AoS seraphon vs bloodbound

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by dwarfepic, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    So this was my fourth or fifth game and his sixth or seventh. also, my army was considerably outnumbered, but this did play to my advantage...

    Anyway, here are the lists:
    20 blood reavers
    20 blood reavers
    10 blood warriors
    2 khorgoraths
    1 bloodsecrator
    1 bloodstoker
    1 mighty lord of khorne

    15 temple guard
    10 chameleon skinks
    lord kroak
    asrolith bearer

    set up: my army was smaller so I put the majority of it in one corner so that my opponent could not get all of his models attacking at once. he had his force spread across the battle field and would do a serious amount of maneuvering to get everything at me. my skinks set up in hiding.

    turn one:
    I went first and the turn followed through like this. lord kroak used his ability to get two insights and the used one of them casting comets call, inflicting three wounds on the bloodsecrator. he then give mystic shield to the temple guard and rolls poorly on celestial deliverance( out of range). next the skinks pop up and shoot at the bloodsecrator, killing him before that portal of skulls can be opened. turn one objective complete! bastilidon only roll two shots so I use an insight, making it four. three shots miss and the only hit fails to wound. still that things gonna stay around for a while so it will get lots more chances to kill. end my turn one. on his turn my opponent uses lord of khornes hero thing, and whips one unit of blood reavers with the bloodstoker. he then moves at my skinks, charges and kills all of them! my rolling was poor. end of turn

    turn two: I win the roll of and so use kroaks ability to get two insights and then cast comets call nocking of two wounds from the lord. next is a failed mystic shield, then celestial deliverance killing one reaver. a second celestial deliverance kills two more reavers. then I kill two blood warriors with the basi. I then begin to plan for next turn. my opponent ,on his turn, uses all his ability's and runs straight at my army. the temple guard roar at them and do not flinch. end of turn

    turn three: again, I win this roll of and take initiative. I start by gaining a single insight from kroak , which is then used in casting celestial deliverance. wow, does that spell hurt. three wonds on lord of khorne, one dead blood warrior, three dead reavers, two wounds on a khorgorath. ouch. then a second casting of it kills another blood warrior, one more reaver and drops the lord of khorne down to his last wound, which is then knocked off by a comets call. ouch. mystic shield on temple guard. skinks the pop up and kill another blood warrior, then yet another three are killed by the bastilidon. very few of the blood gods chosen remain... on the turn of khorne I get a little worried by the vast number of models charging at me. he does not do his khorne lord ability... the lord is dead, and he whips the reavers and the khorgoraths. them he moves in my direction, does not shoot( he is khorne though) and then charges. after this things got complicated... in short the blood warriors went, as the temple guard ripped them apart, and I put the rest of my attacks on the khorgorath.he then kills two guard, and my basi kills a khorgorath. then the rest of his hits nock of two of lord kroak( who ends up fine) and kill another guard. the line holds. end of turn

    turn four: he finally goes first and it hurts. a lot. he whips the khorgoraths and then does nothing with their ranged attack. then in combat a unit of reavers is wiped out, and I lose four more guard. the basi drops khorgorath down to half wounds and the lose two in return. in my turn kroak croak casts celestial deliverance twice (buffed by the astrolith ) and kills the blood stoker, two reavers and drops three wounds of the khorgorath. comets call then kills five reavers, due my double six casting and a mystic shield goes up on the temple guard. kroak is a beast. in combat he decides to attack my astrolith, and almost kills it. one wound left. I wipe the second unit of blood reavers and the basi claims the second khorgorath. yay!

    unfortunately ,the game had to end there as the store we played at had to close. we both shook hands and agreed on a draw. I think that went well :)
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
    Bainbow, Bowser, Kor-Lot-Ko and 2 others like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Sounds like you had him on the ropes.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Got to love the close games! Sounds like a fantastic game!
    dwarfepic likes this.
  4. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I'm legit impressed by your tactics there, lad. Using the corner to your advantage like that was quite clever.
    dwarfepic and Bowser like this.
  5. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Thanks. He kinda did make the mistake of bringing sooo many models ( although I did lend him 20 reavers and a khorgorath) not sure if I could get sudden death though. That has happened to me against forest gobbers, but unfortunatly the temple guard disintegrated there (supprise supprise! ) I wish I had an eternity warden though! Glad there was cover on the corner of the board otherwise my lines may not have held so well!
  6. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah they will disintegrate, Forest Gobbos are terrifying and eat Save armies like it's nothing.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  7. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I have however being doing some reaearch on how to stop this and my answer is wood elves glade lord on forest dragon. His sporific breath will mean that goblins will disintegrate before they can hit you. Also the glade guard can unleashe arcane bodkins for a rend of three for a single round. That could hurt a forest goblin army. Luckily for me no one in my area has three arachniroks. (breaths sigh of relief)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Not yet!
    Bainbow likes this.
  9. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    you make me worried...
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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