like it's faster, but the new one is bigger and looks more brutal. But if I had to choose, I would go with the new one, the rider on top is prettier.
I like the rider of the new one better two, but I like the carnosaur of the old one better. The head on the old one looks better in my opinion. They are both great models though. Now that Troglodon head is amazing.
I think it's the snout, on the old, it is more dinosaur-like, while the new one's is more crocodile-like.
My favorite model from the Lizardmen is probably the old saurus scar-veteran on foot! Overally from GW is one from WH40K though, High Marshal Hellbrecht of the Black Templars. Awesome model.
From the lizardmen range: Troglodon, because it looks very close to the dinosaur Spinosaurus its based on. Overall favorite model: Plastic Black Dragon from Dark Elf range. It's just simply bad*** looking with an awesome pose!