AoS 104 wound temple guard list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by dwarfepic, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    if you are looking for an offensive build, it is not here.

    anyway, 104 wounds of seraphon.

    lord kroak 10
    eternity warden 7
    astrolith 6
    astrolith 6
    10 temple guard
    10 temple guard
    10 temple guard
    10 chameleon skinks
    3 ripper riders
    bastilidon with beam 8
    bastilidon with beam 8
    engine of the gods 10


    so, this army has two star hosts, the eternal, and the thuderquake. in my head both are defensive ,as one has temple guard("nuf sed") and the other regens wounds. "oh look, sir, we only have to put one more wound on that bastilidon to kill it!" bastilidon gains three wounds. "dammit!" the ripper riders are mainly there for the formation, but, a blot toad can form a no go area where rippers rule. and hopefully you know of temple guards defensive power. two plus re rollable save! yes please! two astroliths mean kroak gets plus two to casting and re rolls to hit for temple guard and maybe rippers( engage troll face ) if the guard don't move, then then an eternity star host will maen you have thirty models all with three attacks on 3+/3+/-1/d3 meaning ninety attacks doing d3 damage a piece. total laughter, sorry, slaughter... bastilidons... these hit like a ton of bricks, but don't move if hit by one! really, they don't. as for EoTG, I call them engine of mortal wounds... you can only guess what that means... especialy with kroak to help out with re rolls and an extra dice:)

    so, hope you approve of his list, atnd if you can improve, please tell me!:spiderman::stig::blackalien::droid::greyalien:
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I have some criticisms and notes.

    First note, how do the Guard get a rerollable Save?
    Secondly, Rippers are glass cannons, they don't really work as well for a defense army. Would Terradons, who are able to shoot over the Guard from behind the front line, not be a better choice?
    Third, are two Astroliths not a waste of 7 Wounds? 7 Wounds is expensive for what's only a +1 to your casting, is largely unneeded, and honestly there are other units that can give that buff for fewer Wounds and will have more diverse skills to bring more adaptability to the table, like the Starseer.
    Fourth, you need either Salamanders, Razordons, or Kroxigors for the Thunderquake Starhost. You have none.
    Lastly, are two Bastiladons needed? Yeah they're impossible to kill, but one will be just as immortal. You're lacking a lot of necessary roles, such as Line Breakers. It's why I use a Stegadon and Bastiladon instead of two Bastiladons, the Steggie's massive Rend gives it a level of armour piercing that I lack with just a Basi.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Sorry about the misunderstanding on the guard, I didn't read the warsroll properly.

    As for your other questions, there are still 21 wounds for improvement. Most people apparently play 125 wounds and so there is space for a stegadon, a skink priest and salamanders or razordons. Personaly I don't think the skink priest is needed as lord kroak can safely gain re rolls through insights.

    Onto the double astrolith. If you imagine your guard spread out across the board, and you have kroak in the middle of your deployment, then the two astrolith are on either side of him, exactly 10 inches away, from him, then all the guard will get benefits from the astrolith. I just think two is the neccicary number to cover the 6 ft boards I am used to playing on. I run the same sort of build using my stormcast, with two lord castellant providing buffs to the liberator shield wall. In 40k I run the same set up but I'm not gonna go into that. I think that a ripper blot toad can cordon of an area if rippers are within 24 inches if it due to thier supreme movement. In age of sigmar your army needs a unit of fast, mobile strikers to capture objectives and so on. The rippers can tear a unit to shreds without batting an eyelid. You may think the blo toad is not mobile, that is because it dosent have to be. Put it in a good spot to begin with and you don't need it to move for the rest of the game.

    And as for the bastilidons, one is hard to kill mean while two is a feat of legend. The lack of line breakers can be fixed by the addition af kroxigor or salamanders, and by rippers. While having no rend, they can force your opponent to take saves and take saves until they are broken. The steggie may have a huge rend, but what if a dwarf shoves a cannon ball in its face. It slows down and loses rend. Then, another cannonball, even less rend. For my line breaker, a celestant prime will suffice. The only reason I didn't put one in is that it is not a lizard, and more and angel. Of sigmar.

    I hope this has fixed and questions, queries, or qubbles over the thread, and that you enjoy this list.
  4. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    The Skink priest is very much needed, provided he has priestly trappings. Maybe even two just to be safe. He let's you re-roll all failed run, charge, and save rolls within 8" of him, which is insane. With him on the board the Guard will not die. Kroak's potential three re-roll's is nothing compared to the Skink priests unlimited re-rolls. I'd argue the Priest with trappings is the most defensive model in the army.

    P.S: I don't know how competitive a player you are; but in a game amongst friends the Eternal Starhost is so vastly powerful that I'd recommend taking the models, but ignoring the battalion bonuses on the basis the models just don't need them and are already powerful enough.
  5. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    The rerolls aren't why you take the Starseer. You take the Starseer for Curse of Fates, it's simple but is by far the most diversely usable spell in the game and has a ridiculous amount of uses from helping pass Saves to improving casting to improving how many Mortal Wounds a unit causes to increasing run and charge distances to increasing the number of hits or wounds to giving even more control over the Engine of the Gods. And it's an incredibly cheap spell to cast, it's by far one of the best spells in the game for its sheer utility.

    Is having your Guard spread out a good idea? Realistically they should all be within 5" of the Eternity Warden to get all his buffs in order to maximise their power. Plus would it not be a good idea to keep your formations tight to protect your squishy heroes better? It's fine with Stormcast because they're the Staline Army, squishy they are not. Seriously I had two Stormcast heroes fight Archaon and win (granted people were shooting into combat, but they still had to survive his attacks.) You don't need extra range for your Proud Defiance because if they're too far away to all benefit from one, they're too spread out.

    The Rippers' explanation is great.

    Kroxigor and Rippers would fail as Line Breakers, my lines have repelled both easily regardless of how many attacks they've made. You need either high Mortal Wounds or high Rend. The Salamanders are great, but only make a few attacks and aren't reliable on their own. As for a Dwarf cannon, you have Kroak, dude! Comet's Call on those crew and the cannon won't be able to fire. Not to mention the fact that cannons in AoS are more geared towards taking down infantry because of those bonuses against units with at least 10 or 20 models. As for the Prime, he's not a very good Line Breaker. I mean he's badass, yesterday I played a game with him where I got him to 12 attacks and he just became this walking vortex of carnage that killed anything it wanted. But because it has an insentive to only bring it on at the last second, it loses out. Line Breakers have to deal with the front line, after all. They're the first real fight. The Prime is kind of its own unique role in that it's designed for counter-attacking and turning a losing game into a winning game. Meanwhile, what benefit is there to two Bastiladons really? They're both infinitely unkillable already.

    Oh and don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking you or anything. I just like discussing strategy.
  6. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. I may have rushed this list together, and the second basi might not not be necessary, but I think squashing your guard together minimizes board control, a thing vital in aos. Maybe the dwarf cannon was a bad example, but dragons breath or a mortal wound dealer (much like kroak) such as kairos fatewever, can stop that rend before the steggie hits the lines, or even some wizard in cover whose spells kroak can't unbind, and his comet hit that cannon over there, then the steggie may still have rend three, if it's lucky, but rend one or two is more likely. Not saying that the steggie is bad, and your chameleon skinks may have already hit the wiz, but even a unit of dorf irondrakes may reduce that rend seriously. I'm probably making this sound way to situational, and someone is gonna come up with something to disregard it but thisis just what I think. And again two bastilidon may be a bit over.

    On the topic of razordons/ salamanders, I think razordons may fit in this list to shoot at people charging your slaan for example. As for the prime, I drop him when he has eight attacks, so that can kill most things, and reches enemy lines when most other stuff does. Also him dropping a comet in someone's face is fun. But we should not be discussing celestant prime stuff on here, this is not the stormcast forum ( is there one? I am not sure) also you said he was a walking vortex of carnage, can't he fly?

    As for temple guard, can you fit them all into within five inches of the eternity warden?

    Normaly I just don't run line breakers, but move the temple guard forward in a wall and they can't be stopped. Once in combat they can't move and then get the d3 damage and kill on unit and move onto the next. This seems to work for me and I have broke dwarfen and stormcast shield walls alike with it. Not saying temple guard are an offense unit, they are not realy that but can actualy go quite fast with wardrums. They seem to be a ground making unit to push up accross the battlefield, and gain you ground to keep. Not to directly attack.

    My list has many imperfections...:(
  7. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Well yeah the Steggie can get injured, but there are ways to counter this. Killing those dangers before they cause any damage is my MO, but protecting the Steggie from being attacked by using living shields or using the Engine (or spells if you're using the Mount Kronos rules) can heal the Steggie right back up. And even if you are forced to a -2 Rend, that's still powerful.
    Just because something's challenging, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it when the reward is so high.

    Guard rail off 3 attacks each with the Warden plus bites and likely with rerolls from an Astrolith, you already have an attack spam in them. And both Razordons and Salamanders are fragile, making them weak for defense and more oriented for attack. And seeing as how you already have an attack spam, the Razordon's role is fulfilled already. What you lack is High Rend and Mortal Wounds beyond spells. This makes the Sallies ideal for counter-attacking through shooting into combat, or using their speed and power to assassinate powerful enemies that can break through your lines before they reach you. And for the Prime, he requires four turns before he can reach eight attacks, by then you should already be in combat, making him too late to the party. (I dunno about any Stormcast forums, but we're talking about the Prime in the context of a shared army I think so we're cool for the time being.) And "walking vortex of carnage" sounds cooler to me than "flying vortex of carnage."

    Yes you can fit them all in. Remember that you don't need every model to fit in range, you only need to be in range of the unit. So if even one guy is in range, the entire unit gets the buff.

    That strategy works now, but what about when you go up against somebody with as good armour as you and a Line Breaker in reserve? They'll overpower you. Adaptability should be key for every army, you need as many fulfilled roles as possible.

    Yeah it does have imperfections, but that's not bad. That's why we have this forum in the first place, to find feedback and to get information. Nobody has perfect lists.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  8. Hero606v2

    Hero606v2 New Member

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    Personally I presume the 2nd Astrolith is so that Kroak's Celestial Deliverence has an additional 16 inch range to it? 1st turn of 3 Celestial Deliverences on an average of 27 inch radius followed by a Comet Call should immediately cause a world of pain for the opponent.
    One of the recent UK tournaments had a build with 3 Astroliths purely to button bash Kroak.

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