Afternoon! I'm working on finishing my lizardmen army for 9th age, and I've run into a snag. I've seen a lot of people mention that aquarium decoration is a great way to get plants for bases and display boards. I've been looking through a number of online retailers and everything I find is just too large for what I need. I was hoping to find some pieces that I could use in dynamic bases for my monsters, and then just some basic tiny plants that I could put with Kroxigors, Salamanders, etc. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any online stores or chains that I could check out to find this. Appreciate any help you guys could give, thanks!
Check out Michel's and Hobby Lobby. they have a lot of plastic plants of the correct size.
Jtt do some nice little flowers. I used some with my last kroxigors:
Also try a hobby craft of flower shop and go down the fake flower isle. There can be some great plants there with title leaves etc.
Don't so much as look at the whole plant, but rather if parts of it would look like something appropriate for 28mm scale.
For my plants I use house decoration plastic plants, removed them from the basic structure. That gives me about a kroxigor´s height in plant, and if I want it smaller I just clip it down to height with the cutters. It works for me and is pretty cheap
I do it the same way! Sometimes I go into stores and search broken or damaged pieces and buy them for half price or even less...
Michael's, Hobby Lobby, AC Moore and other craft stores are a very cheap option. Definitely look into getting some of the moss they have along with some small jungle-looking plants, and some cheap sand that you can always paint to look like dirt or mud. Kind of wish I lived next to an actual beach so I could have gotten sand for free though. Speaking of getting stuff for free, one thing my brother and I did when we were younger was to go through hobby aisles where they had the fake flower and plant bins and scrounge up whatever little pieces of leafy refuse was at the bottom of the shelves. The cashiers let us take the extra stuff for free because it would have just been thrown out by the store clerks anyway. We were able to get a lot of great stuff that way... In the grim cheapness of Lustria there is only war!
Low cost basing plants Download picture of jungle foliage from internet i.e. Look for VECTORS, just google Jungle Foliage Vector download and print it in desired size. The take Transparent Tape and cover all leafs with it. With small hobby knife cut them. Add some paint To make them look awesome The other way to get low cost "plants" is to gather some stuff around you: - grass - can be make from old brushes, specially desert grass - leafs - gather some seeds from birch tree - small roots can by used as bushes - real plants but remember to cover them with hair spray it will prevent them from damage I hope this helps a bit To buy - better Do It Yourself... PS. Maybe I will do some tutorials, hmm...